slavapestov updated this revision to Diff 199885.
slavapestov added a comment.

Updated patch to address review feedback.



Index: clang/utils/TableGen/ClangAttrEmitter.cpp
--- clang/utils/TableGen/ClangAttrEmitter.cpp
+++ clang/utils/TableGen/ClangAttrEmitter.cpp
@@ -1922,6 +1922,34 @@
   return true;
+static std::string GenerateTestExpression(ArrayRef<Record *> LangOpts) {
+  std::string Test;
+  for (auto *E : LangOpts) {
+    if (!Test.empty())
+      Test += " || ";
+    if (E->getValueAsBit("Negated")) {
+      Test += "!";
+    }
+    const StringRef Code = E->getValueAsString("CustomCode");
+    if (!Code.empty()) {
+      Test += "(";
+      Test += Code;
+      Test += ")";
+    } else {
+      Test += "LangOpts.";
+      Test += E->getValueAsString("Name");
+    }
+  }
+  if (Test.empty())
+    return "true";
+  return Test;
 PragmaClangAttributeSupport::generateStrictConformsTo(const Record &Attr,
                                                       raw_ostream &OS) {
@@ -1948,19 +1976,8 @@
       // rules if the specific language options are specified.
       std::vector<Record *> LangOpts = Rule.getLangOpts();
       OS << "  MatchRules.push_back(std::make_pair(" << Rule.getEnumValue()
-         << ", /*IsSupported=*/";
-      if (!LangOpts.empty()) {
-        for (auto I = LangOpts.begin(), E = LangOpts.end(); I != E; ++I) {
-          const StringRef Part = (*I)->getValueAsString("Name");
-          if ((*I)->getValueAsBit("Negated"))
-            OS << "!";
-          OS << "LangOpts." << Part;
-          if (I + 1 != E)
-            OS << " || ";
-        }
-      } else
-        OS << "true";
-      OS << "));\n";
+         << ", /*IsSupported=*/" << GenerateTestExpression(LangOpts)
+         << "));\n";
   OS << "}\n\n";
@@ -3431,22 +3448,14 @@
   if (LangOpts.empty())
     return "defaultDiagnoseLangOpts";
-  // Generate the test condition, as well as a unique function name for the
-  // diagnostic test. The list of options should usually be short (one or two
-  // options), and the uniqueness isn't strictly necessary (it is just for
-  // codegen efficiency).
-  std::string FnName = "check", Test;
+  // Generate a unique function name for the diagnostic test. The list of
+  // options should usually be short (one or two options), and the
+  // uniqueness isn't strictly necessary (it is just for codegen efficiency).
+  std::string FnName = "check";
   for (auto I = LangOpts.begin(), E = LangOpts.end(); I != E; ++I) {
-    const StringRef Part = (*I)->getValueAsString("Name");
-    if ((*I)->getValueAsBit("Negated")) {
+    if ((*I)->getValueAsBit("Negated"))
       FnName += "Not";
-      Test += "!";
-    }
-    Test += "S.LangOpts.";
-    Test +=  Part;
-    if (I + 1 != E)
-      Test += " || ";
-    FnName += Part;
+    FnName += (*I)->getValueAsString("Name");
   FnName += "LangOpts";
@@ -3458,7 +3467,8 @@
     return *I;
   OS << "static bool " << FnName << "(Sema &S, const ParsedAttr &Attr) {\n";
-  OS << "  if (" << Test << ")\n";
+  OS << "  auto &LangOpts = S.LangOpts;\n";
+  OS << "  if (" << GenerateTestExpression(LangOpts) << ")\n";
   OS << "    return true;\n\n";
   OS << "  S.Diag(Attr.getLoc(), diag::warn_attribute_ignored) ";
   OS << "<< Attr.getName();\n";
Index: clang/test/SemaObjC/class-stub-attr.m
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/SemaObjC/class-stub-attr.m
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// RUN: %clang -target x86_64-apple-darwin -fsyntax-only -Xclang -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang -target x86_64-apple-darwin -x objective-c++ -fsyntax-only -Xclang -verify %s
+@interface NSObject
+@interface MissingSubclassingRestrictedAttribute : NSObject // expected-error {{'objc_class_stub' attribute cannot be specified on a class that does not have the 'objc_subclassing_restricted' attribute}}
+@interface ValidClassStubAttribute : NSObject
+@implementation ValidClassStubAttribute // expected-error {{cannot declare implementation of a class declared with the 'objc_class_stub' attribute}}
+@implementation ValidClassStubAttribute (MyCategory)
+__attribute__((objc_class_stub(123))) // expected-error {{'objc_class_stub' attribute takes no arguments}}
+@interface InvalidClassStubAttribute : NSObject
+__attribute__((objc_class_stub)) // expected-error {{'objc_class_stub' attribute only applies to Objective-C interfaces}}
+int cannotHaveObjCClassStubAttribute() {}
Index: clang/test/SemaObjC/class-stub-attr-unsupported.m
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/SemaObjC/class-stub-attr-unsupported.m
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// RUN: %clang -target i386-apple-darwin -fsyntax-only -Xclang -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang -target i386-apple-darwin -x objective-c++ -fsyntax-only -Xclang -verify %s
+@interface NSObject
+__attribute__((objc_class_stub)) // expected-warning {{'objc_class_stub' attribute ignored}}
+@interface StubClass : NSObject
Index: clang/test/Misc/pragma-attribute-supported-attributes-list.test
--- clang/test/Misc/pragma-attribute-supported-attributes-list.test
+++ clang/test/Misc/pragma-attribute-supported-attributes-list.test
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT: ObjCBridge (SubjectMatchRule_record, SubjectMatchRule_type_alias)
 // CHECK-NEXT: ObjCBridgeMutable (SubjectMatchRule_record)
 // CHECK-NEXT: ObjCBridgeRelated (SubjectMatchRule_record)
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCClassStub (SubjectMatchRule_objc_interface)
 // CHECK-NEXT: ObjCDesignatedInitializer (SubjectMatchRule_objc_method)
 // CHECK-NEXT: ObjCException (SubjectMatchRule_objc_interface)
 // CHECK-NEXT: ObjCExplicitProtocolImpl (SubjectMatchRule_objc_protocol)
Index: clang/test/CodeGenObjC/class-stubs.m
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/CodeGenObjC/class-stubs.m
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -Wno-objc-root-class -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
+// -- classref for the message send in main()
+// The class is declared with objc_class_stub, so LSB of the class pointer
+// must be set to 1.
+// CHECK-LABEL: @"OBJC_CLASSLIST_REFERENCES_$_" = internal global i8* getelementptr (i8, i8* bitcast (%struct._class_t* @"OBJC_CLASS_$_Base" to i8*), i32 1), align 8
+// -- classref for the super message send in anotherClassMethod()
+// Metaclasses do not use the "stub" mechanism and are referenced statically.
+// CHECK-LABEL: @"OBJC_CLASSLIST_SUP_REFS_$_" = internal global %struct._class_t* @"OBJC_METACLASS_$_Derived", section "__DATA,__objc_superrefs,regular,no_dead_strip", align 8
+// -- classref for the super message send in anotherInstanceMethod()
+// The class is declared with objc_class_stub, so LSB of the class pointer
+// must be set to 1.
+// CHECK-LABEL: @"OBJC_CLASSLIST_SUP_REFS_$_.1" = internal global i8* getelementptr (i8, i8* bitcast (%struct._class_t* @"OBJC_CLASS_$_Derived" to i8*), i32 1), section "__DATA,__objc_superrefs,regular,no_dead_strip", align 8
+// -- category list for class stubs goes in __objc_catlist2.
+// CHECK-LABEL: @"OBJC_LABEL_STUB_CATEGORY_$" = internal global [1 x i8*] [i8* bitcast (%struct._category_t* @"_OBJC_$_CATEGORY_Derived_$_MyCategory" to i8*)], section "__DATA,__objc_catlist2,regular,no_dead_strip", align 8
+@interface Base
++ (void) classMethod;
+- (void) instanceMethod;
+@interface Derived : Base
+int main() {
+  [Base classMethod];
+// CHECK-LABEL: define i32 @main()
+// CHECK-NEXT: entry:
+// CHECK-NEXT:   [[CLASS:%.*]] = call %struct._class_t* @objc_loadClassref(i8** @"OBJC_CLASSLIST_REFERENCES_$_")
+// CHECK-NEXT:   [[SELECTOR:%.*]] = load i8*, i8** @OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_
+// CHECK-NEXT:   [[RECEIVER:%.*]] = bitcast %struct._class_t* [[CLASS]] to i8*
+// CHECK-NEXT:   call void bitcast (i8* (i8*, i8*, ...)* @objc_msgSend to void (i8*, i8*)*)(i8* [[RECEIVER]], i8* [[SELECTOR]])
+// CHECK-NEXT:   ret i32 0
+// CHECK-LABEL: declare extern_weak %struct._class_t* @objc_loadClassref(i8**)
+@implementation Derived (MyCategory)
++ (void) anotherClassMethod {
+  [super classMethod];
+// CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @"\01+[Derived(MyCategory) anotherClassMethod]"(i8* %self, i8* %_cmd) #0 {
+// CHECK-NEXT: entry:
+// CHECK:        [[SUPER:%.*]] = alloca %struct._objc_super, align 8
+// CHECK:        [[METACLASS_REF:%.*]] = load %struct._class_t*, %struct._class_t** @"OBJC_CLASSLIST_SUP_REFS_$_", align 8
+// CHECK:        [[CAST_METACLASS_REF:%.*]] = bitcast %struct._class_t* [[METACLASS_REF]] to i8*
+// CHECK:        [[DEST:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct._objc_super, %struct._objc_super* [[SUPER]], i32 0, i32 1
+// CHECK:        store i8* [[CAST_METACLASS_REF]], i8** [[DEST]], align 8
+// CHECK:        call void bitcast (i8* (%struct._objc_super*, i8*, ...)* @objc_msgSendSuper2 to void (%struct._objc_super*, i8*)*)(%struct._objc_super* [[SUPER]], i8* {{%.*}})
+// CHECK:        ret void
+- (void) anotherInstanceMethod {
+  [super instanceMethod];
+// CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @"\01-[Derived(MyCategory) anotherInstanceMethod]"(%0* %self, i8* %_cmd) #0 {
+// CHECK-NEXT: entry:
+// CHECK:        [[SUPER:%.*]] = alloca %struct._objc_super, align 8
+// CHECK:        [[CLASS_REF:%.*]] = call %struct._class_t* @objc_loadClassref(i8** @"OBJC_CLASSLIST_SUP_REFS_$_.1")
+// CHECK:        [[CAST_CLASS_REF:%.*]] = bitcast %struct._class_t* [[CLASS_REF]] to i8*
+// CHECK:        [[DEST:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct._objc_super, %struct._objc_super* [[SUPER]], i32 0, i32 1
+// CHECK:        store i8* [[CAST_CLASS_REF]], i8** [[DEST]], align 8
+// CHECK:        call void bitcast (i8* (%struct._objc_super*, i8*, ...)* @objc_msgSendSuper2 to void (%struct._objc_super*, i8*)*)(%struct._objc_super* [[SUPER]], i8* {{%.*}})
+// CHECK:        ret void
+// -- calls to objc_loadClassRef() are readnone
+// CHECK: attributes [[ATTRLIST]] = { nounwind nonlazybind readnone }
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclObjC.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclObjC.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclObjC.cpp
@@ -4061,6 +4061,9 @@
+      if (IDecl->hasAttr<ObjCClassStubAttr>())
+        Diag(IC->getLocation(), diag::err_implementation_of_class_stub);
       if (LangOpts.ObjCRuntime.isNonFragile()) {
         while (IDecl->getSuperClass()) {
           DiagnoseDuplicateIvars(IDecl, IDecl->getSuperClass());
@@ -4089,6 +4092,10 @@
         Diag(Super->getLocation(), diag::note_class_declared);
+    if (IntfDecl->hasAttr<ObjCClassStubAttr>() &&
+        !IntfDecl->hasAttr<ObjCSubclassingRestrictedAttr>())
+      Diag(IntfDecl->getLocation(), diag::err_class_stub_subclassing_mismatch);
   DiagnoseVariableSizedIvars(*this, OCD);
   if (isInterfaceDeclKind) {
Index: clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
--- clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
@@ -6981,6 +6981,9 @@
   case ParsedAttr::AT_ObjCSubclassingRestricted:
     handleSimpleAttribute<ObjCSubclassingRestrictedAttr>(S, D, AL);
+  case ParsedAttr::AT_ObjCClassStub:
+    handleSimpleAttribute<ObjCClassStubAttr>(S, D, AL);
+    break;
   case ParsedAttr::AT_ObjCExplicitProtocolImpl:
     handleObjCSuppresProtocolAttr(S, D, AL);
Index: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGObjCMac.cpp
--- clang/lib/CodeGen/CGObjCMac.cpp
+++ clang/lib/CodeGen/CGObjCMac.cpp
@@ -721,6 +721,33 @@
+  /// Class objc_loadClassref (void *)
+  ///
+  /// Loads from a classref. For Objective-C stub classes, this invokes the
+  /// initialization callback stored inside the stub. For all other classes
+  /// this simply dereferences the pointer.
+  llvm::FunctionCallee getLoadClassrefFn() const {
+    // Add the non-lazy-bind attribute, since objc_loadClassref is likely to
+    // be called a lot.
+    //
+    // Also it is safe to make it readnone, since we never load or store the
+    // classref except by calling this function.
+    llvm::Type *params[] = { Int8PtrPtrTy };
+    auto F = CGM.CreateRuntimeFunction(
+        llvm::FunctionType::get(ClassnfABIPtrTy, params, false),
+        "objc_loadClassref",
+        llvm::AttributeList::get(CGM.getLLVMContext(),
+                                 llvm::AttributeList::FunctionIndex,
+                                 {llvm::Attribute::NonLazyBind,
+                                  llvm::Attribute::ReadNone,
+                                  llvm::Attribute::NoUnwind}));
+    if (!CGM.getTriple().isOSBinFormatCOFF())
+      cast<llvm::Function>(F.getCallee())->setLinkage(
+        llvm::Function::ExternalWeakLinkage);
+    return F;
+  }
   llvm::StructType *EHTypeTy;
   llvm::Type *EHTypePtrTy;
@@ -877,6 +904,9 @@
   /// DefinedCategories - List of defined categories.
   SmallVector<llvm::GlobalValue*, 16> DefinedCategories;
+  /// DefinedStubCategories - List of defined categories on class stubs.
+  SmallVector<llvm::GlobalValue*, 16> DefinedStubCategories;
   /// DefinedNonLazyCategories - List of defined "non-lazy" categories.
   SmallVector<llvm::GlobalValue*, 16> DefinedNonLazyCategories;
@@ -1464,6 +1494,12 @@
                                  bool isMetaclass,
                                  ForDefinition_t isForDefinition);
+  llvm::Constant *GetClassGlobalForClassRef(const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID);
+  llvm::Value *EmitLoadOfClassRef(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
+                                  const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID,
+                                  llvm::GlobalVariable *Entry);
   /// EmitClassRef - Return a Value*, of type ObjCTypes.ClassPtrTy,
   /// for the given class reference.
   llvm::Value *EmitClassRef(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
@@ -1933,7 +1969,7 @@
   std::string str =
     StringClass.empty() ? "OBJC_CLASS_$_NSConstantString"
                         : "OBJC_CLASS_$_" + StringClass;
-  auto GV = GetClassGlobal(str, NotForDefinition);
+  llvm::Constant *GV = GetClassGlobal(str, NotForDefinition);
   // Make sure the result is of the correct type.
   auto V = llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(GV, CGM.IntTy->getPointerTo());
@@ -6069,6 +6105,9 @@
   AddModuleClassList(DefinedCategories, "OBJC_LABEL_CATEGORY_$",
+  AddModuleClassList(DefinedStubCategories, "OBJC_LABEL_STUB_CATEGORY_$",
+                     GetSectionName("__objc_catlist2",
+                                    "regular,no_dead_strip"));
   AddModuleClassList(DefinedNonLazyCategories, "OBJC_LABEL_NONLAZY_CATEGORY_$",
@@ -6560,7 +6599,10 @@
   llvm::GlobalVariable *GCATV =
       finishAndCreateGlobal(values, ExtCatName.str(), CGM);
-  DefinedCategories.push_back(GCATV);
+  if (Interface->hasAttr<ObjCClassStubAttr>())
+    DefinedStubCategories.push_back(GCATV);
+  else
+    DefinedCategories.push_back(GCATV);
   // Determine if this category is also "non-lazy".
   if (ImplementationIsNonLazy(OCD))
@@ -7236,33 +7278,67 @@
   return GV;
+llvm::Constant *
+CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::GetClassGlobalForClassRef(const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID) {
+  llvm::Constant *ClassGV = GetClassGlobal(ID, /*metaclass*/ false,
+                                           NotForDefinition);
+  if (!ID->hasAttr<ObjCClassStubAttr>())
+    return ClassGV;
+  ClassGV = llvm::ConstantExpr::getPointerCast(ClassGV, ObjCTypes.Int8PtrTy);
+  // Stub classes are pointer-aligned. Classrefs pointing at stub classes
+  // must set the least significant bit set to 1.
+  auto *Idx = llvm::ConstantInt::get(CGM.Int32Ty, 1);
+  return llvm::ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(CGM.Int8Ty, ClassGV, Idx);
+llvm::Value *
+CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::EmitLoadOfClassRef(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
+                                           const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID,
+                                           llvm::GlobalVariable *Entry) {
+  if (ID && ID->hasAttr<ObjCClassStubAttr>()) {
+    // Classrefs pointing at Objective-C stub classes must be loaded by calling
+    // a special runtime function.
+    return CGF.EmitRuntimeCall(
+      ObjCTypes.getLoadClassrefFn(), Entry, "load_classref_result");
+  }
+  CharUnits Align = CGF.getPointerAlign();
+  return CGF.Builder.CreateAlignedLoad(Entry, Align);
 llvm::Value *
 CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::EmitClassRefFromId(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
                                            IdentifierInfo *II,
                                            const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID) {
-  CharUnits Align = CGF.getPointerAlign();
   llvm::GlobalVariable *&Entry = ClassReferences[II];
   if (!Entry) {
     llvm::Constant *ClassGV;
     if (ID) {
-      ClassGV = GetClassGlobal(ID, /*metaclass*/ false, NotForDefinition);
+      ClassGV = GetClassGlobalForClassRef(ID);
     } else {
       ClassGV = GetClassGlobal((getClassSymbolPrefix() + II->getName()).str(),
+      assert(ClassGV->getType() == ObjCTypes.ClassnfABIPtrTy);
     std::string SectionName =
         GetSectionName("__objc_classrefs", "regular,no_dead_strip");
     Entry = new llvm::GlobalVariable(
-        CGM.getModule(), ObjCTypes.ClassnfABIPtrTy, false,
+        CGM.getModule(), ClassGV->getType(), false,
         getLinkageTypeForObjCMetadata(CGM, SectionName), ClassGV,
-    Entry->setAlignment(Align.getQuantity());
-    Entry->setSection(SectionName);
+    Entry->setAlignment(CGF.getPointerAlign().getQuantity());
+    if (!ID || !ID->hasAttr<ObjCClassStubAttr>())
+      Entry->setSection(SectionName);
-  return CGF.Builder.CreateAlignedLoad(Entry, Align);
+  return EmitLoadOfClassRef(CGF, ID, Entry);
 llvm::Value *CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::EmitClassRef(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
@@ -7284,22 +7360,22 @@
 llvm::Value *
 CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::EmitSuperClassRef(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
                                           const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID) {
-  CharUnits Align = CGF.getPointerAlign();
   llvm::GlobalVariable *&Entry = SuperClassReferences[ID->getIdentifier()];
   if (!Entry) {
-    auto ClassGV = GetClassGlobal(ID, /*metaclass*/ false, NotForDefinition);
+    auto ClassGV = GetClassGlobalForClassRef(ID);
     std::string SectionName =
         GetSectionName("__objc_superrefs", "regular,no_dead_strip");
     Entry = new llvm::GlobalVariable(
-        CGM.getModule(), ObjCTypes.ClassnfABIPtrTy, false,
+        CGM.getModule(), ClassGV->getType(), false,
         getLinkageTypeForObjCMetadata(CGM, SectionName), ClassGV,
-    Entry->setAlignment(Align.getQuantity());
+    Entry->setAlignment(CGF.getPointerAlign().getQuantity());
-  return CGF.Builder.CreateAlignedLoad(Entry, Align);
+  return EmitLoadOfClassRef(CGF, ID, Entry);
 /// EmitMetaClassRef - Return a Value * of the address of _class_t
@@ -7331,7 +7407,8 @@
 llvm::Value *CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::GetClass(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
                                               const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID) {
   if (ID->isWeakImported()) {
-    auto ClassGV = GetClassGlobal(ID, /*metaclass*/ false, NotForDefinition);
+    llvm::Constant *ClassGV = GetClassGlobal(ID, /*metaclass*/ false,
+                                             NotForDefinition);
     assert(!isa<llvm::GlobalVariable>(ClassGV) ||
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/ObjCRuntime.h
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/ObjCRuntime.h
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/ObjCRuntime.h
@@ -429,6 +429,22 @@
+  /// Returns true if this Objective-C runtime supports Objective-C class
+  /// stubs.
+  bool allowsClassStubs() const {
+    switch (getKind()) {
+    case FragileMacOSX:
+    case GCC:
+    case GNUstep:
+    case ObjFW:
+      return false;
+    case MacOSX:
+    case iOS:
+    case WatchOS:
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
   /// Try to parse an Objective-C runtime specification from the given
   /// string.
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -895,6 +895,12 @@
 def err_restricted_superclass_mismatch : Error<
   "cannot subclass a class that was declared with the "
   "'objc_subclassing_restricted' attribute">;
+def err_class_stub_subclassing_mismatch : Error<
+  "'objc_class_stub' attribute cannot be specified on a class that does not "
+  "have the 'objc_subclassing_restricted' attribute">;
+def err_implementation_of_class_stub : Error<
+  "cannot declare implementation of a class declared with the "
+  "'objc_class_stub' attribute">;
 def warn_objc_root_class_missing : Warning<
   "class %0 defined without specifying a base class">,
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -1085,6 +1085,25 @@
+def ObjCClassStubDocs : Documentation {
+    let Category = DocCatType;
+    let Content = [{
+This attribute specifies that the Objective-C class to which it applies is
+instantiated at runtime.
+Unlike ``__attribute__((objc_runtime_visible))``, a class having this attribute
+still has a "class stub" that is visible to the linker. This allows categories
+to be defined. Static message sends with the class as a receiver use a special
+access pattern to ensure the class is lazily instantiated from the class stub.
+Classes annotated with this attribute cannot be subclassed and cannot have
+implementations defined for them. This attribute is intended for use in
+Swift generated headers for classes defined in Swift.
+Adding or removing this attribute to a class is an ABI-breaking change.
+    }];
 def ObjCBoxableDocs : Documentation {
     let Category = DocCatDecl;
     let Content = [{
Index: clang/include/clang/Basic/
--- clang/include/clang/Basic/
+++ clang/include/clang/Basic/
@@ -284,9 +284,10 @@
   string CustomDiag = customDiag;
-class LangOpt<string name, bit negated = 0> {
+class LangOpt<string name, bit negated = 0, string customCode = ""> {
   string Name = name;
   bit Negated = negated;
+  string CustomCode = customCode;
 def MicrosoftExt : LangOpt<"MicrosoftExt">;
 def Borland : LangOpt<"Borland">;
@@ -298,6 +299,8 @@
 def ObjC : LangOpt<"ObjC">;
 def BlocksSupported : LangOpt<"Blocks">;
 def ObjCAutoRefCount : LangOpt<"ObjCAutoRefCount">;
+def ObjCNonFragileRuntime : LangOpt<"ObjCNonFragileRuntime", 0,
+                                    "LangOpts.ObjCRuntime.allowsClassStubs()">;
 // Defines targets for target-specific attributes. Empty lists are unchecked.
 class TargetSpec {
@@ -1803,6 +1806,13 @@
   let Documentation = [ObjCRuntimeVisibleDocs];
+def ObjCClassStub : Attr {
+  let Spellings = [Clang<"objc_class_stub">];
+  let Subjects = SubjectList<[ObjCInterface], ErrorDiag>;
+  let Documentation = [ObjCClassStubDocs];
+  let LangOpts = [ObjCNonFragileRuntime];
 def ObjCBoxable : Attr {
   let Spellings = [Clang<"objc_boxable">];
   let Subjects = SubjectList<[Record], ErrorDiag>;
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