dkrupp added a comment.

In D57858#1499414 <>, @Szelethus wrote:

> In D57858#1498640 <>, @NoQ wrote:
> > So, like, the global picture is as follows. In our case the Driver (i.e., 
> > --analyze) is not much more user facing than frontend flags. It's still 
> > fairly unusable directly, as our Static Analyzer is generally not a 
> > command-line tool. The real user-facing stuff is the GUIs such as 
> > scan-build or CodeChecker. These GUIs decide themselves on what options 
> > they want to expose. For instance, you have a right to decide that 
> > CodeChecker shouldn't support the aggressive mode of the move-checker and 
> > don't expose it as an option in your GUI. In this sense it's not really 
> > useful to provide a centralized `-help` of all user-facing options.
> >
> > But it sounds as if you want to change this situation and provide a single 
> > source of truth on what are the user-facing options. Particular GUIs can 
> > still ignore them, but you don't want to hardcode flags in CodeChecker, but 
> > instead you want to rely on clang to provide the list of supported options 
> > for you and, as a side effect, for scan-build users (if you also add a 
> > scan-build help flag). I'm totally in favor of crystallizing such list of 
> > user-facing flags, and this patch sounds like a good step in that 
> > direction, assuming that non-user-facing options are hidden.
> That describes my intention quite well :)
> > I'm still in favor of hiding alpha checkers (as they are for development 
> > only, much like debug flags; i'd recommend hiding them in the CodeChecker 
> > UI as well)
> > 
> > Now, why do we care about frontend/driver flags when they're unusable by 
> > definition? That's because we have a mental trauma after seeing a few 
> > powerusers actively explore those flags, observe that they don't work, and 
> > then tell everybody that the Analyzer is broken. So there's a threshold, 
> > based on a tiny but painful bit of practical experience, that says that 
> > documentation of developer-only features on or in code comments is 
> > fine, but documentation printed by the released binary itself is not fine.
> What you say sounds very reasonable. Still, I am kind of hesitant about 
> hiding all alpha checkers: I initially intended to hide only are 
> developer-only checkers (modeling, debug). I guess if we define alpha 
> checkers (as you stated numerous times) as incomplete, under development, are 
> missing half their limbs and crash if you look at them the wrong way, sure, 
> they belong in the developer-only category. But checkers such as mine 
> (UninitializedObjectChecker), for the longest time were very stable, have 
> been enabled by default for our internal projects, despite only recently 
> moving out of alpha.
> Then agaaain, if we're that stubborn about alpha checkers, we could might as 
> well dig them out of `-analyzer-checker-help-hidden`, and leave the rest 
> there. Untangling what alpha checkers depend on one another could be solved 
> by making yet another frontend flag that would display checker dependencies, 
> which would be super easy since D54438 <>, or 
> create an `-analyzer-checker-help-alpha` flag that would display alpha, but 
> not developer-only checkers. @dkrupp @o.gyorgy Do you have any feelings on 
> this?
> > and we should probably automatically hide options of checker that are 
> > hidden.
> Checker options are a different kind of animal entirely. I think we should 
> definitely let the user fine-tune some modeling checkers, for instance, 
> `unix.DynamicMemoryModeling:Optimistic`, despite us not really wanting to let 
>  anyone (even developers really) mess around whether 
> `unix.DynamicMemoryModeling` should be enabled. While that specific option 
> is, to put it nicely, a little esoteric, making some decisions the analyzer 
> makes less conservative, or limiting state splits to help performance may be 
> desirable in the future.
> Let's move the rest of the discussion directly related to hiding checker 
> options to D61839 <>!

Yes, it would be great if the clang static analyzer would be the ultimate 
source of information with respect to the checkers and checker options. Then we 
would not need to split this info between the front-end (scanbuild, 
codechecker) and the analyzer.

Some alpha checkers are considerably more mature than others and are quite 
usable. In our experience, there are some users who are keen to run these 
checkers on their code and report back any false positives to us. So in this 
sense these are not "developer only" checkers. So I think we should let the 
users list them, read their descriptions and try them out. Some of them will 
come back with useful feedback as to how to improve them further. Some users 
would not care if the checker gives some more false positives than the "mature" 
checkers if they can catch some true positives with them.

@Szelethus  has a good point in supporting three checker and option categories
-stable: checkers that are stable and which report "small number of false 
positives". (-analyzer-checker-help)
-experimental: checkers in alpha stage, with more false positives than usual, 
but which still should not crash. (-analyzer-checker-help-experimental or 
-analyzer-checker-help-alpha or -analyzer-checker-help-hidden ). We can add a 
disclaimer for this option.
-developer: modeling checkers, debug checkers that is used by checker/analyzer 
developer (-analyzer-checker-help-devel)

we could create the same help categories for checker options and non-checker 


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