rjmccall added a comment.

In D61165#1488553 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D61165#1488553>, @erik.pilkington 

> In D61165#1487328 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D61165#1487328>, @rjmccall wrote:
> > In D61165#1487100 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D61165#1487100>, 
> > @erik.pilkington wrote:
> >
> > > It seems like the most common sense interpretation here is to just treat 
> > > the initialization of `G` as completed at the point when the constructor 
> > > finishes (this appears to be what GCC implements: 
> > > https://wandbox.org/permlink/R3C9pPhoT4efAdL1).
> >
> >
> > Your example doesn't actually demonstrate that that's what GCC implements 
> > because it doesn't try to execute the declaration twice.  But you're right, 
> > GCC does appear to consider the initialization complete as soon as the 
> > static object's constructor returns normally.  On the other hand, GCC gets 
> > the array case here wrong: if a static local has array type, and a 
> > destructor for a temporary required by the first element initializer 
> > throws, then it does not destroy the element but also (correctly) does not 
> > mark the variable as fully initialized, and so a second attempt to run the 
> > initializer will simply construct a new object on top of an 
> > already-constructed one.  This is arguably correct under the standard — the 
> > first array element is not a previously-constructed object of automatic 
> > duration — but I hope it's obvious that that's a defect.
> >
> > > So if it was static it would just get destroyed at exit-time, and 
> > > therefore should be disable-able with `no_destroy`. If the standard 
> > > implies that we should be doing something else, then we should do that, 
> > > but I can't seem to find any reference to the rule you're describing.
> >
> > Like I said, this is a poorly-specified part of the standard, because at 
> > least *some* objects with static storage duration have to be destroyed when 
> > an exception is thrown (because of aggregate initialization), but the 
> > standard wants to pretend that this isn't true.  I think that allowing 
> > temporary destructors to cancel initialization uniformly across all kinds 
> > of objects is the most consistent rule,
> That's only true for subobjects of an enclosing aggregate before that 
> aggregate's initialization is complete though, right? So it doesn't seem like 
> that much of an inconsistency, just mimicking what we would be doing if an 
> exception was thrown in, say, the body of the ctor before the object's 
> initialization is completed.

Conceptually yes, but formally no.  The standard *could* write this rule as 
"all currently-initialized subobjects must be separately destroyed when an 
exception aborts initialization of the containing aggregate, including 
constructor bodies and aggregate initialization", but it doesn't actually do 
so; instead it has specific rules covering the behavior when an exception is 
thrown out of the body of a constructor, and those rules simply do not apply to 
aggregate initialization.

Even if it did, though, that wouldn't tell us how to resolve this because this 
is fundamentally about when exactly the initialization of an object is 
"complete", which doesn't seem to be clearly defined in the standard.  There's 
a rule for when a *constructor* is complete, but among other things, not all 
initializations involve constructors.

>> but if the standard wants to use a rule that non-aggregate initialization of 
>> static and thread-local locals is complete as soon as the constructor (or 
>> assignment) completes, as opposed to the end of the full-expression, that's 
>> also implementable.
> So what should that path forward be here? I'd really like to get this crash 
> fixed soon. If we want to consider a static local no_destroy dtor 
> potentially-invoked in Sema if the initializer has a temporary with a 
> throwing dtor, then we could do that, but it'd be unfortunate for 98/03 where 
> I believe a dtor isn't noexcept by default, so we'd have to assume the worst. 
> I guess it'd be easier to change our minds in the future if we treat the dtor 
> as potentially-invoked, but I'm not really seeing the argument that we 
> shouldn't just use this rule.

I think the simplest rule would be to say that the destructor must still be 
accessible for static or thread-local locals and that it'll be used in certain 
cases when initialization is aborted.

>> I guess it would also technically be feasible for repeated attempts at 
>> initialization to just pick up after the last subobject to be successfully 
>> constructed, although that would be really obnoxious to actually implement 
>> (and would require an ABI change for static local aggregates with vague 
>> linkage).
> Yeah, that seems quite strange, especially if initialization got picked up in 
> another thread :)

Actually, cross-thread isn't a problem because the C++ runtime already 
serializes all initialization attempts.



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