sammccall added a comment.

OK, I think this is good to go again.
(A couple of seemingly-unrelated fixes to SymbolOccurrenceKind that I ran into 
in tests)

Comment at: clangd/index/FileIndex.h:47
+  // The shared_ptr keeps the symbols alive.
+  std::shared_ptr<SymbolIndex> buildMemIndex();
ioeric wrote:
> kbobyrev wrote:
> > sammccall wrote:
> > > ioeric wrote:
> > > > Maybe avoid hardcoding the index name, so that we could potentially 
> > > > switch to use a different index implementation?
> > > > 
> > > > We might also want to allow user to specify different index 
> > > > implementations for file index e.g. main file dynamic index might 
> > > > prefer MemIndex while Dex might be a better choice for the preamble 
> > > > index. 
> > > I don't think "returns an index of unspecified implementation" is the 
> > > best contract. MemIndex and DexIndex will both continue to exist, and 
> > > they have different performance characteristics (roughly fast build vs 
> > > fast query). So it should be up to the caller, no?
> > We could make the index type a template parameter to allow users decide 
> > which one they want (also, this could be have a default value, e.g. 
> > `MemIndex` and later `DexIndex`). Would that be a viable solution?
> Provide one interface for each index implementation sounds good to me. Thanks 
> for the clarification!
I'm not really sure what problem templates solve there?
If a caller wants a Dex index, we can just add a `buildDexIndex()` function.
Templating and requiring these to always have the same constructor parameters 
seems fragile and unneccesary unless the dependency from FileIndex->Dex is 
really bad for some reason.

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