rsmith added a comment.

Interesting. I think all of the new warnings in the test cases here are 
undesirable (they duplicate errors produced by the constant evaluator), but the 
removed warnings all look like improvements.

Generally, I think our goals should be:

For code patterns that might lead to undefined behavior when executed with 
certain values:

- If the code appears in a constant context (`isConstantEvaluated()` or a 
subexpression of a `ConstantExpr`), we should diagnose the problem from the 
constant evaluator if it actually happens and otherwise not diagnose it.
- Otherwise, we should warn on the problem if the code is reachable and 
otherwise not diagnose it (that is, use `DiagRuntimeBehavior`).

For code patterns that are suspicious but defined (eg, we think they might do 
something other than what the programmer intended), we should typically 
diagnose using `Diag`, regardless of whether they appear in a constant context.

`DiagRuntimeBehavior` already deals with much of this for us: if called in a 
`ConstantEvaluated` context, it suppresses diagnostics.

One way we could proceed would be to extend what you did for 
`CheckCompletedExpr` to the cases where `SemaChecking.cpp` (and friends) 
recurse into a `ConstantExpr`: temporarily create a `ConstantEvaluated` 
expression evaluation context for the purpose of the checks, so that we can 
track that we're within such a construct. But an 
`ExpressionEvaluationContextRecord` is not a trivial thing to create and pass 
around, and carries additional semantic implications on top of the context 
kind, so perhaps just adding a flag to it to indicate that we're performing 
semantic analysis inside a `ConstantExpr` within the context would be better.

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp:4066-4073
 static void CheckNonNullArgument(Sema &S,
                                  const Expr *ArgExpr,
                                  SourceLocation CallSiteLoc) {
   if (CheckNonNullExpr(S, ArgExpr))
-    S.DiagRuntimeBehavior(CallSiteLoc, ArgExpr,
-           S.PDiag(diag::warn_null_arg) << ArgExpr->getSourceRange());
+    DiagRuntimeOrConstant(S, CallSiteLoc, ArgExpr,
+                          S.PDiag(diag::warn_null_arg)
+                              << ArgExpr->getSourceRange());
For `__attribute__((nonnull))`, I think the right thing to do is to change the 
constant expression evaluator to consider passing a null pointer argument for a 
nonnull-attributed parameter to be non-constant. (It's undefined behavior, so 
we should not permit it in constant evaluations.) For `_Nonnull`, I think the 
situation is less clear -- that case is explicitly not undefined behavior, so 
it's not clear that treating it as non-constant is the right choice. But as 
with the other cases here, `isConstantEvaluated()` does not imply the code is 
necessarily reachable, so bypassing `DiagRuntimeBehavior`'s check for 
reachability doesn't seem like the appropriate behavior.

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp:6089
   if (Result.getSExtValue() < Low || Result.getSExtValue() > High) {
-    if (RangeIsError)
+    if (RangeIsError || isConstantEvaluated())
       return Diag(TheCall->getBeginLoc(), diag::err_argument_invalid_range)
`isConstantEvaluated()` doesn't imply that the expression is necessarily 
reachable, so always giving an error here doesn't seem right. Instead, we 
should (already) have the relevant range checks in the constant evaluator for 
such builtins that are usable in constant expressions, and should never need to 
check here (if the code is reached during a constant evaluation, then the 
evaluation will be non-constant and hence ill-formed).

I think we should just return early from this function if 
`isConstantEvaluated()` like you do in `checkFortifiedBuiltinMemoryFunction`.

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp:6612-6613
     bool Cond;
-    if (C->getCond()->EvaluateAsBooleanCondition(Cond, S.getASTContext())) {
+    if (C->getCond()->EvaluateAsBooleanCondition(Cond, S.getASTContext(),
+                                                 S.isConstantEvaluated())) {
       if (Cond)
If we're in a constant-evaluated context, I think we can and should simply skip 
all format string checking. There are three cases here:

1) The call with the format attribute is unreached: no diagnostic should be 
2) The call with the format attribute is reached but not constant-evaluatable: 
an error will be produced that we couldn't constant-evaluate.
3) The call with the format attribute is reached and is constant-evaluatable: 
the constant evaluator needs to check that the format string matches the 
arguments anyway (because in general we permit non-constant format strings), so 
it will need to properly handle this case.

Case 3 is currently theoretical (we don't constant-evaluate any format-string 
functions). But in any case, I think the conclusion remains: we don't need to 
do these checks in a constant-evaluated context.


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