rjmccall added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D53738#1278528, @ebevhan wrote:

> In https://reviews.llvm.org/D53738#1278078, @rjmccall wrote:
> > I don't think we should add *types* just for this, but if you need to make 
> > a different kind of `BinaryOperator` that represents that the semantics 
> > aren't quite the same (the same way that the compound assignments have 
> > their own subclass), that seems natural to me.
> I don't know if adding a new operator kind was what I had in mind. The 
> operator hasn't changed, it's still a normal binary operator. Compound 
> assignments are their own operator with its own syntax; it doesn't really 
> strike me as the same thing.

Sorry for being unclear.  I wasn't suggesting adding a new 
`BinaryOperatorKind`, I was suggesting making a subclass of `BinaryOperator` 
that stored the extra information you'd like to store.

> The important difference would be that we separate the semantics of 
> performing the conversion and the operation. I understand that adding a new 
> type could be a bit more involved than baking the conversion into the 
> operator, but I really do not enjoy seeing so much implicit, 
> implementation-specific logic encapsulated in the same AST element. Anyone 
> who wants to look at BinaryOperators with fixed-point types will need to know 
> all of the details of how the finding the common type and conversion is done, 
> rather than simply "it does an addition".

It's not just that adding a new type is "involved", it's that it's a bad 
solution.  Those types can't actually be expressed in the language, and 
changing the type system to be able to express them is going to lead to a lot 
of pain elsewhere.

  rC Clang


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