rsmith added a comment.

I expect that we get this wrong in the same way for all the `SemaDeclRefs` 
declarations (`StdNamespace`, `StdBadAlloc`, and `StdAlignValT`).

I think the place where this is going wrong is `ASTDeclReader::findExisting`, 
which is assuming that the prior declaration for normal `NamedDecl`s can be 
found by name lookup; that's not true for these particular implicitly-declared 
entities. Perhaps the simplest fix would be to add a check around here:

  } else if (DeclContext *MergeDC = getPrimaryContextForMerging(Reader, DC)) {
    DeclContext::lookup_result R = MergeDC->noload_lookup(Name);
    for (DeclContext::lookup_iterator I = R.begin(), E = R.end(); I != E; ++I) {
      if (NamedDecl *Existing = getDeclForMerging(*I, TypedefNameForLinkage))
        if (isSameEntity(Existing, D))
          return FindExistingResult(Reader, D, Existing, AnonymousDeclNumber,
    // [HERE]

... to see if `D` is one of our three special entities, and if so to ask `Sema` 
for its current declaration of that entity (without triggering deserialization) 
and if not, set `D` as the declaration of that entity.

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp:8915-8919
+      if (II->isStr("std") && PrevNS->isStdNamespace() &&
+          PrevNS != getStdNamespace()) {
+        PrevNS = getStdNamespace();
+        IsStd = true;
+      }
This doesn't seem right to me. This change appears to affect the case where we 
already have two distinct `std` namespaces and are declaring a third, which is 
too late -- things already went wrong if we reach that situation.

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp:9215
+    if (getLangOpts().Modules)
+      getStdNamespace()->setHasExternalVisibleStorage(true);
This also doesn't look right: the "has external visible storage" flag should 
only be set by the external source, to indicate that it has lookup results for 
the decl context.

  rC Clang


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