klimek added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp:1307
+       (Style.BraceWrapping.BeforeLambdaBody && Current.Next != nullptr &&
+        Current.Next->is(TT_LambdaLSquare)));
   State.Stack.back().IsInsideObjCArrayLiteral =
Wawha wrote:
> klimek wrote:
> > klimek wrote:
> > > I think I misunderstood some of this the first time around (and thanks 
> > > for bearing with me :) - iiuc we want to break for Allman even when 
> > > there's only one nested block. I think I'll need to take another look 
> > > when I'm back from vacation, unless Daniel or somebody else finds time 
> > > before then (will be back in 1.5 weeks)
> > So, HasMultipleNestedBlocks should only be true if there are multiple 
> > nested blocks.
> > What tests break if you remove this change to HasMultipleNestedBlocks?
> All cases with only one lambda in parameter are break. The Lambda body with 
> be put on the same line as the function and aligned with [] instead of 
> putting the body [] on another line with just one simple indentation.
> So if restore the line to :
> ```
> State.Stack.back().HasMultipleNestedBlocks = Current.BlockParameterCount > 1;
> ```
> Here some cases.
> FormatTest.cpp, ligne 11412:
> ```
> // With my modification
> FunctionWithOneParam(
>     []()
>     {
>       // A cool function...
>       return 43;
>     });
> // Without my modification
> FunctionWithOneParam([]()
>                      {
>                        // A cool function...
>                        return 43;
>                      });
> ```
> The "{" block of the lambda will be aligned on the "[" depending of the 
> function name length.
> You have the same case with multiple lambdas (FormatTest.cpp, ligne 11433):
> ```
> // With my modification
> TwoNestedLambdas(
>     []()
>     {
>       return Call(
>           []()
>           {
>             return 17;
>           });
>     });
> // Without my modification
> TwoNestedLambdas([]()
>                  {
>                    return Call([]()
>                                {
>                                  return 17;
>                                });
>                  });
> ```
Do we want to always break before lambdas in Allman style?

  rC Clang


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