simark marked 7 inline comments as done.
simark added inline comments.

Comment at: clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp:433
sammccall wrote:
> sammccall wrote:
> > This isn't needed, the compilation database can only be set during 
> > initialization.
> It's still here... maybe forgot to upload a new diff?
> (Just to be clear: I meant `reparseOpenFiles` doesn't need to be called, as 
> there are none.)
Oh I have only done the change locally, I have not uploaded a new diff yet.

Comment at: clangd/ClangdLSPServer.h:90
   void reparseOpenedFiles();
+  void applyConfiguration(const ClangdInitializationOptions &Settings);
   void applyConfiguration(const ClangdConfigurationParamsChange &Settings);
sammccall wrote:
> simark wrote:
> > sammccall wrote:
> > > Prefer a different name for this function - an overload set should have 
> > > similar semantics and these are quite different (pseudo-constructor vs 
> > > mutation allowed at any time).
> > Ok, I'll think about a better name.
> (In fact, this could also live directly in `onInitialize`, I think?)
Indeed, since it's things that can only be set during initialization.

Comment at: clangd/Protocol.h:422
+struct ClangdInitializationOptions : public ClangdConfigurationParamsChange {
+  llvm::Optional<std::string> compilationDatabasePath;
sammccall wrote:
> simark wrote:
> > sammccall wrote:
> > > Can we just move this to InitializeParams as a clangd extension?
> > > Doing tricks with inheritance here makes the protocol harder to 
> > > understand.
> > > Can we just move this to InitializeParams as a clangd extension?
> > 
> > Do you mean move it in the JSON, so it looks like this on the wire?
> > 
> > ```
> > {
> >   "method": "initialize",
> >   "params": {
> >     "compilationDatabasePath": "<path>",
> >     ...
> >   }
> > }
> > ```
> > 
> > instead of 
> > 
> > ```
> > {
> >   "method": "initialize",
> >   "params": {
> >     "initializationOptions": {
> >           "compilationDatabasePath": "<path>"
> >     },
> >     ...
> >   }
> > }
> > ```
> > 
> > ?
> > 
> > I think `initializationOptions` is a good place for this to be, I wouldn't 
> > change that..  If you don't like the inheritance, we can just get rid of it 
> > in our code and have two separate versions of the deserializing code.  We 
> > designed it so `didChangeConfiguration` and the initialization options 
> > would share the same structure, but it doesn't have to stay that way.
> > Do you mean move it in the JSON, so it looks like this on the wire?
> Well, since you asked... :-) I'm not going to push hard for it (this patch is 
> certainly a win already), but I do think that would be much clearer.
> The current protocol has `InitializeParams` and 
> `ClangdInitializationOptions`, and it's not clear semantically what the 
> distinction between them is.
> With hindsight, I think something like this would be easier to follow:
> ```
> // Clangd options that may be set at startup.
> struct InitializeParams {
>   // Clangd extension: override the path used to load the CDB.
>   Optional<string> compilationDatabasePath;
>   // Provides initial configuration as if by workspace/updateConfiguration.
>   Optional<ClangdConfigurationParamsChange> initialConfiguration;
> }
> // Clangd options that may be set dynamically at runtime.
> struct ClangdConfigurationParamsChange { ... }
> ```
> though even here, the benefit from being able to inline the initial 
> configuration into the initalize message is unclear to me. The implementation 
> has to support dynamic updates in any case, so why not make use of that?
> > We designed it so didChangeConfiguration and the initialization options 
> > would share the same structure
> This makes sense, but if they're diverging, I'm not sure that keeping them 
> *mostly* the same brings more benefits than confusion.
> ------
> That said, if you prefer to keep the JSON as it is, that's fine. (If we grow 
> more extensions, we may want to reorganize in future though?)
> My main concern is the use of inheritance here, and how it provides a default 
> (configuration-change options can be provided at startup) that doesn't seem 
> obviously correct and is hard to opt out of.
> The current protocol has InitializeParams and ClangdInitializationOptions, 
> and it's not clear semantically what the distinction between them is.

`InitializeParams` is the type for the parameters of the `initialize` request.  
In it, there is this field:

         * User provided initialization options.
        initializationOptions?: any;

which is made to pass such language-server-specific options.  Since it's of the 
`any` type, we gave it a name, `ClangdInitializationOptions`.

> With hindsight, I think something like this would be easier to follow:
> [snippet]

I don't really understand why putting fields as extra fields in 
`InitializeParams` would be any easier than putting them in the object that 
exists specifically for that purpose.

> though even here, the benefit from being able to inline the initial 
> configuration into the initalize message is unclear to me. The implementation 
> has to support dynamic updates in any case, so why not make use of that?

I'd say, to avoid having the server start some work (like indexing some files 
using a certain set of flags) that will be invalidated when it receives some 
config changes moments later.

> This makes sense, but if they're diverging, I'm not sure that keeping them 
> *mostly* the same brings more benefits than confusion.

I think you are exaggerating the confusion.  It is pretty straightforward: 
everything you can change during execution, you can also specify at initialize 

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