aaron.ballman added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tidy/bugprone/ArgumentCommentCheck.cpp:228-236
+static bool isStringLiteral(const Expr *Arg) {
+  const auto *Cast = dyn_cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(Arg);
+  return Cast ? isa<StringLiteral>(Cast->getSubExpr()) : false;
+static bool isNullPtrLiteral(const Expr *Arg) {
+  const auto *Cast = dyn_cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(Arg);
MyDeveloperDay wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > What's going on with these? Why not `return 
> > isa<Blah>(Arg->IgnoreImpCasts());` (at which point, no need for the 
> > separate functions).
> OK, my bad, I was just looking at the ast-dump on godbolt.org thinking... how 
> do I get past that ImplicitCasrExpr, learning these tricks in the AST isn't 
> always obvious despite me looking in doxygen, when you don't know what to 
> look for its hard to know..but this is a neat trick and I'm happy to learn.
No worries, I was just wondering if there was something special about a 
`FullExpr` that you didn't want to look though it for some reason. Glad to show 
you a new trick!

Comment at: clang-tidy/bugprone/ArgumentCommentCheck.cpp:1
-//===--- ArgumentCommentCheck.cpp - clang-tidy 
Why did this get removed?

Comment at: clang-tidy/bugprone/ArgumentCommentCheck.cpp:231
+bool ArgumentCommentCheck::shouldAddComment(const Expr *Arg) const {
+  return (CommentBoolLiterals && isa<CXXBoolLiteralExpr>(Arg)) ||
+         (CommentIntegerLiterals && isa<IntegerLiteral>(Arg)) ||
I think we may want to do some additional work here. Consider:
#define FOO 1

void g(int);
void h(double);
void i(const char *);

void f() {
  g(FOO); // Probably don't want to suggest comments here
  g((1)); // Probably do want to suggest comments here
  h(1.0f); // Probably do want to suggest comments here
  i(__FILE__); // Probably don't want to suggest comments here
I think this code should do two things: 1) check whether the location of the 
arg is a macro expansion (if so, return false), 2) do `Arg = 
Arg->IgnoreParenImpCasts();` at the start of the function and drop the 
`Arg->IgnoreImpCasts()` for the string and pointer literal cases. However, that 
may be a bridge too far, so you should add a test case like this:
g(_Generic(0, int : 0)); // Definitely do not want to see comments here
If it turns out the above case gives the comment suggestions, then I'd go with 
`IgnoreImpCasts()` rather than `IgnoreParenImpCasts()`.

Comment at: clang-tidy/bugprone/ArgumentCommentCheck.cpp:257
MyDeveloperDay wrote:
> @aaron.ballman, slight aside (and not in the code I introduced), when I run 
> clang-tidy on the code I'm sending for review, I get the following...
> ```
> C:\clang\llvm\tools\clang\tools\extra\clang-tidy\bugprone\ArgumentCommentCheck.cpp:253:8:
>  warning: invalid case style for variable 'makeFileCharRange' 
> [readability-identifier-naming]
>   auto makeFileCharRange = [Ctx](SourceLocation Begin, SourceLocation End) {
>        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>        MakeFileCharRange
> ```
> according to the .clang-tidy, a variable should be CamelCase, and a function 
> camelBack, as its a Lambda what do we consider it should be? and does this 
> really require an improvement in readability-identifier-naming? (might be 
> something I'd be happy to look at next)
> ```
> Checks: 
> '-*,clang-diagnostic-*,llvm-*,misc-*,-misc-unused-parameters,readability-identifier-naming'
> CheckOptions:
>   - key:             readability-identifier-naming.ClassCase
>     value:           CamelCase
>   - key:             readability-identifier-naming.EnumCase
>     value:           CamelCase
>   - key:             readability-identifier-naming.FunctionCase
>     value:           camelBack
>   - key:             readability-identifier-naming.MemberCase
>     value:           CamelCase
>   - key:             readability-identifier-naming.ParameterCase
>     value:           CamelCase
>   - key:             readability-identifier-naming.UnionCase
>     value:           CamelCase
>   - key:             readability-identifier-naming.VariableCase
>     value:           CamelCase
> ```
> according to the .clang-tidy, a variable should be CamelCase, and a function 
> camelBack, as its a Lambda what do we consider it should be? and does this 
> really require an improvement in readability-identifier-naming? (might be 
> something I'd be happy to look at next)

Lambdas are variables, so I would expect those to follow the variable naming 
conventions. This is consistent with how we treat variables of function pointer 
type as well.

Comment at: clang-tidy/bugprone/ArgumentCommentCheck.h:43
   const bool StrictMode;
+  const unsigned CommentBoolLiterals : 1;
Can you include this in the bit-field packing as well (with type `unsigned`)?

Comment at: docs/clang-tidy/checks/bugprone-argument-comment.rst:40
+  void foo(bool turn_key,bool press_button);
MyDeveloperDay wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > Format the code examples from our style guide as well (same below).
> > This still seems to be happening in the current revision?
> Sorry didn't catch your meaning but I assume it was the space between the 
> arguments...
Yup, it was!



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