aaron.ballman added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/AST/ASTDumper.cpp:89
     void dumpDecl(const Decl *D);
-    void dumpStmt(const Stmt *S);
+    void dumpStmt(const Stmt *S, const std::string &label = {});
steveire wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > Label
> > 
> > Rather than using `{}`, how about `""` (same behavior, but looks more 
> > idiomatic).
> > 
> > Why `std::string` instead of `StringRef`? I expect this will be called 
> > mostly with string literals, which saves an allocation. The other labels 
> > are using `const char *`, which would be another reasonable option. 
> > Whatever we go with, it'd be nice to make the label types agree across the 
> > calls.
> The actual print in TextTreeStructure is deferred, so it can't be `const 
> char*` or `StringRef`.
I think I've convinced myself there are not lifetime issues here, but it's 
subtle. In the case where the default argument is used, it creates a temporary 
object that is lifetime extended for the duration of the full expression 
including the call to `dumpStmt()`. The capture of `Label` in the lambda in 
`addChild()` captures the reference by copy and initializes the implicit field 
for the capture to the temporary value while its still within its lifetime. So 
I don't think this introduces UB.

However, if that lambda ever changes the capture list to use capture defaults 
(which we typically prefer when capturing multiple entities) and someone uses 
`&` or `this` as the capture default, they're going to have a very 
hard-to-discover bug on their hands. :-/

Another approach is to use `StringRef` in these calls, but within `addChild()` 
change the lambda to capture a local `std::string` by copy. e.g.,
template <typename Fn>
void addChild(StringRef Label, Fn doAddChild) {
  std::string LabelStr = Label.str();
  auto dumpWithIndent = [this, doAddChild, LabelStr](bool isLastChild) {
(And when we upgrade to C++14 we can drop the local and just use an init 
capture instead.)

  rC Clang



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