aaronpuchert planned changes to this revision.
aaronpuchert added a comment.

Thanks to both of you for the reviews. I'll see what I can do about the arrows. 
My gut feeling is that using `{Member,ObjCIVarRef}Expr::isArrow` is the right 
way, but it's not yet obvious to me how.

Comment at: include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/ThreadSafetyCommon.h:400
   til::SExpr *translateMemberExpr(const MemberExpr *ME, CallingContext *Ctx);
+  til::SExpr *translateObjCIVarRefExpr(const ObjCIvarRefExpr *ME,
+                                       CallingContext *Ctx);
aaron.ballman wrote:
> `ME` is kind of a poor name; can you switch to `IVRE` like you used in the 
> implementation?
Of course, that's a copy-and-paste error.

Comment at: lib/Analysis/ThreadSafetyCommon.cpp:362
+  til::Project *P = new (Arena) til::Project(E, D);
+  if (hasCppPointerType(BE))
+    P->setArrow(true);
rjmccall wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > I feel like this will always return false. However, I wonder if 
> > `IVRE->getBase()->isArrow()` is more appropriate here?
> The base of an `ObjCIvarRefExpr` will never directly be a C pointer type.  I 
> don't know whether this data structure looks through casts, but it's 
> certainly *possible* to cast arbitrarily weird C stuff to ObjC pointer type.  
> On the other hand, by and large nobody actually ever does that, so I wouldn't 
> make a special case for it here.
> `ObjCIvarRefExpr` just has an `isArrow()` method directly if this is just 
> supposed to be capturing the difference between `.` and `->`.  But then, so 
> does `MemberExpr`, and in that case you're doing this odd analysis of the 
> base instead of trusting `isArrow()`, so I don't know what to tell you to do.
> Overall it is appropriate to treat an ObjC ivar reference as a perfectly 
> ordinary projection.  The only thing that's special about it is that the 
> actual offset isn't necessarily statically known, but ivars still behave as 
> if they're all independently declared, so I wouldn't worry about it.
I had wondered about this as well, but when I changed `hasCppPointerType(BE)` 
to `ME->isArrow()` in the `MemberExpr` case, I got some test failures. For 

struct Foo {
  int a __attribute__((guarded_by(mu)));
  Mutex mu;

void f() {
  Foo foo;
  foo.a = 5; // \
    // expected-warning{{writing variable 'a' requires holding mutex 'foo.mu' 

Instead we warn `writing variable 'a' requires holding mutex 'foo->mu' 
exclusively`. That's not right.

The expression (`ME`) we are processing is `mu` from the attribute on `a`, 
which the compiler sees as `this->mu`. So we get `ME->isArrow() == true` and 
`ME->getBase()` is a `CXXThisExpr`.

Basically the `translate*` functions do a substitution. They try to derive 
`foo.mu` from `this->mu` on the `a` member and the expression `foo.a`. The 
annotation `this->mu` is the expression we get as parameter, and `foo.a` is 
encoded in the `CallingContext`.

The information whether `foo.a` is an arrow (it isn't) seems to be in the 
`CallingContext`'s `SelfArrow` member.

  rC Clang


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