wzssyqa added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D50850#1250313, @atanasyan wrote:

> In https://reviews.llvm.org/D50850#1250285, @wzssyqa wrote:
> > This is really for Clang. I guess you mean that compiler-rt directory also 
> > need to be patched.
> If you take a look at the previous version of this patch 
> https://reviews.llvm.org/D50850?id=167419, you see that it changed LLVM 
> files. Probably you attached another diff.

You are right. I uploaded the patch for llvm here by mistake.
And soon, I recognized, and then upload the right one.

> As to `compiler-rt` - the Phabricator replace `R6` symbols by the 
> `https://reviews.llvm.org/source/compiler-rt/` links. So my statement was 
> "Could you attach an actual patch brings `R6` support to the Clang driver?".

Comment at: lib/Driver/ToolChains/Linux.cpp:126
       return "mips64-linux-gnu";
-    if (D.getVFS().exists(SysRoot + "/lib/mips64-linux-gnuabi64"))
-      return "mips64-linux-gnuabi64";
+    MipsCpu = (TargetSubArch == llvm::Triple::MipsSubArch_r6) ? "mipsisa64"
+                                                              : "mips64";
wzssyqa wrote:
> atanasyan wrote:
> > Suppose there are both "/lib/mips64-linux-gnu" and 
> > "/lib/mipsisa64-linux-gnuabi64" paths on a disk and provided target triple 
> > is mipsisa64-linux-gnuabi64. Is it good that we return "mips64-linux-gnu" 
> > from this function anyway?
> No, return `mips64-linux-gnu' is not good, I keep it just for to making sure 
> I don't change the behavior of clang with my patch.
> In fact, mips64-linux-gnu in gcc is N32, and Debian never use this triple, we 
> use
>     mips*64*-linux-gnuabin32
> So, on Debian, mips64-linux-gnu should never appear.
mips64-linux-gnu is removed and replaced by  MipsCpu + "-linux-" + Mips64Abi


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