JonasToth added a comment.

Thanks for working on this!

Related as well:
I think its wort a alias is hicpp as well

Please add tests that use user-defined literals and ensure there are no 
collision and that they are not diagnosed. Some examples:

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:26
+struct IntegerLiteral {
+  using ClangType = clang::IntegerLiteral;
+  static constexpr llvm::StringLiteral Name = llvm::StringLiteral("integer");
maybe `ClangType` is not a good name, how about just `type` to be consistent 
with e.g. std::vector convention.
The use-case in your template makes it clear, that we are talking about 

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:33
+constexpr llvm::StringLiteral IntegerLiteral::Name;
+constexpr llvm::StringLiteral IntegerLiteral::SkipFirst;
why are these declarations necessary?

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:42
+  // What should be skipped before looking for the Suffixes?
+  // Hexadecimal floating-point literals: skip until exponent first.
+  static constexpr llvm::StringLiteral SkipFirst = llvm::StringLiteral("pP");
The second line of the comment is slightly confusing, please make a full 
sentence out of it.

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:52
+AST_MATCHER(clang::IntegerLiteral, intHasSuffix) {
+  const auto *T = dyn_cast<BuiltinType>(Node.getType().getTypePtr());
+  if (!T)
as it hit me in my check: what about `(1)ul`? Is this syntactically correct and 
should be diagnosed too? (Please add tests if so).

In this case it should be `Note.getType().IgnoreParens().getTypePtr())`.

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:53
+  const auto *T = dyn_cast<BuiltinType>(Node.getType().getTypePtr());
+  if (!T)
+    return false;
Maybe the if could init `T`? It would require a second `return false;` if i am 
not mistaken, but looks more regular to me. No strong opinion from my side.

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:69
+AST_MATCHER(clang::FloatingLiteral, fpHasSuffix) {
+  const auto *T = dyn_cast<BuiltinType>(Node.getType().getTypePtr());
+  if (!T)
Same comment as above

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:85
+template <typename LiteralType>
These types get really long. Is it possible to put `NewSuffix` into the 
anonymous namespace as well?

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:90
+  NewSuffix S;
GIven that this variable is used mutliple times in a longer function, i feel it 
shuold get a longer, more descriptive name

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:95
+  // Get the whole Integer Literal from the source buffer.
+  const StringRef LiteralSourceText = Lexer::getSourceText(
+      CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(S.Range), SM, getLangOpts());
Please check if the source text could be retrieved, with a final `bool` 
parameter, thats in/out and at least `assert` on that.

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:106
+    Skip = LiteralSourceText.find_first_of(LiteralType::SkipFirst);
+    if (Skip == StringRef::npos) // We could be in non-hexadecimal fp literal.
+      Skip = 0;
please use `flloating-point` instead of `fp` (same in other places)

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:129
+  if (S.OldSuffix == S.NewSuffix)
+    return llvm::None; // The suffix was already fully uppercase.
Could this function return a `Optional<FixitHint>`? That would include the 
range and the relacement-text. I feel that is would simplify the code, 
especially the amount of state that one has to keep track of.

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:135
+void UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck::registerMatchers(MatchFinder *Finder) {
+  Finder->addMatcher(
+      stmt(integerLiteral(intHasSuffix())).bind(IntegerLiteral::Name), this);
I think you can merge this matcher to 

`eachOf` because we want to match all, and not short-circuit.

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:152
+  // Ignore literals that aren't fully written in the source code.
+  if (LiteralLocation.isMacroID() ||
+      Result.SourceManager->isMacroBodyExpansion(LiteralLocation) ||
Wouldn't it make sense to warn for the literals in macros?

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:165
+  diag(LiteralLocation, "%0 literal suffix '%1' is not upper-case")
+      << LiteralType::Name << S.OldSuffix
Lets move this `diag` into the true branch of the if stmt and drop the ´else`.

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/UppercaseLiteralSuffixCheck.cpp:165
+  diag(LiteralLocation, "%0 literal suffix '%1' is not upper-case")
+      << LiteralType::Name << S.OldSuffix
JonasToth wrote:
> Lets move this `diag` into the true branch of the if stmt and drop the ´else`.
I think the warning should point at the suffix, which can be retrieved from the 
replacement range. Then you don't need to include the suffix itself in the 

Comment at: docs/ReleaseNotes.rst:96
+- New alias :doc:`cert-dcl16-c
+  <clang-tidy/checks/cert-dcl16-c>` to 
lebedev.ri wrote:
> Eugene.Zelenko wrote:
> > Please move alias after new checks.
> BTW, is there some tool to actually add this alias? I didn't find it, and had 
> to do it by hand..
So far there is nothing, but would be a nice addition :)

Comment at: docs/clang-tidy/checks/readability-uppercase-literal-suffix.rst:9
+Detects when the integral literal or floating point (decimal or hexadecimal)
+literal has non-uppercase suffix, and suggests to make the suffix uppercase,
+with fix-it.
I feel that the sentence could be improved a bit.

- `literal has *a* non-uppercase`
- `suffix and provides a fix-it-hint with the uppercase suffix.` (i think the 
comma after `suffix` is not necessary)

Comment at: 
+  static_assert(is_same<decltype(v0), const double>::value, "");
+  static_assert(v0 == 1, "");
nit: comparing int to double, same below.

Comment at: 
+template <class T, T v>
+struct integral_constant {
Please remove the TMP duplication and make a extra header for that, that is 
then included by these tests.

Comment at: 
+  static constexpr auto v1 = 0xfp0f;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:30: warning: floating point literal suffix 
'f' is not upper-case [readability-uppercase-literal-suffix]
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES-NEXT: static constexpr auto v1 = 0xfp0f;
you can safely drop the `[readability-..]` part of the warning message. It will 
just make problems if the check should be renamed at some point.

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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