tlively updated this revision to Diff 173119.
tlively added a comment.

- Use automatic expansion instead of patterns



Index: test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/simd-vselect.ll
--- test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/simd-vselect.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-; RUN: llc < %s -asm-verbose=false -disable-wasm-fallthrough-return-opt -wasm-disable-explicit-locals -wasm-keep-registers -wasm-enable-unimplemented-simd -mattr=+simd128,+sign-ext | FileCheck %s
-; Test that lanewise vector selects lower correctly to bitselects
-target datalayout = "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32:64-S128"
-target triple = "wasm32-unknown-unknown"
-; CHECK-LABEL: vselect_v16i8:
-; CHECK-NEXT: .param v128, v128, v128{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 7{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i8x16.shl $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 7{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i8x16.shr_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
-define <16 x i8> @vselect_v16i8(<16 x i1> %c, <16 x i8> %x, <16 x i8> %y) {
-  %res = select <16 x i1> %c, <16 x i8> %x, <16 x i8> %y
-  ret <16 x i8> %res
-; CHECK-LABEL: vselect_v8i16:
-; CHECK-NEXT: .param v128, v128, v128{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 15{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i16x8.shl $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 15{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i16x8.shr_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
-define <8 x i16> @vselect_v8i16(<8 x i1> %c, <8 x i16> %x, <8 x i16> %y) {
-  %res = select <8 x i1> %c, <8 x i16> %x, <8 x i16> %y
-  ret <8 x i16> %res
-; CHECK-LABEL: vselect_v4i32:
-; CHECK-NEXT: .param v128, v128, v128{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 31{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.shl $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 31{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.shr_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
-define <4 x i32> @vselect_v4i32(<4 x i1> %c, <4 x i32> %x, <4 x i32> %y) {
-  %res = select <4 x i1> %c, <4 x i32> %x, <4 x i32> %y
-  ret <4 x i32> %res
-; CHECK-LABEL: vselect_v2i64:
-; CHECK-NEXT: .param v128, v128, v128{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 63{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.shl $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 63{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.shr_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
-define <2 x i64> @vselect_v2i64(<2 x i1> %c, <2 x i64> %x, <2 x i64> %y) {
-  %res = select <2 x i1> %c, <2 x i64> %x, <2 x i64> %y
-  ret <2 x i64> %res
-; CHECK-LABEL: vselect_v4f32:
-; CHECK-NEXT: .param v128, v128, v128{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 31{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.shl $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 31{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.shr_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
-define <4 x float> @vselect_v4f32(<4 x i1> %c, <4 x float> %x, <4 x float> %y) {
-  %res = select <4 x i1> %c, <4 x float> %x, <4 x float> %y
-  ret <4 x float> %res
-; CHECK-LABEL: vselect_v2f64:
-; CHECK-NEXT: .param v128, v128, v128{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 63{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.shl $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 63{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.shr_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
-; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
-define <2 x double> @vselect_v2f64(<2 x i1> %c, <2 x double> %x, <2 x double> %y) {
-  %res = select <2 x i1> %c, <2 x double> %x, <2 x double> %y
-  ret <2 x double> %res
Index: test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/simd-select.ll
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/simd-select.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -asm-verbose=false -disable-wasm-fallthrough-return-opt -wasm-disable-explicit-locals -wasm-keep-registers -wasm-enable-unimplemented-simd -mattr=+simd128,+sign-ext | FileCheck %s
+; Test that vector selects of various varieties lower correctly to bitselects.
+target datalayout = "e-m:e-p:32:32-i64:64-n32:64-S128"
+target triple = "wasm32-unknown-unknown"
+; ==============================================================================
+; 16 x i8
+; ==============================================================================
+; CHECK-LABEL: vselect_v16i8:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param v128, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 7{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i8x16.shl $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 7{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i8x16.shr_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <16 x i8> @vselect_v16i8(<16 x i1> %c, <16 x i8> %x, <16 x i8> %y) {
+  %res = select <16 x i1> %c, <16 x i8> %x, <16 x i8> %y
+  ret <16 x i8> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_v16i8:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i8x16.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <16 x i8> @select_v16i8(i1 %c, <16 x i8> %x, <16 x i8> %y) {
+  %res = select i1 %c, <16 x i8> %x, <16 x i8> %y
+  ret <16 x i8> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_cmp_v16i8:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 31
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.shr_s $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i8x16.splat $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <16 x i8> @select_cmp_v16i8(i32 %i, <16 x i8> %x, <16 x i8> %y) {
+  %c = icmp slt i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <16 x i8> %x, <16 x i8> %y
+  ret <16 x i8> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_ne_v16i8:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i8x16.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <16 x i8> @select_ne_v16i8(i32 %i, <16 x i8> %x, <16 x i8> %y) {
+  %c = icmp ne i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <16 x i8> %x, <16 x i8> %y
+  ret <16 x i8> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_eq_v16i8:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i8x16.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <16 x i8> @select_eq_v16i8(i32 %i, <16 x i8> %x, <16 x i8> %y) {
+  %c = icmp eq i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <16 x i8> %x, <16 x i8> %y
+  ret <16 x i8> %res
+; ==============================================================================
+; 8 x i16
+; ==============================================================================
+; CHECK-LABEL: vselect_v8i16:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param v128, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 15{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i16x8.shl $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 15{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i16x8.shr_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <8 x i16> @vselect_v8i16(<8 x i1> %c, <8 x i16> %x, <8 x i16> %y) {
+  %res = select <8 x i1> %c, <8 x i16> %x, <8 x i16> %y
+  ret <8 x i16> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_v8i16:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i16x8.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <8 x i16> @select_v8i16(i1 %c, <8 x i16> %x, <8 x i16> %y) {
+  %res = select i1 %c, <8 x i16> %x, <8 x i16> %y
+  ret <8 x i16> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_cmp_v8i16:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 31{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.shr_s $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i16x8.splat $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <8 x i16> @select_cmp_v8i16(i32 %i, <8 x i16> %x, <8 x i16> %y) {
+  %c = icmp slt i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <8 x i16> %x, <8 x i16> %y
+  ret <8 x i16> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_ne_v8i16:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i16x8.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <8 x i16> @select_ne_v8i16(i32 %i, <8 x i16> %x, <8 x i16> %y) {
+  %c = icmp ne i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <8 x i16> %x, <8 x i16> %y
+  ret <8 x i16> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_eq_v8i16:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i16x8.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <8 x i16> @select_eq_v8i16(i32 %i, <8 x i16> %x, <8 x i16> %y) {
+  %c = icmp eq i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <8 x i16> %x, <8 x i16> %y
+  ret <8 x i16> %res
+; ==============================================================================
+; 4 x i32
+; ==============================================================================
+; CHECK-LABEL: vselect_v4i32:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param v128, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 31{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.shl $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 31{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.shr_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <4 x i32> @vselect_v4i32(<4 x i1> %c, <4 x i32> %x, <4 x i32> %y) {
+  %res = select <4 x i1> %c, <4 x i32> %x, <4 x i32> %y
+  ret <4 x i32> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_v4i32:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <4 x i32> @select_v4i32(i1 %c, <4 x i32> %x, <4 x i32> %y) {
+  %res = select i1 %c, <4 x i32> %x, <4 x i32> %y
+  ret <4 x i32> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_cmp_v4i32:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 31{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.shr_s $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.splat $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <4 x i32> @select_cmp_v4i32(i32 %i, <4 x i32> %x, <4 x i32> %y) {
+  %c = icmp slt i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <4 x i32> %x, <4 x i32> %y
+  ret <4 x i32> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_ne_v4i32:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <4 x i32> @select_ne_v4i32(i32 %i, <4 x i32> %x, <4 x i32> %y) {
+  %c = icmp ne i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <4 x i32> %x, <4 x i32> %y
+  ret <4 x i32> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_eq_v4i32:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <4 x i32> @select_eq_v4i32(i32 %i, <4 x i32> %x, <4 x i32> %y) {
+  %c = icmp eq i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <4 x i32> %x, <4 x i32> %y
+  ret <4 x i32> %res
+; ==============================================================================
+; 2 x i64
+; ==============================================================================
+; CHECK-LABEL: vselect_v2i64:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param v128, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 63{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.shl $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 63{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.shr_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <2 x i64> @vselect_v2i64(<2 x i1> %c, <2 x i64> %x, <2 x i64> %y) {
+  %res = select <2 x i1> %c, <2 x i64> %x, <2 x i64> %y
+  ret <2 x i64> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_v2i64:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <2 x i64> @select_v2i64(i1 %c, <2 x i64> %x, <2 x i64> %y) {
+  %res = select i1 %c, <2 x i64> %x, <2 x i64> %y
+  ret <2 x i64> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_cmp_v2i64:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.lt_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L4:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.splat $push[[L5:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L4]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L5]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <2 x i64> @select_cmp_v2i64(i32 %i, <2 x i64> %x, <2 x i64> %y) {
+  %c = icmp slt i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <2 x i64> %x, <2 x i64> %y
+  ret <2 x i64> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_ne_v2i64:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <2 x i64> @select_ne_v2i64(i32 %i, <2 x i64> %x, <2 x i64> %y) {
+  %c = icmp ne i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <2 x i64> %x, <2 x i64> %y
+  ret <2 x i64> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_eq_v2i64:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <2 x i64> @select_eq_v2i64(i32 %i, <2 x i64> %x, <2 x i64> %y) {
+  %c = icmp eq i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <2 x i64> %x, <2 x i64> %y
+  ret <2 x i64> %res
+; ==============================================================================
+; 4 x float
+; ==============================================================================
+; CHECK-LABEL: vselect_v4f32:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param v128, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 31{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.shl $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 31{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.shr_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <4 x float> @vselect_v4f32(<4 x i1> %c, <4 x float> %x, <4 x float> %y) {
+  %res = select <4 x i1> %c, <4 x float> %x, <4 x float> %y
+  ret <4 x float> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_v4f32:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <4 x float> @select_v4f32(i1 %c, <4 x float> %x, <4 x float> %y) {
+  %res = select i1 %c, <4 x float> %x, <4 x float> %y
+  ret <4 x float> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_cmp_v4f32:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 31{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.shr_s $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.splat $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <4 x float> @select_cmp_v4f32(i32 %i, <4 x float> %x, <4 x float> %y) {
+  %c = icmp slt i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <4 x float> %x, <4 x float> %y
+  ret <4 x float> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_ne_v4f32:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <4 x float> @select_ne_v4f32(i32 %i, <4 x float> %x, <4 x float> %y) {
+  %c = icmp ne i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <4 x float> %x, <4 x float> %y
+  ret <4 x float> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_eq_v4f32:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32x4.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <4 x float> @select_eq_v4f32(i32 %i, <4 x float> %x, <4 x float> %y) {
+  %c = icmp eq i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <4 x float> %x, <4 x float> %y
+  ret <4 x float> %res
+; ==============================================================================
+; 2 x double
+; ==============================================================================
+; CHECK-LABEL: vselect_v2f64:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param v128, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 63{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.shl $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L0]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 63{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.shr_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <2 x double> @vselect_v2f64(<2 x i1> %c, <2 x double> %x, <2 x double> %y) {
+  %res = select <2 x i1> %c, <2 x double> %x, <2 x double> %y
+  ret <2 x double> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_v2f64:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <2 x double> @select_v2f64(i1 %c, <2 x double> %x, <2 x double> %y) {
+  %res = select i1 %c, <2 x double> %x, <2 x double> %y
+  ret <2 x double> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_cmp_v2f64:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.const $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i32.lt_s $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $0, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L4:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.splat $push[[L5:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L4]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L5]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <2 x double> @select_cmp_v2f64(i32 %i, <2 x double> %x, <2 x double> %y) {
+  %c = icmp slt i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <2 x double> %x, <2 x double> %y
+  ret <2 x double> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_ne_v2f64:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <2 x double> @select_ne_v2f64(i32 %i, <2 x double> %x, <2 x double> %y) {
+  %c = icmp ne i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <2 x double> %x, <2 x double> %y
+  ret <2 x double> %res
+; CHECK-LABEL: select_eq_v2f64:
+; CHECK-NEXT: .param i32, v128, v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: .result v128{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L0:[0-9]+]]=, 0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64.const $push[[L1:[0-9]+]]=, -1{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: $push[[L2:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L0]], $pop[[L1]], $0{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: i64x2.splat $push[[L3:[0-9]+]]=, $pop[[L2]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: v128.bitselect $push[[R:[0-9]+]]=, $1, $2, $pop[[L3]]{{$}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: return $pop[[R]]{{$}}
+define <2 x double> @select_eq_v2f64(i32 %i, <2 x double> %x, <2 x double> %y) {
+  %c = icmp eq i32 %i, 0
+  %res = select i1 %c, <2 x double> %x, <2 x double> %y
+  ret <2 x double> %res
Index: lib/Target/WebAssembly/WebAssemblyISelLowering.cpp
--- lib/Target/WebAssembly/WebAssemblyISelLowering.cpp
+++ lib/Target/WebAssembly/WebAssemblyISelLowering.cpp
@@ -156,14 +156,16 @@
         setOperationAction(Op, MVT::v2i64, Custom);
-  // There is no select instruction for vectors
-  if (Subtarget->hasSIMD128()) {
-    for (auto T : {MVT::v16i8, MVT::v8i16, MVT::v4i32, MVT::v4f32})
-      setOperationAction(ISD::VSELECT, T, Expand);
-    if (EnableUnimplementedWasmSIMDInstrs)
-      for (auto T : {MVT::v2i64, MVT::v2f64})
-        setOperationAction(ISD::VSELECT, T, Expand);
-  }
+  // There are no select instructions for vectors, but ISD::SELECT is handled
+  // with patterns.
+  if (Subtarget->hasSIMD128())
+    for (auto Op : {ISD::VSELECT, ISD::SELECT_CC, ISD::SELECT}) {
+      for (auto T : {MVT::v16i8, MVT::v8i16, MVT::v4i32, MVT::v4f32})
+        setOperationAction(Op, T, Expand);
+      if (EnableUnimplementedWasmSIMDInstrs)
+        for (auto T : {MVT::v2i64, MVT::v2f64})
+          setOperationAction(Op, T, Expand);
+    }
   // As a special case, these operators use the type to mean the type to
   // sign-extend from.
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