riccibruno added a comment.

Addressed some inline comments.

Comment at: include/clang/AST/DeclarationName.h:46
-/// DeclarationName - The name of a declaration. In the common case,
-/// this just stores an IdentifierInfo pointer to a normal
-/// name. However, it also provides encodings for Objective-C
-/// selectors (optimizing zero- and one-argument selectors, which make
-/// up 78% percent of all selectors in Cocoa.h) and special C++ names
-/// for constructors, destructors, and conversion functions.
+namespace detail {
rjmccall wrote:
> Should `DeclarationNameExtra` be moved here?  I'm not sure why it's in 
> `IdentifierTable.h` in the first place, and your refactor seems to make that 
> even more pointless.
`DeclarationNameExtra` is unfortunately needed by `MultiKeywordSelector`
in `IdentifierInfo.cpp`.

Comment at: include/clang/AST/DeclarationName.h:164
+    CXXUsingDirective = 10,
+    ObjCMultiArgSelector = 11
+  };
rjmccall wrote:
> Is the criterion for inclusion in the first seven really just frequency of 
> use, or is it a combination of that and relative benefit?
> The only one I would really quibble about is that multi-argument selectors 
> are probably more common and important to Objective-C code than conversion 
> operators are to C++.  But it's quite possible that the relative benefit is 
> much higher for C++, since selectors only appear on specific kinds of 
> declarations that know they're declared with selectors — relatively little 
> code actually needs to be polymorphic about them — and since they have to be 
> defined out-of-line.
I did not do an in-depth analysis regarding the selection of the first seven 
inline kinds.
My thought process was that C++ constructors and operator names should 
definitely be
inline. C++ destructors seemed much more frequent than c++ literal operators and
deduction guides. This leaves one slot available and since C++ conversion 
share the same class `CXXSpecialName` including it as an inline kind simplifies 
the code.

Also a practical point is that I don't really have a representative sample of 
ObjC code
to benchmark this. For C++ I am using all of Boost which I hope is 
enough. If you deem it necessary I will try to do some benchmarks with
`ObjCMultiArgSelector` stored inline.

  rC Clang


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