aganea added a comment.

In, @hans wrote:

> Thanks for adding the Ninja numbers. It confirms that Ninja is significantly 
> faster than MSBuild + /MP.

It is true for the 6-cores Xeon, but not for the dual-18-cores. I think there 
are two issues there, somehow unrelated to /MP: 1. Invoking the child clang-cl 
-cc1 for **each** cpp file makes things much slower. I’ve clocked the 
invocation at about 60-100ms (which is caused mainly by loading dlls & 
registery accesses). Most likely Reid’s change about delay loading dlls should 
improve that. 2. The other issue is, I think, the process context switching at 
the OS-level. This link: 
- shows that multi-threading is significantly faster on a Linux machine, as far 
as high cores count goes (when compared with the same test ran on the same 
machine under Windows 10).

> Since that's the case, maybe we should be poking MS about making MSBuild 
> faster instead of adding /MP support to Clang? Or making it easier to use 
> Ninja in VS projects? Your patch says RFC after all :-)

Sad for Microsoft, but at this point it is a _design_ change MSBuild needs. And 
as a PM I would rather invest in bindings to better build systems (Ninja, 
Fastbuild). However I expect there are still users of MSBuild out there, and 
without /MP this means essentially that migrating to clang-cl requires also 
changing their build system and their VS2017 integration with the said build 

  rC Clang

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