sammccall marked 2 inline comments as done.
sammccall added a comment.

Though logs looked good, actual profiles and straces shows we're still 
stat()ing every file in listed directories. is the 
culprit, will make a new patch to fix that.

Comment at: lib/Basic/AvoidStatsVFS.cpp:44
+class StatLessFS : public ProxyFileSystem {
ioeric wrote:
> `LessStatFS` sounds more accurate lol
Haha, renamed to AvoidStatsVFS to match the filename.
(Happy if you prefer another name but they should be consistent I think)

Comment at: lib/Basic/AvoidStatsVFS.cpp:186
+  //   - NormPath is a directory whose children can't be listed
+  bool populateCacheForDir(StringRef NormPath) {
+    // First, just see if we have any work to do.
ioeric wrote:
> Is there any overhead for reading all parent directories, e.g. when 
> directories are large? Or would they be read anyway somewhere else?
There are typically fewer ancestors than children, so this is not too bad.
That said, for `/a/long/path/that/doesnt/fork/file.{cc,h}` this is suboptimal.

Tweaked the threshold logic so it properly "cascades": if you access both 
`file.h` and `` then it'll read `.../fork/` but not the parent directory 
yet. (See the new logic around `AllowIO`)

  rC Clang

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