kadircet added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D51747#1233401, @sammccall wrote:

> In https://reviews.llvm.org/D51747#1233377, @kadircet wrote:
> > In https://reviews.llvm.org/D51747#1233371, @sammccall wrote:
> >
> > > Sorry for all the back and forth on this patch, but I have to ask... 
> > > what's up with switching to lit tests?
> > >
> > > We've mostly started avoiding these as they're hard to maintain and debug 
> > > (not to mention write... crazy sed tricks!)
> > >
> > > They're mostly used in places where we need to test specifically the 
> > > protocol (smoke testing features, startup/shutdown, protocol edge 
> > > cases...)
> >
> >
> > Sorry my bad actually forgot to mention. We set additional flags in 
> > ClangdServer::getCompileCommand and it is not used on the path of TestTU 
> > actually, instead it creates its own command line flags and uses them to 
> > invoke the compiler. So I changed to lit tests to make sure it gets invoked 
> > through getCompileCommand
> Ah, that's unfortunate :-(
>  Sorry to be a pain, but can these be in ClangdTests instead? (Should really 
> be called ClangdServerTests). It's not as nice as TestTU, but...

Np, not planning to land it before we figure out the issue with vim can't 
handling lots of diagnostics anyway.

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra


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