hamzasood marked an inline comment as done.
hamzasood added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Tooling/InterpolatingCompilationDatabase.cpp:136
+  // Otherwise just check the clang file name.
+  return llvm::sys::path::stem(CmdLine.front()).endswith_lower("clang-cl");
rnk wrote:
> We support being called "CL.exe", but with our new VS integration, I don't 
> think it matters to check for this case anymore. We may remove it over time.
Should I add the check anyway?

Comment at: lib/Tooling/InterpolatingCompilationDatabase.cpp:140
-    unsigned MissingI, MissingC;
-    auto ArgList = OptTable->ParseArgs(Argv, MissingI, MissingC);
-    for (const auto *Arg : ArgList) {
rnk wrote:
> Can you not keep using ParseArgs? It takes FlagsToInclude and FlagsToExclude, 
> which you can compute outside the loop now.
Good point, I forgot to move the flags out of the loop when moving the 
—driver-mode check.

But I don’t think ParseArgs is suitable (see the other comment response).

Comment at: lib/Tooling/InterpolatingCompilationDatabase.cpp:156-169
+    // Transform the command line to an llvm ArgList.
+    // Make sure that OldArgs lives for at least as long as this variable as 
+    // arg list contains pointers to the OldArgs strings.
+    llvm::opt::InputArgList ArgList;
+    {
+      // Unfortunately InputArgList requires an array of c-strings whereas we
+      // have an array of std::string; we'll need an intermediate vector.
rnk wrote:
> I think the old for loop was nicer. I don't think this code needs to change, 
> you should be able to use ParseArgs with the extra flag args.
The problem with the old loop is that we lose aliasing information (e.g. `/W3` 
becomes `-Wall`). While `ParseOneArg` also performs alias conversion, it gives 
us indices for each individual argument. The last line of the new loop copies 
arguments by using that index information to read from `OldArgs`, which gives 
us the original spelling.


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