ilya-biryukov added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/benchmarks/IndexBenchmark.cpp:21
+using clang::clangd::loadIndex;
+using clang::clangd::SymbolIndex;
We don't need the usings, just shorten the name on usage sites (usages are 
inside namespace clangd)

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/benchmarks/IndexBenchmark.cpp:39
-// This function processes user-provided Log file with fuzzy find requests in
-// the following format:
-// fuzzyFind("UnqualifiedName", scopes=["clang::", "clang::clangd::"])
-// It constructs vector of FuzzyFindRequests which is later used for the
-// benchmarks.
-std::vector<clang::clangd::FuzzyFindRequest> extractQueriesFromLogs() {
-  llvm::Regex RequestMatcher("fuzzyFind\\(\"([a-zA-Z]*)\", scopes=\\[(.*)\\]");
-  llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, 200> Matches;
-  std::ifstream InputStream(LogFilename);
+// Reads '\n'-separated FuzzyFindRequest JSON representations from 
+// file.
Maybe read a JSON array from the file instead?
I.e. one would have to write `[{/*request1*/}, {/*request2*/}, ..]` instead of 
putting a request per line

Pros: we get valid json, can have prettified forms too.
Cons: might be a bit harder to construct the json array. But don't think it's a 
big deal.

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