rnk accepted this revision.
rnk added a comment.

Here's a thought. What happens if different TUs observe different overload 
sets, perhaps because of ifdefs? Different TUs will generate different 
resolvers, but they won't dispatch to the same sets of targets. I'm guessing 
we'd treat that as an ODR violation, no diagnostic required?

Anyway, I think this is ready to commit. Thanks!

Comment at: test/CodeGen/attr-target-mv-va-args.c:41-44
+// WINDOWS: call i32 (i32, ...) @foo.arch_sandybridge
+// WINDOWS: call i32 (i32, ...) @foo.arch_ivybridge
+// WINDOWS: call i32 (i32, ...) @foo.sse4.2
+// WINDOWS: call i32 (i32, ...) @foo
Probably worth matching out the musttail for variadics, since the ellipsis 
doesn't make sense without it.

Comment at: test/CodeGenCXX/attr-target-mv-inalloca.cpp:45-47
+// WINDOWS: musttail call i32 @"?bar@@YAHUFoo@@@Z.arch_ivybridge"(<{ 
%struct.Foo }>* %0)
+// WINDOWS: musttail call i32 @"?bar@@YAHUFoo@@@Z.sse4.2"(<{ %struct.Foo }>* 
+// WINDOWS: musttail call i32 @"?bar@@YAHUFoo@@@Z"(<{ %struct.Foo }>* %0)
I think it's worth matching the retval and doing CHECK-NEXT for the ret, since 
that will check that the call is in fact in tail position, which is a verifier 
requirement for musttail.


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