tra added a comment.

In D62603#1521979 <>, @yaxunl wrote:

> > I think `static __device__` globals would fall into the same category -- 
> > nominally they should not be visible outside of device-side object file, 
> > but in practice we do need to make them visible from the host side of the 
> > same TU.
> Are you sure nvcc support accessing static `__device__` variables in host 
> code? That would be expensive to implement.

Address (of the shadow, translatable to device address) and size -- yes. Values 
-- no.

E.g. you can pass &array as a parameter to the kernel. Host-side code will use 
shadow's address, but device-side kernel will get the real device-side address, 
translated from the shadow address by the runtime.

> Instead of looking up dynamic symbol tables only, now we need to look up 
> symbol tables for local symbols. Also we have to differentiate local symbols 
> that have the same name. This also means user can not strip symbol tables.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. CUDA runtime and device-side 
object file management is a black box to me, so I don't know how exactly NVIDIA 
has implemented this on device side, but the fact remains. host must have some 
way to refer to (some) device-side entities. Specifically, kernels and the 
global variables, whether they are nominally static or not.

  rC Clang


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