martong updated this revision to Diff 183834.
martong added a comment.

I have created a separate patch for the test related refactor, this patch now
depends on that patch and contains merely the visibility related change and
their tests.

  rC Clang



Index: unittests/AST/ASTImporterTest.cpp
--- unittests/AST/ASTImporterTest.cpp
+++ unittests/AST/ASTImporterTest.cpp
@@ -2264,6 +2264,266 @@
             }).match(ToTU, functionDecl()));
+//FIXME Move these tests to a separate test file.
+namespace TypeAndValueParameterizedTests {
+// Type parameters for type-parameterized test fixtures.
+struct GetFunPattern {
+  using DeclTy = FunctionDecl;
+  BindableMatcher<Decl> operator()() { return functionDecl(hasName("f")); }
+struct GetVarPattern {
+  using DeclTy = VarDecl;
+  BindableMatcher<Decl> operator()() { return varDecl(hasName("v")); }
+// Values for the value-parameterized test fixtures.
+// FunctionDecl:
+auto *ExternF = "void f();";
+auto *StaticF = "static void f();";
+auto *AnonF = "namespace { void f(); }";
+// VarDecl:
+auto *ExternV = "extern int v;";
+auto *StaticV = "static int v;";
+auto *AnonV = "namespace { extern int v; }";
+// First value in tuple: Compile options.
+// Second value in tuple: Source code to be used in the test.
+using ImportVisibilityChainParams =
+    ::testing::WithParamInterface<std::tuple<ArgVector, const char *>>;
+// Fixture to test the redecl chain of Decls with the same visibility.  Gtest
+// makes it possible to have either value-parameterized or type-parameterized
+// fixtures.  However, we cannot have both value- and type-parameterized test
+// fixtures.  This is a value-parameterized test fixture in the gtest sense. We
+// intend to mimic gtest's type-parameters via the PatternFactory template
+// parameter.  We manually instantiate the different tests with the each types.
+template <typename PatternFactory>
+class ImportVisibilityChain
+    : public ASTImporterTestBase, public ImportVisibilityChainParams {
+  using DeclTy = typename PatternFactory::DeclTy;
+  ArgVector getExtraArgs() const override { return std::get<0>(GetParam()); }
+  std::string getCode() const { return std::get<1>(GetParam()); }
+  BindableMatcher<Decl> getPattern() const { return PatternFactory()(); }
+  // Type-parameterized test.
+  void TypedTest_ImportChain() {
+    std::string Code = getCode() + getCode();
+    auto Pattern = getPattern();
+    TranslationUnitDecl *FromTu = getTuDecl(Code, Lang_CXX, "");
+    auto *FromF0 = FirstDeclMatcher<DeclTy>().match(FromTu, Pattern);
+    auto *FromF1 = LastDeclMatcher<DeclTy>().match(FromTu, Pattern);
+    auto *ToF0 = Import(FromF0, Lang_CXX);
+    auto *ToF1 = Import(FromF1, Lang_CXX);
+    EXPECT_NE(ToF0, ToF1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(ToF1->getPreviousDecl(), ToF0);
+  }
+// Manual instantiation of the fixture with each type.
+using ImportFunctionsVisibilityChain = ImportVisibilityChain<GetFunPattern>;
+using ImportVariablesVisibilityChain = ImportVisibilityChain<GetVarPattern>;
+// Value-parameterized test for the first type.
+TEST_P(ImportFunctionsVisibilityChain, ImportChain) {
+  TypedTest_ImportChain();
+// Value-parameterized test for the second type.
+TEST_P(ImportVariablesVisibilityChain, ImportChain) {
+  TypedTest_ImportChain();
+// Automatic instantiation of the value-parameterized tests.
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ParameterizedTests, ImportFunctionsVisibilityChain,
+                        ::testing::Combine(
+                           DefaultTestValuesForRunOptions,
+                           ::testing::Values(ExternF, StaticF, AnonF)), );
+    ParameterizedTests, ImportVariablesVisibilityChain,
+    ::testing::Combine(
+        DefaultTestValuesForRunOptions,
+        // There is no point to instantiate with StaticV, because in C++ we can
+        // forward declare a variable only with the 'extern' keyword.
+        // Consequently, each fwd declared variable has external linkage.  This
+        // is different in the C language where any declaration without an
+        // initializer is a tentative definition, subsequent definitions may be
+        // provided but they must have the same linkage.  See also the test
+        // ImportVariableChainInC which test for this special C Lang case.
+        ::testing::Values(ExternV, AnonV)), );
+// First value in tuple: Compile options.
+// Second value in tuple: Tuple with informations for the test.
+// Code for first import (or initial code), code to import, whether the `f`
+// functions are expected to be linked in a declaration chain.
+// One value of this tuple is combined with every value of compile options.
+// The test can have a single tuple as parameter only.
+using ImportVisibilityParams = ::testing::WithParamInterface<
+    std::tuple<ArgVector, std::tuple<const char *, const char *, bool>>>;
+template <typename PatternFactory>
+class ImportVisibility
+    : public ASTImporterTestBase,
+      public ImportVisibilityParams {
+  using DeclTy = typename PatternFactory::DeclTy;
+  ArgVector getExtraArgs() const override { return std::get<0>(GetParam()); }
+  std::string getCode0() const { return std::get<0>(std::get<1>(GetParam())); }
+  std::string getCode1() const { return std::get<1>(std::get<1>(GetParam())); }
+  bool shouldBeLinked() const { return std::get<2>(std::get<1>(GetParam())); }
+  BindableMatcher<Decl> getPattern() const { return PatternFactory()(); }
+  void TypedTest_ImportAfter() {
+    TranslationUnitDecl *ToTu = getToTuDecl(getCode0(), Lang_CXX);
+    TranslationUnitDecl *FromTu = getTuDecl(getCode1(), Lang_CXX, "");
+    auto *ToF0 = FirstDeclMatcher<DeclTy>().match(ToTu, getPattern());
+    auto *FromF1 = FirstDeclMatcher<DeclTy>().match(FromTu, getPattern());
+    auto *ToF1 = Import(FromF1, Lang_CXX);
+    EXPECT_NE(ToF0, ToF1);
+    if (shouldBeLinked())
+      EXPECT_EQ(ToF1->getPreviousDecl(), ToF0);
+    else
+      EXPECT_FALSE(ToF1->getPreviousDecl());
+  }
+  void TypedTest_ImportAfterImport() {
+    TranslationUnitDecl *FromTu0 = getTuDecl(getCode0(), Lang_CXX, "");
+    TranslationUnitDecl *FromTu1 = getTuDecl(getCode1(), Lang_CXX, "");
+    auto *FromF0 =
+        FirstDeclMatcher<DeclTy>().match(FromTu0, getPattern());
+    auto *FromF1 =
+        FirstDeclMatcher<DeclTy>().match(FromTu1, getPattern());
+    auto *ToF0 = Import(FromF0, Lang_CXX);
+    auto *ToF1 = Import(FromF1, Lang_CXX);
+    EXPECT_NE(ToF0, ToF1);
+    if (shouldBeLinked())
+      EXPECT_EQ(ToF1->getPreviousDecl(), ToF0);
+    else
+      EXPECT_FALSE(ToF1->getPreviousDecl());
+  }
+using ImportFunctionsVisibility = ImportVisibility<GetFunPattern>;
+using ImportVariablesVisibility = ImportVisibility<GetVarPattern>;
+// FunctionDecl.
+TEST_P(ImportFunctionsVisibility, ImportAfter) {
+  TypedTest_ImportAfter();
+TEST_P(ImportFunctionsVisibility, ImportAfterImport) {
+  TypedTest_ImportAfterImport();
+// VarDecl.
+TEST_P(ImportVariablesVisibility, ImportAfter) {
+  TypedTest_ImportAfter();
+TEST_P(ImportVariablesVisibility, ImportAfterImport) {
+  TypedTest_ImportAfterImport();
+bool ExpectLink = true;
+bool ExpectNotLink = false;
+    ParameterizedTests, ImportFunctionsVisibility,
+    ::testing::Combine(
+        DefaultTestValuesForRunOptions,
+        ::testing::Values(std::make_tuple(ExternF, ExternF, ExpectLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(ExternF, StaticF, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(ExternF, AnonF, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(StaticF, ExternF, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(StaticF, StaticF, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(StaticF, AnonF, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(AnonF, ExternF, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(AnonF, StaticF, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(AnonF, AnonF, ExpectNotLink))), );
+    ParameterizedTests, ImportVariablesVisibility,
+    ::testing::Combine(
+        DefaultTestValuesForRunOptions,
+        ::testing::Values(std::make_tuple(ExternV, ExternV, ExpectLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(ExternV, StaticV, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(ExternV, AnonV, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(StaticV, ExternV, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(StaticV, StaticV, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(StaticV, AnonV, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(AnonV, ExternV, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(AnonV, StaticV, ExpectNotLink),
+                          std::make_tuple(AnonV, AnonV, ExpectNotLink))), );
+} // namespace TypeAndValueParameterizedTests
+TEST_P(ASTImporterOptionSpecificTestBase, ImportVariableChainInC) {
+    std::string Code = "static int v; static int v = 0;";
+    auto Pattern = varDecl(hasName("v"));
+    TranslationUnitDecl *FromTu = getTuDecl(Code, Lang_C, "input0.c");
+    auto *From0 = FirstDeclMatcher<VarDecl>().match(FromTu, Pattern);
+    auto *From1 = LastDeclMatcher<VarDecl>().match(FromTu, Pattern);
+    auto *To0 = Import(From0, Lang_C);
+    auto *To1 = Import(From1, Lang_C);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(To0);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(To1);
+    EXPECT_NE(To0, To1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(To1->getPreviousDecl(), To0);
+TEST_P(ImportFunctions, ImportFromDifferentScopedAnonNamespace) {
+  TranslationUnitDecl *FromTu = getTuDecl(
+      "namespace NS0 { namespace { void f(); } }"
+      "namespace NS1 { namespace { void f(); } }",
+      Lang_CXX, "");
+  auto Pattern = functionDecl(hasName("f"));
+  auto *FromF0 = FirstDeclMatcher<FunctionDecl>().match(FromTu, Pattern);
+  auto *FromF1 = LastDeclMatcher<FunctionDecl>().match(FromTu, Pattern);
+  auto *ToF0 = Import(FromF0, Lang_CXX);
+  auto *ToF1 = Import(FromF1, Lang_CXX);
+  EXPECT_NE(ToF0, ToF1);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ToF1->getPreviousDecl());
+TEST_P(ImportFunctions, ImportFunctionFromUnnamedNamespace) {
+  {
+    Decl *FromTU = getTuDecl("namespace { void f() {} } void g0() { f(); }",
+                             Lang_CXX, "");
+    auto *FromD = FirstDeclMatcher<FunctionDecl>().match(
+        FromTU, functionDecl(hasName("g0")));
+    Import(FromD, Lang_CXX);
+  }
+  {
+    Decl *FromTU =
+        getTuDecl("namespace { void f() { int a; } } void g1() { f(); }",
+                  Lang_CXX, "");
+    auto *FromD = FirstDeclMatcher<FunctionDecl>().match(
+        FromTU, functionDecl(hasName("g1")));
+    Import(FromD, Lang_CXX);
+  }
+  Decl *ToTU = ToAST->getASTContext().getTranslationUnitDecl();
+  ASSERT_EQ(DeclCounter<FunctionDecl>().match(ToTU, functionDecl(hasName("f"))),
+            2u);
 struct ImportFriendFunctions : ImportFunctions {};
 TEST_P(ImportFriendFunctions, ImportFriendFunctionRedeclChainProto) {
Index: lib/AST/ASTImporter.cpp
--- lib/AST/ASTImporter.cpp
+++ lib/AST/ASTImporter.cpp
@@ -437,6 +437,9 @@
     Error ImportTemplateInformation(FunctionDecl *FromFD, FunctionDecl *ToFD);
+    template <typename T>
+    bool hasSameVisibilityContext(T *Found, T *From);
     bool IsStructuralMatch(Decl *From, Decl *To, bool Complain);
     bool IsStructuralMatch(RecordDecl *FromRecord, RecordDecl *ToRecord,
                            bool Complain = true);
@@ -2944,6 +2947,19 @@
   return FoundSpec;
+template <typename T>
+bool ASTNodeImporter::hasSameVisibilityContext(T *Found, T *From) {
+  if (From->hasExternalFormalLinkage())
+    return Found->hasExternalFormalLinkage();
+  if (Importer.GetFromTU(Found) != From->getTranslationUnitDecl())
+    return false;
+  if (From->isInAnonymousNamespace())
+    return Found->isInAnonymousNamespace();
+  else
+    return !Found->isInAnonymousNamespace() &&
+           !Found->hasExternalFormalLinkage();
 ExpectedDecl ASTNodeImporter::VisitFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *D) {
   SmallVector<Decl *, 2> Redecls = getCanonicalForwardRedeclChain(D);
@@ -2997,33 +3013,30 @@
       if (auto *FoundFunction = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(FoundDecl)) {
-        if (FoundFunction->hasExternalFormalLinkage() &&
-            D->hasExternalFormalLinkage()) {
-          if (IsStructuralMatch(D, FoundFunction)) {
-            const FunctionDecl *Definition = nullptr;
-            if (D->doesThisDeclarationHaveABody() &&
-                FoundFunction->hasBody(Definition)) {
-              return Importer.MapImported(
-                  D, const_cast<FunctionDecl *>(Definition));
-            }
-            FoundByLookup = FoundFunction;
-            break;
-          }
-          // FIXME: Check for overloading more carefully, e.g., by boosting
-          // Sema::IsOverload out to the AST library.
+        if (!hasSameVisibilityContext(FoundFunction, D))
+          continue;
+        if (IsStructuralMatch(D, FoundFunction)) {
+          const FunctionDecl *Definition = nullptr;
+          if (D->doesThisDeclarationHaveABody() &&
+              FoundFunction->hasBody(Definition))
+            return Importer.MapImported(D,
+                                        const_cast<FunctionDecl *>(Definition));
+          FoundByLookup = FoundFunction;
+          break;
+        }
+        // FIXME: Check for overloading more carefully, e.g., by boosting
+        // Sema::IsOverload out to the AST library.
-          // Function overloading is okay in C++.
-          if (Importer.getToContext().getLangOpts().CPlusPlus)
-            continue;
+        // Function overloading is okay in C++.
+        if (Importer.getToContext().getLangOpts().CPlusPlus)
+          continue;
-          // Complain about inconsistent function types.
-          Importer.ToDiag(Loc, diag::err_odr_function_type_inconsistent)
+        // Complain about inconsistent function types.
+        Importer.ToDiag(Loc, diag::err_odr_function_type_inconsistent)
             << Name << D->getType() << FoundFunction->getType();
-          Importer.ToDiag(FoundFunction->getLocation(),
-                          diag::note_odr_value_here)
+        Importer.ToDiag(FoundFunction->getLocation(), diag::note_odr_value_here)
             << FoundFunction->getType();
-        }
@@ -3579,58 +3592,56 @@
       if (auto *FoundVar = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(FoundDecl)) {
-        // We have found a variable that we may need to merge with. Check it.
-        if (FoundVar->hasExternalFormalLinkage() &&
-            D->hasExternalFormalLinkage()) {
-          if (Importer.IsStructurallyEquivalent(D->getType(),
-                                                FoundVar->getType())) {
-            // The VarDecl in the "From" context has a definition, but in the
-            // "To" context we already have a definition.
-            VarDecl *FoundDef = FoundVar->getDefinition();
-            if (D->isThisDeclarationADefinition() && FoundDef)
-              // FIXME Check for ODR error if the two definitions have
-              // different initializers?
-              return Importer.MapImported(D, FoundDef);
-            // The VarDecl in the "From" context has an initializer, but in the
-            // "To" context we already have an initializer.
-            const VarDecl *FoundDInit = nullptr;
-            if (D->getInit() && FoundVar->getAnyInitializer(FoundDInit))
-              // FIXME Diagnose ODR error if the two initializers are different?
-              return Importer.MapImported(D, const_cast<VarDecl*>(FoundDInit));
+        if (!hasSameVisibilityContext(FoundVar, D))
+          continue;
+        if (Importer.IsStructurallyEquivalent(D->getType(),
+                                              FoundVar->getType())) {
+          // The VarDecl in the "From" context has a definition, but in the
+          // "To" context we already have a definition.
+          VarDecl *FoundDef = FoundVar->getDefinition();
+          if (D->isThisDeclarationADefinition() && FoundDef)
+            // FIXME Check for ODR error if the two definitions have
+            // different initializers?
+            return Importer.MapImported(D, FoundDef);
+          // The VarDecl in the "From" context has an initializer, but in the
+          // "To" context we already have an initializer.
+          const VarDecl *FoundDInit = nullptr;
+          if (D->getInit() && FoundVar->getAnyInitializer(FoundDInit))
+            // FIXME Diagnose ODR error if the two initializers are different?
+            return Importer.MapImported(D, const_cast<VarDecl*>(FoundDInit));
+          FoundByLookup = FoundVar;
+          break;
+        }
+        const ArrayType *FoundArray
+          = Importer.getToContext().getAsArrayType(FoundVar->getType());
+        const ArrayType *TArray
+          = Importer.getToContext().getAsArrayType(D->getType());
+        if (FoundArray && TArray) {
+          if (isa<IncompleteArrayType>(FoundArray) &&
+              isa<ConstantArrayType>(TArray)) {
+            // Import the type.
+            if (auto TyOrErr = import(D->getType()))
+              FoundVar->setType(*TyOrErr);
+            else
+              return TyOrErr.takeError();
             FoundByLookup = FoundVar;
+          } else if (isa<IncompleteArrayType>(TArray) &&
+                     isa<ConstantArrayType>(FoundArray)) {
+            FoundByLookup = FoundVar;
+            break;
-          const ArrayType *FoundArray
-            = Importer.getToContext().getAsArrayType(FoundVar->getType());
-          const ArrayType *TArray
-            = Importer.getToContext().getAsArrayType(D->getType());
-          if (FoundArray && TArray) {
-            if (isa<IncompleteArrayType>(FoundArray) &&
-                isa<ConstantArrayType>(TArray)) {
-              // Import the type.
-              if (auto TyOrErr = import(D->getType()))
-                FoundVar->setType(*TyOrErr);
-              else
-                return TyOrErr.takeError();
-              FoundByLookup = FoundVar;
-              break;
-            } else if (isa<IncompleteArrayType>(TArray) &&
-                       isa<ConstantArrayType>(FoundArray)) {
-              FoundByLookup = FoundVar;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-          Importer.ToDiag(Loc, diag::err_odr_variable_type_inconsistent)
-            << Name << D->getType() << FoundVar->getType();
-          Importer.ToDiag(FoundVar->getLocation(), diag::note_odr_value_here)
-            << FoundVar->getType();
+        Importer.ToDiag(Loc, diag::err_odr_variable_type_inconsistent)
+          << Name << D->getType() << FoundVar->getType();
+        Importer.ToDiag(FoundVar->getLocation(), diag::note_odr_value_here)
+          << FoundVar->getType();
@@ -7761,6 +7772,13 @@
     return nullptr;
+TranslationUnitDecl *ASTImporter::GetFromTU(Decl *ToD) {
+  auto FromDPos = ImportedFromDecls.find(ToD);
+  if (FromDPos == ImportedFromDecls.end())
+    return nullptr;
+  return FromDPos->second->getTranslationUnitDecl();
 Expected<Decl *> ASTImporter::Import_New(Decl *FromD) {
   Decl *ToD = Import(FromD);
   if (!ToD && FromD)
@@ -8511,6 +8529,9 @@
   if (Pos != ImportedDecls.end())
     return Pos->second;
   ImportedDecls[From] = To;
+  // This mapping should be maintained only in this function. Therefore do not
+  // check for additional consistency.
+  ImportedFromDecls[To] = From;
   return To;
Index: include/clang/AST/ASTImporter.h
--- include/clang/AST/ASTImporter.h
+++ include/clang/AST/ASTImporter.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 namespace clang {
 class ASTContext;
+class Attr;
 class ASTImporterLookupTable;
 class CXXBaseSpecifier;
 class CXXCtorInitializer;
@@ -42,8 +43,8 @@
 class NamedDecl;
 class Stmt;
 class TagDecl;
+class TranslationUnitDecl;
 class TypeSourceInfo;
-class Attr;
   class ImportError : public llvm::ErrorInfo<ImportError> {
@@ -115,6 +116,10 @@
     /// context to the corresponding declarations in the "to" context.
     llvm::DenseMap<Decl *, Decl *> ImportedDecls;
+    /// Mapping from the already-imported declarations in the "to"
+    /// context to the corresponding declarations in the "from" context.
+    llvm::DenseMap<Decl *, Decl *> ImportedFromDecls;
     /// Mapping from the already-imported statements in the "from"
     /// context to the corresponding statements in the "to" context.
     llvm::DenseMap<Stmt *, Stmt *> ImportedStmts;
@@ -226,9 +231,13 @@
     /// Return the copy of the given declaration in the "to" context if
     /// it has already been imported from the "from" context.  Otherwise return
-    /// NULL.
+    /// nullptr.
     Decl *GetAlreadyImportedOrNull(const Decl *FromD) const;
+    /// Return the translation unit from where the declaration was
+    /// imported. If it does not exist nullptr is returned.
+    TranslationUnitDecl *GetFromTU(Decl *ToD);
     /// Import the given declaration context from the "from"
     /// AST context into the "to" AST context.
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