JonasToth added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/ConstValueReturnCheck.cpp:25
+// Finds the location of the relevant "const" token in `Def`.
+llvm::Optional<SourceLocation> findConstToRemove(
ymandel wrote:
> JonasToth wrote:
> > ymandel wrote:
> > > JonasToth wrote:
> > > > s/"const"/`const`
> > > here and throughout.  All comments mention const without quotes.
> > I meant that you use the  \` thingie to mark const :)
> > Its better to mark language constructs in the comments as well for better 
> > clarity whats meant. Comments need to be full sentences and super clear, 
> > otherwise the comment does more harm then helping :)
> > I meant that you use the \` thingie to mark const :)
> Ah. :)  Done now for real.
> > Its better to mark language constructs in the comments as well for better 
> > clarity whats meant. Comments need to be full sentences and super clear, 
> > otherwise the comment does more harm then helping :)
> Is there a specific issue w/ this comment, or are you remarking in general?  
> I've rewritten with the goal or better clarity, but wasn't sure of your 
> intent wrt full sentences.  
The comment is ok with a nit: `... source like when the` (drop the comma)

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/ConstValueReturnCheck.cpp:64
+  // Fix the definition.
+  llvm::Optional<SourceLocation> Loc = findConstToRemove(Def, Result);
ymandel wrote:
> JonasToth wrote:
> > I feel that this comment doesn't add value. Could you please either make it 
> > more expressive or remove it?
> Agreed. I merged the comment below into this one, so one comment describes 
> the rest of the control flow in this block.
Did I tell you the "only one diagnostic in-flight" thing? :D
I told you wrong stuff as you already figured out in the code. Please adjust 
this comment and the additional scope is not necessary too.

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/ConstValueReturnCheck.cpp:79
+       Decl = Decl->getPreviousDecl()) {
+    if (const llvm::Optional<SourceLocation> PrevLoc =
+            findConstToRemove(Decl, Result)) {
ymandel wrote:
> JonasToth wrote:
> > ymandel wrote:
> > > JonasToth wrote:
> > > > The `const` is not common in llvm-code. Please use it only for 
> > > > references and pointers.
> > > > 
> > > > What do you think about emitting a `note` if this transformation can 
> > > > not be done? It is relevant for the user as he might need to do manual 
> > > > fix-up. It would complicate the code as there can only be one(?) 
> > > > diagnostic at the same time (90% sure only tbh).
> > > Not the most elegant, but I don't see any other way to display multiple 
> > > diagnoses. Let me know what you think.
> > What do you want to achieve? I think you just want to append the 
> > `FixItHint` do you?
> > 
> > you can do this with saving the diagnostic object in a variable.
> > 
> > ```
> > auto Diag = diag(Loc, "Warning Message");
> > 
> > // Foo
> > 
> > if (HaveFix)
> >     Diag << FixItHint::CreateRemove();
> > ```
> > 
> > When `Diag` goes out of scope the diagnostic is actually issued, calling 
> > just `diag` produces a temporary that gets immediately destroyed. 
> I was responding to your original suggestion to emit a `note` if the 
> transformation can not be done; I changed the code to allow multiple 
> diagnostics via scoping, but found it less than elegant.
Ok. That multiple diagnostics thing is incorrect, please pretend it was never 
written ;)

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/ConstValueReturnCheck.cpp:93
+        Diagnostics << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(
+            CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(*PrevLoc, *PrevLoc));
+      } else {
ymandel wrote:
> JonasToth wrote:
> > Twice `*PrevLoc`?
> Is there a better alternative? I thought that, since token ranges closed on 
> both ends,  this constructs a SourceRange that spans the single token at 
> PrevLoc.  Instead, I could rework `getConstTokLocations` to return the actual 
> tokens instead, and then create CharSourceRanges from Tok.getLocation(), 
> Tok.getLastLocation().
The Fixits work with sourcelocations, you dont need to get the tokenrange and 
CharSourceRange things. This looks more complicated then necessary to me. Your 
`findConstToRemove` can return a `Optional<SourceRange>` that encloses the 
`const` token. This range can then be used for the FixIts. I think this would 
make the code a bit clearer as well.

Comment at: clang-tidy/readability/ConstValueReturnCheck.cpp:90
+      } else {
+        UnfixabledDeclLocs.push_back(Decl->getInnerLocStart());
+      }
You dont even need to store the location, you can just emit the `diag` here :)

Comment at: clang-tidy/utils/LexerUtils.cpp:34
+std::vector<SourceLocation> getConstTokLocations(
+    CharSourceRange Range, const clang::ASTContext &Context,
You can transform this into `std::vector<SourceRange>` to group the ranges, 
`Token` knows where it ends as well (`Token.getEndLoc()`)

Comment at: clang-tidy/utils/LexerUtils.cpp:41
+  const char *TokenBegin = + LocInfo.second;
+  Lexer RawLexer(SM.getLocForStartOfFile(LocInfo.first), Context.getLangOpts(),
+                 File.begin(), TokenBegin, File.end());
I think this function can be simplified as the manual lexing stuff seems 
Take a look at that uses 
`clang::Lexer` functionality quite a bit to do manual lexing.

You can use the public static methods from `clang::Lexer` to simplify this 

Comment at: test/clang-tidy/readability-const-value-return.cpp:53
+  const Strukt* const p7();
+  // CHECK-FIXES: const Strukt* p7();
ymandel wrote:
> JonasToth wrote:
> > ymandel wrote:
> > > JonasToth wrote:
> > > > Missing warning?
> > > No, but this is subtle, so added a comment.
> > I was searching for it, but i overlooked the definition obviously! Do you 
> > have a test-case where the definition in not part of the translation unit?
> > 
> > One could split the implementation of a class into mutliple .cpp files and 
> > then link them together.
> > For such a case it might be reasonable to not emit the warning for the 
> > declaration as there needs to be a definition in the project somewhere. And 
> > not emitting the warning removes noise from third party libraries that are 
> > just used where only the headers are included.
> Yes, `n14`, below ( line 183). I 
> also added a comment there explaining its purpose.
> Sorry, I don't follow.  Currently, we *don't* warn on declarations unless a) 
> the definition is in the TU and b) something gets in the way of removing the 
> `const`.  So, in the situation you're describing (multiple .cpp files), the 
> declaration will be ignored.  Are you explaining why you *agree* with current 
> behavior or are you suggesting a change?
I agree with the current implementation! After reading it again: it was writing 
while thinking about the issue ;)

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