aaron.ballman added a comment.

In D59467#1439585 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D59467#1439585>, @Tyker wrote:

> about the semantic issue.
>  with the standard's latitude on where we can put the attribute, the 
> attribute can appear any where on the path of execution and must be matched 
> with the condition it corresponds to. we need to do it for diagnostics 
> purposes to detect conflicts and repetitions. and we need it again for the 
> codegen. but where in the ast can we store this information ?

I feel like this could be tracked in the StmtBits as well as via an attributed 
stmt node. We need to be able to handle cases like:

  if (foo) [[likely]] {
  if (bar) {
  if (baz)
    [[likely]] stmt;

The attributed statement is required because we want ast pretty printing to 
also print out the `[[likely]]` attribute usage and AST matchers to 
appropriately find the attribute, etc, and we need to know which statement the 
attribute was attached to in order to get the positioning correct. However, for 
diagnostic purposes, we likely want to know information like "has this path 
already been attributed" and that can either be through some extra data on an 
AST node, or it could be an Analysis pass like we do for `[[fallthrough]]` 
support with a separate pass for CodeGen.

> is adding information to conditional statements Node acceptable ?

You can generally add information to AST nodes, but pay close attention to 
things like adding bits to a bit-field that suddenly cause the object size to 
increase and see if there are ways to avoid that if possible (and if not, it's 
still fine).

It might make sense to work your way backwards from the backend to see what 
possible ways we can support this feature. `__builtin_expect` may make sense 
for if statements, but for case and default labels in a switch, we may want to 
play with the branch weights. For catch handlers, we may need to thread 
information through yet another way. Once we know what kinds of paths we can 
actually do something interesting with, we may spot a pattern of how to expose 
the information through the AST.



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