gtbercea updated this revision to Diff 180713.
gtbercea added a comment.

Remove redundant initalization.

  rC Clang



Index: test/OpenMP/simd_codegen.cpp
--- test/OpenMP/simd_codegen.cpp
+++ test/OpenMP/simd_codegen.cpp
@@ -278,8 +278,11 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[I_2:%.+]] = trunc i64 [[I_1_ADD0]] to i32
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[I_2]], i32* {{%.+}}{{.*}}!llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access ![[T1_ID]]
 // CHECK: [[IV2:%.+]] = load i64, i64* [[T1_OMP_IV]]{{.*}}!llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access ![[T1_ID]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[J_1:%.+]] = srem i64 [[IV2]], 4
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[J_2:%.+]] = mul nsw i64 [[J_1]], 2
+// CHECK: [[IV2_1:%.+]] = load i64, i64* [[T1_OMP_IV]]{{.*}}!llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access ![[T1_ID]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[I_1_DIV1:%.+]] = sdiv i64 [[IV2_1]], 4
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[I_1_MUL1:%.+]] = mul nsw i64 [[I_1_DIV1]], 4
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[I_1_SUB0:%.+]] = sub nsw i64 [[IV2]], [[I_1_MUL1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[J_2:%.+]] = mul nsw i64 [[I_1_SUB0]], 2
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[J_2_ADD0:%.+]] = add nsw i64 0, [[J_2]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[J_2_ADD0]], i64* {{%.+}}{{.*}}!llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access ![[T1_ID]]
@@ -393,22 +396,70 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_I_1_MUL1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_I_1]], 1
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_I_2:%.+]] = add i32 1, [[CALC_I_1_MUL1]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[CALC_I_2]], i32* [[LC_I:.+]]
 // CHECK: [[IV1_2:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]{{.+}}!llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access ![[COLL1_LOOP_ID]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_1:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_2]], 20
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_2:%.+]] = urem i32 [[CALC_J_1]], 3
+// CHECK: [[IV1_2_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]{{.+}}!llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access ![[COLL1_LOOP_ID]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_1:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_2_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_J_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_3:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_2]], [[MUL_1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_2:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_3]], 20
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_2_MUL1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_J_2]], 1
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_3:%.+]] = add i32 2, [[CALC_J_2_MUL1]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[CALC_J_3]], i32* [[LC_J:.+]]
 // CHECK: [[IV1_3:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]{{.+}}!llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access ![[COLL1_LOOP_ID]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_K_1:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_3]], 5
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_K_2:%.+]] = urem i32 [[CALC_K_1]], 4
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_K_2_MUL1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_K_2]], 1
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_K_3:%.+]] = add i32 3, [[CALC_K_2_MUL1]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[CALC_K_3]], i32* [[LC_K:.+]]
-// CHECK: [[IV1_4:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]{{.+}}!llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access ![[COLL1_LOOP_ID]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_1:%.+]] = urem i32 [[IV1_4]], 5
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_1_MUL1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_L_1]], 1
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_2:%.+]] = add i32 4, [[CALC_L_1_MUL1]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_3_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]{{.+}}!llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access ![[COLL1_LOOP_ID]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_1:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_3_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_2:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD_3:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_3]], [[MUL_2]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_4:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_4_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_2:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_4_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_3:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_2]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_6:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_4]], [[MUL_3]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_3:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_6]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_4:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_3]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD_5:%.+]] = sub i32 [[ADD_3]], [[MUL_4]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_4:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[ADD_5]], 5
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_5:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_4]], 1
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD_6:%.+]] = add i32 3, [[MUL_5]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[ADD_6]], i32* [[LC_K:.+]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_5:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]{{.+}}!llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access ![[COLL1_LOOP_ID]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_5_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]{{.+}}!llvm.mem.parallel_loop_access ![[COLL1_LOOP_ID]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_5:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_5_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_6:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_5]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_7:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_5]], [[MUL_6]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_6:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_6_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_6:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_6_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_7:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_6]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_10:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_6]], [[MUL_7]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_7:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_10]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_8:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_7]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_11:%.+]] = sub i32 [[SUB_7]], [[MUL_8]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_7:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_7_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_8:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_7_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_9:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_8]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_12:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_7]], [[MUL_9]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_8:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_8_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_3:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_8_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_4:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_3]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_7:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_8]], [[MUL_4]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_4:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_7]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_5:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_4]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_8:%.+]] = sub i32 [[SUB_12]], [[MUL_5]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_5:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_8]], 5
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_6:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_5]], 5
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_9:%.+]] = sub i32 [[SUB_11]], [[MUL_6]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_6:%.+]] = mul i32 [[SUB_9]], 1
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_2:%.+]] = add i32 4, [[MUL_6]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_3:%.+]] = trunc i32 [[CALC_L_2]] to i16
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i16 [[CALC_L_3]], i16* [[LC_L:.+]]
 // ... loop body ...
Index: test/OpenMP/parallel_for_simd_codegen.cpp
--- test/OpenMP/parallel_for_simd_codegen.cpp
+++ test/OpenMP/parallel_for_simd_codegen.cpp
@@ -513,22 +513,70 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_I_1_MUL1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_I_1]], 1
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_I_2:%.+]] = add i32 1, [[CALC_I_1_MUL1]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[CALC_I_2]], i32* [[LC_I:.+]]
 // CHECK: [[IV1_2:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_1:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_2]], 20
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_2:%.+]] = urem i32 [[CALC_J_1]], 3
+// CHECK: [[IV1_2_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_1:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_2_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_J_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_3:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_2]], [[MUL_1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_2:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_3]], 20
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_2_MUL1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_J_2]], 1
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_3:%.+]] = add i32 2, [[CALC_J_2_MUL1]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[CALC_J_3]], i32* [[LC_J:.+]]
 // CHECK: [[IV1_3:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_K_1:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_3]], 5
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_K_2:%.+]] = urem i32 [[CALC_K_1]], 4
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_K_2_MUL1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_K_2]], 1
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_K_3:%.+]] = add i32 3, [[CALC_K_2_MUL1]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[CALC_K_3]], i32* [[LC_K:.+]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_3_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_1:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_3_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_2:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD_3:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_3]], [[MUL_2]]
 // CHECK: [[IV1_4:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_1:%.+]] = urem i32 [[IV1_4]], 5
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_1_MUL1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_L_1]], 1
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_2:%.+]] = add i32 4, [[CALC_L_1_MUL1]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_4_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_2:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_4_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_3:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_2]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_6:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_4]], [[MUL_3]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_3:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_6]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_4:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_3]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_7:%.+]] = sub i32 [[ADD_3]], [[MUL_4]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_4:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_7]], 5
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_5:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_4]], 1
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD_6:%.+]] = add i32 3, [[MUL_5]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[ADD_6]], i32* [[LC_K:.+]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_5:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_5_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_5:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_5_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_6:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_5]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD_7:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_5]], [[MUL_6]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_6:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_6_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_6:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_6_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_7:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_6]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_10:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_6]], [[MUL_7]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_7:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_10]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_8:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_7]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD_9:%.+]] = sub i32 [[ADD_7]], [[MUL_8]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_7:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_7_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_8:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_7_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_9:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_8]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD_10:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_7]], [[MUL_9]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_8:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_8_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_3:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_8_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_4:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_3]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_7:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_8]], [[MUL_4]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_4:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_7]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_5:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_4]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_8:%.+]] = sub i32 [[ADD_10]], [[MUL_5]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_5:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_8]], 5
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_6:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_5]], 5
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_9:%.+]] = sub i32 [[ADD_9]], [[MUL_6]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_6:%.+]] = mul i32 [[SUB_9]], 1
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_2:%.+]] = add i32 4, [[MUL_6]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_3:%.+]] = trunc i32 [[CALC_L_2]] to i16
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i16 [[CALC_L_3]], i16* [[LC_L:.+]]
 // ... loop body ...
@@ -655,7 +703,10 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[I_2:%.+]] = trunc i64 [[I_1_ADD0]] to i32
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[I_2]], i32*
 // CHECK: [[IV2:%.+]] = load i64, i64* [[T1_OMP_IV]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[J_1:%.+]] = srem i64 [[IV2]], 4
+// CHECK: [[IV2_1:%.+]] = load i64, i64* [[T1_OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_1:%.+]] = sdiv i64 [[IV2_1]], 4
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_1:%.+]] = mul nsw i64 [[DIV_1]], 4
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[J_1:%.+]] = sub nsw i64 [[IV2]], [[MUL_1]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[J_2:%.+]] = mul nsw i64 [[J_1]], 2
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[J_2_ADD0:%.+]] = add nsw i64 0, [[J_2]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[J_2_ADD0]], i64*
Index: test/OpenMP/for_simd_codegen.cpp
--- test/OpenMP/for_simd_codegen.cpp
+++ test/OpenMP/for_simd_codegen.cpp
@@ -408,7 +408,10 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[I_2:%.+]] = trunc i64 [[I_1_ADD0]] to i32
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[I_2]], i32*
 // CHECK: [[IV2:%.+]] = load i64, i64* [[T1_OMP_IV]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[J_1:%.+]] = srem i64 [[IV2]], 4
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[IV2_1:%.+]] = load i64, i64* [[T1_OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_2:%.+]] = sdiv i64 [[IV2_1]], 4
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_2:%.+]] = mul nsw i64 [[DIV_2]], 4
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[J_1:%.+]] = sub nsw i64 [[IV2]], [[MUL_2]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[J_2:%.+]] = mul nsw i64 [[J_1]], 2
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[J_2_ADD0:%.+]] = add nsw i64 0, [[J_2]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[J_2_ADD0]], i64*
@@ -556,22 +559,70 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_I_1_MUL1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_I_1]], 1
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_I_2:%.+]] = add i32 1, [[CALC_I_1_MUL1]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[CALC_I_2]], i32* [[LC_I:.+]]
 // CHECK: [[IV1_2:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_1:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_2]], 20
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_2:%.+]] = urem i32 [[CALC_J_1]], 3
+// CHECK: [[IV1_2_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_1:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_2_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_J_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_3:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_2]], [[MUL_1]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_2:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_3]], 20
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_2_MUL1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_J_2]], 1
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_J_3:%.+]] = add i32 2, [[CALC_J_2_MUL1]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[CALC_J_3]], i32* [[LC_J:.+]]
 // CHECK: [[IV1_3:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_K_1:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_3]], 5
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_K_2:%.+]] = urem i32 [[CALC_K_1]], 4
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_K_2_MUL1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_K_2]], 1
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_K_3:%.+]] = add i32 3, [[CALC_K_2_MUL1]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[CALC_K_3]], i32* [[LC_K:.+]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_3_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_1:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_3_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_2:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD_3:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_3]], [[MUL_2]]
 // CHECK: [[IV1_4:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_1:%.+]] = urem i32 [[IV1_4]], 5
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_1_MUL1:%.+]] = mul i32 [[CALC_L_1]], 1
-// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_2:%.+]] = add i32 4, [[CALC_L_1_MUL1]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_4_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_2:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_4_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_3:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_2]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_6:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_4]], [[MUL_3]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_3:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_6]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_4:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_3]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_7:%.+]] = sub i32 [[ADD_3]], [[MUL_4]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_4:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_7]], 5
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_5:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_4]], 1
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD_6:%.+]] = add i32 3, [[MUL_5]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[ADD_6]], i32* [[LC_K:.+]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_5:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_5_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_5:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_5_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_6:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_5]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD_7:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_5]], [[MUL_6]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_6:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_6_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_6:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_6_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_7:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_6]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_10:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_6]], [[MUL_7]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_7:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_10]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_8:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_7]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD_9:%.+]] = sub i32 [[ADD_7]], [[MUL_8]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_7:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_7_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_8:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_7_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_9:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_8]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD_10:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_7]], [[MUL_9]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_8:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK: [[IV1_8_1:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[OMP_IV]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_3:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[IV1_8_1]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_4:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_3]], 60
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_7:%.+]] = sub i32 [[IV1_8]], [[MUL_4]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_4:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_7]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_5:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_4]], 20
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_8:%.+]] = sub i32 [[ADD_10]], [[MUL_5]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[DIV_5:%.+]] = udiv i32 [[SUB_8]], 5
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_6:%.+]] = mul i32 [[DIV_5]], 5
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB_9:%.+]] = sub i32 [[ADD_9]], [[MUL_6]]
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[MUL_6:%.+]] = mul i32 [[SUB_9]], 1
+// CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_2:%.+]] = add i32 4, [[MUL_6]]
 // CHECK-NEXT: [[CALC_L_3:%.+]] = trunc i32 [[CALC_L_2]] to i16
 // CHECK-NEXT: store i16 [[CALC_L_3]], i16* [[LC_L:.+]]
 // ... loop body ...
Index: test/OpenMP/for_codegen.cpp
--- test/OpenMP/for_codegen.cpp
+++ test/OpenMP/for_codegen.cpp
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
   // LIFETIME: call void @llvm.lifetime.end
   // LIFETIME: call void @llvm.lifetime.end
   // LIFETIME: call void @llvm.lifetime.end
-  // LIFETIME: call void @llvm.lifetime.end
   #pragma omp for collapse(2)
   for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
     for (int j = i; j < 4; j++) {
Index: lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp
@@ -5501,31 +5501,58 @@
-    ExprResult Div;
-    // Go from inner nested loop to outer.
-    for (int Cnt = NestedLoopCount - 1; Cnt >= 0; --Cnt) {
+    // We implement the following algorithm for obtaining the
+    // original loop iteration variable values based on the
+    // value of the collapsed loop iteration variable IV.
+    //
+    // Let n+1 be the number of collapsed loops in the nest.
+    // Iteration variables (I0, I1, .... In)
+    // Iteration counts (N0, N1, ... Nn)
+    //
+    // Acc = IV;
+    //
+    // To compute Ik for loop k, 0 <= k <= n, generate:
+    //    Prod = N(k+1) * N(k+2) * ... * Nn;
+    //    Ik = Acc / Prod;
+    //    Acc -= Ik * Prod;
+    //
+    ExprResult Acc = IV;
+    for (unsigned int Cnt = 0; Cnt < NestedLoopCount; ++Cnt) {
       LoopIterationSpace &IS = IterSpaces[Cnt];
       SourceLocation UpdLoc = IS.IncSrcRange.getBegin();
-      // Build: Iter = (IV / Div) % IS.NumIters
-      // where Div is product of previous iterations' IS.NumIters.
-      ExprResult Iter;
-      if (Div.isUsable()) {
-        Iter =
-            SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, UpdLoc, BO_Div, IV.get(), Div.get());
-      } else {
-        Iter = IV;
-        assert((Cnt == (int)NestedLoopCount - 1) &&
-               "unusable div expected on first iteration only");
-      }
-      if (Cnt != 0 && Iter.isUsable())
-        Iter = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, UpdLoc, BO_Rem, Iter.get(),
-                                  IS.NumIterations);
+      // Compute prod
+      ExprResult Prod =
+          SemaRef.ActOnIntegerConstant(SourceLocation(), 1).get();
+      for (unsigned int K = Cnt+1; K < NestedLoopCount; ++K)
+        Prod = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, UpdLoc, BO_Mul, Prod.get(),
+                                  IterSpaces[K].NumIterations);
+      // Iter = Acc / Prod
+      // If there is at least one more inner loop to avoid
+      // multiplication by 1.
+      if (Cnt + 1 < NestedLoopCount)
+        Iter = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, UpdLoc, BO_Div,
+                                  Acc.get(), Prod.get());
+      else
+        Iter = Acc;
       if (!Iter.isUsable()) {
         HasErrors = true;
+      // Update Acc:
+      // Acc -= Iter * Prod
+      // Check if there is at least one more inner loop to avoid
+      // multiplication by 1.
+      if (Cnt + 1 < NestedLoopCount)
+        Prod = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, UpdLoc, BO_Mul,
+                                  Iter.get(), Prod.get());
+      else
+        Prod = Iter;
+      Acc = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, UpdLoc, BO_Sub,
+                               Acc.get(), Prod.get());
       // Build update: IS.CounterVar(Private) = IS.Start + Iter * IS.Step
       auto *VD = cast<VarDecl>(cast<DeclRefExpr>(IS.CounterVar)->getDecl());
       DeclRefExpr *CounterVar = buildDeclRefExpr(
@@ -5554,22 +5581,6 @@
-      // Build Div for the next iteration: Div <- Div * IS.NumIters
-      if (Cnt != 0) {
-        if (Div.isUnset())
-          Div = IS.NumIterations;
-        else
-          Div = SemaRef.BuildBinOp(CurScope, UpdLoc, BO_Mul, Div.get(),
-                                   IS.NumIterations);
-        // Add parentheses (for debugging purposes only).
-        if (Div.isUsable())
-          Div = tryBuildCapture(SemaRef, Div.get(), Captures);
-        if (!Div.isUsable()) {
-          HasErrors = true;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
       if (!Update.isUsable() || !Final.isUsable()) {
         HasErrors = true;
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