hintonda marked an inline comment as done.
hintonda added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clang-tidy/utils/HeaderFileExtensionsUtils.h:21
-typedef llvm::SmallSet<llvm::StringRef, 5> HeaderFileExtensionsSet;
+using HeaderFileExtensionsSet = SmallSet<StringRef, 5>;
aaron.ballman wrote:
> alexfh wrote:
> > hintonda wrote:
> > > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > > hintonda wrote:
> > > > > aaron.ballman wrote:
> > > > > > I do not like that we're removing the namespace qualifier here. I 
> > > > > > would prefer to leave it as `::llvm::SmallSet<::llvm::StringRef, 
> > > > > > 5>` if there is a namespace clash.
> > > > > Other than aesthetics, the reason I don't like the idea of fully 
> > > > > scoping these types, at least without a comment, is that the error is 
> > > > > triggered by some other code gets included first, and has nothing to 
> > > > > do with this code -- there's nothing actually wrong with the original 
> > > > > code.  So it could/would be confusing for a reader later on wondering 
> > > > > why you needed to fully scope these types, and not others.
> > > > I would argue that the original code is wrong to not use 
> > > > fully-qualified namespace specifiers. The issue is that we have two 
> > > > different namespaces named `llvm` and have gotten away with poor 
> > > > namespace hygiene by accident. Either we should rename the clang-tidy 
> > > > `llvm` namespace to something that does not conflict, or we should 
> > > > consistently use fully-qualified namespace specifiers when in 
> > > > clang-tidy and needing to refer to an `llvm` namespace explicitly.
> > > > 
> > > > I think this patch goes in the wrong direction by making it easier to 
> > > > limp along with poor namespace hygiene.
> > > By fully qualified, do you mean appending the global namespace, `::` to 
> > > everything?   I actually like using `llvm::`, but `::llvm::` is odd and 
> > > needs explanation.
> > > 
> > > I'd be happy to abandon this change and instead rename the 
> > > `clang::tidy::llvm` to `clang::tidy::something_else`, if that's what the 
> > > community would prefer.
> > > 
> > Aaron, you have  a very good point. We also have a more recent example of a 
> > good namespace hygiene in clang-tidy code: the `abseil` module is not 
> > called `absl` mainly to "avoid collisions with a well-known top-level 
> > namespace" 
> > (https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#Namespace_Names).
> > 
> > If we can rename the llvm module to something reasonable ("llvm_project"?) 
> > without breaking the naming invariants (used by the add_new_check.py 
> > script, for example), it would be a much better solution.
> > By fully qualified, do you mean appending the global namespace, :: to 
> > everything? I actually like using llvm::, but ::llvm:: is odd and needs 
> > explanation.
> I mean that within clang-tidy, anywhere we write `llvm::` today, we write 
> `::llvm::` instead when we're talking about the global `llvm` namespace as 
> opposed to the clang-tidy `llvm` namespace.
> > I'd be happy to abandon this change and instead rename the 
> > clang::tidy::llvm to clang::tidy::something_else, if that's what the 
> > community would prefer.
> That's my personal preference. I'm fine with the suggestion from @alexfh of 
> using `llvm_project` instead, but we could also go with `llvm_proj`, 
> `llvm_code`, `llvm_tidy`, etc.
Looks like a consensus.  I'll work up a patch and get back to you.  Thanks 

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