martong added a comment.

Hi Rafael,

This is a great patch and good improvement, thank you! I had a few minor 
(Also, I was thinking about what else could we import in the future, maybe 
definitions of C++11 enum classes would be also worth to be handled by CTU.)

Comment at: include/clang/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.h:114
+  llvm::Expected<const VarDecl *>
+  getCrossTUDefinition(const VarDecl *VD, StringRef CrossTUDir,
+                       StringRef IndexName);
r.stahl wrote:
> xazax.hun wrote:
> > I wonder if we need these overloads. Maybe having only the templated 
> > version and having a static assert for the supported types is better? 
> > Asking the other reviewers as well.
> They are not required, but I thought they make the interface more clear and 
> help prevent implementation in headers.
I consider the new overload just great. Later, if we want we still can extend 
the interface with a template which would call the overloaded functions.

Comment at: lib/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.cpp:117
+static bool hasDefinition(const VarDecl *D, const VarDecl *&DefD) {
+  return D->getAnyInitializer(DefD) != nullptr;
The naming here is confusing for me, would be better to be `hasInit`, because 
there are cases when a VarDecl has an initializer but it is not a definition:
      struct A {
        static const int a = 1 + 2; // VarDecl: has init, but not a definition
      const int A::a; // VarDecl: definition
In the above case we probably want to import the initializer and we don't care 
about the definition.

Comment at: lib/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.cpp:120
+template <typename T> static bool hasDefinition(const T *D) {
+  const T *Unused;
`hasDefinitionOrInit` ?

Comment at: test/Analysis/Inputs/ctu-other.cpp:79
+extern const S extS = {.a = 4};
Could we have another test case when `S::a` is static?

Comment at: test/Analysis/func-mapping-test.cpp:18
+struct S {
+  int a;
Could we have one more test when we have a `static` member variable?


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