dblaikie added a comment.

In D59923#1460696 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D59923#1460696>, @MaskRay wrote:

> > is that to imply that the first block all do not use split DWARF?
> The first block do not use split DWARF.

That doesn't sound like what I'd expect (& would represent a change in behavior 
as well). The first block reads:

-gsplit-dwarf -g0 => 0
-gsplit-dwarf -gline-directives-only => DebugDirectivesOnly
-gsplit-dwarf -gmlt -fsplit-dwarf-inlining => 1
-gsplit-dwarf -gmlt -fno-split-dwarf-inlining => 1

This last one currently produces split-dwarf (if there's any DWARF worth 
splitting - if there are any subprogram descriptions, etc, otherwise it saves 
the indirection and produces an empty .dwo file).

>> In a previous message I think you said that the only change was "-gmlt 
>> -gsplit-dwarf -fno-split-dwarf-inlining => 1 (before) 2 (after)" - which I'm 
>> not sure is an improvement.
> Yes, this is the only behavioral change.
>> You mentioned that the inconsistency between "-g0 -gsplit-dwarf" and "-gmlt 
>> -gsplit-dwarf -fno-split-dwarf-inlining" was confusing. But still there will 
>> be an inconsistency between "-gsplit-dwarf -g0" and "-gsplit-dwarf -gmlt 
>> -fno-split-dwarf-inlining", yes?
> The debug info level will be consistent after this patch:  the last of 
> `-gsplit-dwarf -g0 -g1 -g2 -g3 -ggdb[0-3] -gdwarf-*` will decide the debug 
> info level (`-gsplit-dwarf -gdwarf-*` have level 2). Next, a separate rule 
> decides if the `-gsplit-dwarf` takes effect (not if `DebugInfoKind == 
> codegenoptions::NoDebugInfo || DebugInfoKind == 
> codegenoptions::DebugDirectivesOnly || (DebugInfoKind == 
> codegenoptions::DebugLineTablesOnly && SplitDWARFInlining)`)
>> I think that under -fno-split-dwarf-inlining, -gmlt and -gsplit-dwarf should 
>> be order independent and compositional rather than overriding. Having them 
>> compose in one order but not the other seems confusing to me.
> The existence of `-fno-split-dwarf-inlining` changing the position dependence 
> makes me confused:
> - Without it, the latter of `-gmlt` and `-gsplit-dwarf` decides the debug 
> info level
> - With it, `-gmlt` decides the debug info level

Seems there's going to be confusion either way, though - either the 
presence/absence of -fno-split-dwarf-inlining changes whether -gsplit-dwarf is 
respected/ignored (in the presence of -gmlt), or changes whethe -gmlt composes 
with -gsplit-dwarf or overrides it? Seems these are both a bit confusing, no?

  rC Clang



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