sammccall added inline comments.

Comment at: clangd/index/FileIndex.cpp:167
+    }
+    // FIXME: aggregate symbol reference count based on references.
+    for (const auto &Sym : FileSyms.getValue()->Refs) {
This is a good FIXME to carry over to FileSymbols::buildIndex(). It may (or may 
not) make sense to control this behavior with the same param that controls 
merge behavior, the logic being that it's also a quality/accuracy tradeoff.

Comment at: clangd/index/FileIndex.h:49
+/// rename the existing FileSymbols to something else e.g. TUSymbols?
+class SymbolsGroupedByFiles {
`FileSymbols` isn't actually that opinionated about the data it manages:
 - the keys ("filenames") just identify shards so we can tell whether a new 
shard is an addition or replaces an existing one.
 - the values (tu symbols/refs) are merged using pretty generic logic, we don't 
look at the details.

I think we should be able to use `FileSymbols` mostly unmodified, and store 
digests in parallel, probably in `BackgroundIndexer`. Is there a strong reason 
to store "main file" digests separately to header digests?

There are a couple of weak points:
 - The merging makes subtle assumptions: for symbols it picks one copy 
arbitrarily, assuming there are many copies (merging would be expensive) and 
they're mostly interchangeable duplicates. We could add a constructor or 
`buildIndex()` param to FileSymbols to control this, similar to the IndexType 
param. (For refs it assumes no duplicates and simply concatenates, which is 
also fine for our purposes).
 - `FileSymbols` locks internally to be threadsafe while keeping critical 
sections small. To keep digests in sync with FileSymbols contents we probably 
have to lock externally with a second mutex. This is a little ugly but not a 
real problem I think.

Comment at: clangd/index/IndexAction.h:31
+    std::function<void(RefSlab)> RefsCallback,
+    std::function<void(FileDigests)> FileDigestsCallback);
these parallel callbacks that always get called together are a bit ridiculous 
(my fault).
Can you add a FIXME to replace them with a single callback that passes a struct?

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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