stephanemoore updated this revision to Diff 164583.
stephanemoore added a comment.

Sorted forward declared classes in `objc-property-declaration.m`.

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra


Index: test/clang-tidy/objc-property-declaration.m
--- test/clang-tidy/objc-property-declaration.m
+++ test/clang-tidy/objc-property-declaration.m
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
 // RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s objc-property-declaration %t
+@class CIColor;
+@class NSArray;
 @class NSData;
 @class NSString;
 @class UIViewController;
+typedef void *CGColorRef;
 @interface Foo
 @property(assign, nonatomic) int NotCamelCase;
 // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:34: warning: property name 'NotCamelCase' not using lowerCamelCase style or not prefixed in a category, according to the Apple Coding Guidelines [objc-property-declaration]
@@ -23,6 +27,9 @@
 @property(assign, nonatomic) int enableGLAcceleration;
 @property(assign, nonatomic) int ID;
 @property(assign, nonatomic) int hasADog;
+@property(nonatomic, readonly) CGColorRef CGColor;
+@property(nonatomic, readonly) CIColor *CIColor;
+@property(nonatomic, copy) NSArray *IDs;
 @interface Foo (Bar)
Index: test/clang-tidy/objc-property-declaration-custom.m
--- test/clang-tidy/objc-property-declaration-custom.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s objc-property-declaration %t \
-// RUN: -config='{CheckOptions: \
-// RUN:  [{key: objc-property-declaration.Acronyms, value: "ABC;TGIF"}, \
-// RUN:   {key: objc-property-declaration.IncludeDefaultAcronyms, value: 0}]}' \
-// RUN: --
-@class NSString;
-@interface Foo
-@property(assign, nonatomic) int AbcNotRealPrefix;
-// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:34: warning: property name 'AbcNotRealPrefix' not using lowerCamelCase style or not prefixed in a category, according to the Apple Coding Guidelines [objc-property-declaration]
-// CHECK-FIXES: @property(assign, nonatomic) int abcNotRealPrefix;
-@property(assign, nonatomic) int ABCCustomPrefix;
-@property(strong, nonatomic) NSString *ABC_custom_prefix;
-// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:40: warning: property name 'ABC_custom_prefix' not using lowerCamelCase style or not prefixed in a category, according to the Apple Coding Guidelines [objc-property-declaration]
-@property(assign, nonatomic) int GIFIgnoreStandardAcronym;
-// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:34: warning: property name 'GIFIgnoreStandardAcronym' not using lowerCamelCase style or not prefixed in a category, according to the Apple Coding Guidelines [objc-property-declaration]
-@property(strong, nonatomic) NSString *TGIF;
Index: test/clang-tidy/objc-property-declaration-additional.m
--- test/clang-tidy/objc-property-declaration-additional.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s objc-property-declaration %t \
-// RUN: -config='{CheckOptions: \
-// RUN:  [{key: objc-property-declaration.Acronyms, value: "ABC;TGIF"}]}' \
-// RUN: --
-@class NSString;
-@interface Foo
-@property(assign, nonatomic) int AbcNotRealPrefix;
-// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:34: warning: property name 'AbcNotRealPrefix' not using lowerCamelCase style or not prefixed in a category, according to the Apple Coding Guidelines [objc-property-declaration]
-// CHECK-FIXES: @property(assign, nonatomic) int abcNotRealPrefix;
-@property(assign, nonatomic) int ABCCustomPrefix;
-@property(strong, nonatomic) NSString *ABC_custom_prefix;
-// CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:40: warning: property name 'ABC_custom_prefix' not using lowerCamelCase style or not prefixed in a category, according to the Apple Coding Guidelines [objc-property-declaration]
-@property(assign, nonatomic) int GIFShouldIncludeStandardAcronym;
Index: clang-tidy/objc/PropertyDeclarationCheck.cpp
--- clang-tidy/objc/PropertyDeclarationCheck.cpp
+++ clang-tidy/objc/PropertyDeclarationCheck.cpp
@@ -34,91 +34,6 @@
   CategoryProperty = 2,
-/// The acronyms are aggregated from multiple sources including
-/// Keep this list sorted.
-constexpr llvm::StringLiteral DefaultSpecialAcronyms[] = {
-    "[2-9]G",
-    "ACL",
-    "API",
-    "AR",
-    "ARGB",
-    "ASCII",
-    "AV",
-    "BGRA",
-    "CA",
-    "CF",
-    "CG",
-    "CI",
-    "CRC",
-    "CV",
-    "CMYK",
-    "DNS",
-    "FPS",
-    "FTP",
-    "GIF",
-    "GL",
-    "GPS",
-    "GUID",
-    "HD",
-    "HDR",
-    "HMAC",
-    "HTML",
-    "HTTP",
-    "HTTPS",
-    "HUD",
-    "ID",
-    "JPG",
-    "JS",
-    "LAN",
-    "LZW",
-    "MAC",
-    "MD",
-    "MDNS",
-    "MIDI",
-    "NS",
-    "OS",
-    "PDF",
-    "PIN",
-    "PNG",
-    "POI",
-    "PSTN",
-    "PTR",
-    "QA",
-    "QOS",
-    "RGB",
-    "RGBA",
-    "RGBX",
-    "RIPEMD",
-    "ROM",
-    "RPC",
-    "RTF",
-    "RTL",
-    "SC",
-    "SDK",
-    "SHA",
-    "SQL",
-    "SSO",
-    "TCP",
-    "TIFF",
-    "TTS",
-    "UI",
-    "URI",
-    "URL",
-    "UUID",
-    "VC",
-    "VOIP",
-    "VPN",
-    "VR",
-    "W",
-    "WAN",
-    "X",
-    "XML",
-    "Y",
-    "Z",
 /// For now we will only fix 'CamelCase' or 'abc_CamelCase' property to
 /// 'camelCase' or 'abc_camelCase'. For other cases the users need to
 /// come up with a proper name by their own.
@@ -142,43 +57,39 @@
   return FixItHint();
-std::string AcronymsGroupRegex(llvm::ArrayRef<std::string> EscapedAcronyms) {
-  return "(" +
-         llvm::join(EscapedAcronyms.begin(), EscapedAcronyms.end(), "s?|") +
-         "s?)";
-std::string validPropertyNameRegex(llvm::ArrayRef<std::string> EscapedAcronyms,
-                                   bool UsedInMatcher) {
+std::string validPropertyNameRegex(bool UsedInMatcher) {
   // Allow any of these names:
   // foo
   // fooBar
   // url
   // urlString
+  // ID
+  // IDs
   // URL
   // URLString
   // bundleID
+  // CIColor
+  //
+  // Disallow names of this form:
+  // LongString
   std::string StartMatcher = UsedInMatcher ? "::" : "^";
-  std::string AcronymsMatcher = AcronymsGroupRegex(EscapedAcronyms);
-  return StartMatcher + "(" + AcronymsMatcher + "[A-Z]?)?[a-z]+[a-z0-9]*(" +
-         AcronymsMatcher + "|([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)|A|I)*$";
+  return StartMatcher + "([a-z]|[A-Z][A-Z0-9])[a-z0-9A-Z]*$";
 bool hasCategoryPropertyPrefix(llvm::StringRef PropertyName) {
   auto RegexExp = llvm::Regex("^[a-zA-Z]+_[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$");
   return RegexExp.match(PropertyName);
-bool prefixedPropertyNameValid(llvm::StringRef PropertyName,
-                               llvm::ArrayRef<std::string> Acronyms) {
+bool prefixedPropertyNameValid(llvm::StringRef PropertyName) {
   size_t Start = PropertyName.find_first_of('_');
   assert(Start != llvm::StringRef::npos && Start + 1 < PropertyName.size());
   auto Prefix = PropertyName.substr(0, Start);
   if (Prefix.lower() != Prefix) {
     return false;
   auto RegexExp =
-      llvm::Regex(llvm::StringRef(validPropertyNameRegex(Acronyms, false)));
+      llvm::Regex(llvm::StringRef(validPropertyNameRegex(false)));
   return RegexExp.match(PropertyName.substr(Start + 1));
 }  // namespace
@@ -196,26 +107,12 @@
   if (!getLangOpts().ObjC1 && !getLangOpts().ObjC2) {
-  if (IncludeDefaultAcronyms) {
-    EscapedAcronyms.reserve(llvm::array_lengthof(DefaultSpecialAcronyms) +
-                            SpecialAcronyms.size());
-    // No need to regex-escape the default acronyms.
-    EscapedAcronyms.insert(EscapedAcronyms.end(),
-                           std::begin(DefaultSpecialAcronyms),
-                           std::end(DefaultSpecialAcronyms));
-  } else {
-    EscapedAcronyms.reserve(SpecialAcronyms.size());
-  }
-  // In case someone defines a prefix which includes a regex
-  // special character, regex-escape all the user-defined prefixes.
-  std::transform(SpecialAcronyms.begin(), SpecialAcronyms.end(),
-                 std::back_inserter(EscapedAcronyms),
-                 [](const std::string &s) { return llvm::Regex::escape(s); });
           // the property name should be in Lower Camel Case like
           // 'lowerCamelCase'
-          unless(matchesName(validPropertyNameRegex(EscapedAcronyms, true))))
+          unless(matchesName(validPropertyNameRegex(true))))
@@ -227,14 +124,9 @@
   auto *DeclContext = MatchedDecl->getDeclContext();
   auto *CategoryDecl = llvm::dyn_cast<ObjCCategoryDecl>(DeclContext);
-  auto AcronymsRegex =
-      llvm::Regex("^" + AcronymsGroupRegex(EscapedAcronyms) + "$");
-  if (AcronymsRegex.match(MatchedDecl->getName())) {
-    return;
-  }
   if (CategoryDecl != nullptr &&
       hasCategoryPropertyPrefix(MatchedDecl->getName())) {
-    if (!prefixedPropertyNameValid(MatchedDecl->getName(), EscapedAcronyms) ||
+    if (!prefixedPropertyNameValid(MatchedDecl->getName()) ||
         CategoryDecl->IsClassExtension()) {
       NamingStyle Style = CategoryDecl->IsClassExtension() ? StandardProperty
                                                            : CategoryProperty;
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