tra created this revision.
tra added reviewers: jlebar, jingyue, jpienaar, eliben.
tra added a subscriber: cfe-commits.

This is an artefact of split-mode CUDA compilation that we need to
mimic. HD functions are sometimes allowed to call H or D functions. Due
to split compilation mode device-side compilation will not see host-only
function and thus they will not be considered at all. For clang both H
and D variants will become function overloads visible to
compiler. Normally target attribute is considered only if C++ rules can
not determine which function is better. However in this case we need to
discard functions that would not be present during current compilation
phase before we apply normal overload resolution rules.

* introduce another level of call preference to better describe
  possible call combinations.
* added early check for calls matching scenario above
  in isBetterOverloadCandidate().
* disabled H->D and D->H and G->H calls. These combinations are
  not allowed by CUDA and we were reluctantly allowing them to work
  around device-side calls to math functions in std namespace.
  We no longer need it after r258880.


Index: test/CodeGenCUDA/
--- test/CodeGenCUDA/
+++ test/CodeGenCUDA/
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
 // RUN:     | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-BOTH -check-prefix=CHECK-HOST %s
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple nvptx64-nvidia-cuda -fcuda-is-device \
 // RUN:     -fcuda-target-overloads -emit-llvm -o - %s \
-// RUN:     | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-BOTH -check-prefix=CHECK-DEVICE %s
+// RUN:     | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-BOTH -check-prefix=CHECK-DEVICE \
+// RUN:       -check-prefix=CHECK-DEVICE-STRICT %s
 // Check target overloads handling with disabled call target checks.
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -DNOCHECKS -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -emit-llvm \
@@ -77,6 +78,91 @@
 extern "C" __host__ __device__ int chd(void) {return 14;}
 // CHECK-BOTH:     ret i32 14
+// NOTE: this is an artefact of split-mode CUDA compilation that we
+// need to mimic. HD functions are sometimes allowed to call H or D
+// functions. Due to split compilation mode device-side compilation
+// will not see host-only function and thus they will not be
+// considered at all. For clang both H and D variants will become
+// function overloads. Normally target attribute is considered only if
+// C++ rules can not determine which function is better. However in
+// this case we need to discard functions that would not be present
+// during current compilation phase before we apply normal overload
+// resolution rules.
+// Large enough difference in calling preferences should have
+// precedence over standard C++ overloading rules.
+template <typename T> T template_vs_function(T arg) { return 15; }
+__device__ float template_vs_function(float arg) { return 16; }
+// In this case during host compilation we expect to cal function
+// template even if __device__ function may be available and allowed
+// by -fcuda-disable-target-call-checks and, according to C++ overload
+// resolution rules, would be prefered over function template.
+// CHECK-BOTH-LABEL: define void @_Z5hd_tfv()
+__host__ __device__ void hd_tf(void) {
+  template_vs_function(1.0f);
+  // CHECK-HOST: call float @_Z20template_vs_functionIfET_S0_(float
+  // CHECK-DEVICE: call float @_Z20template_vs_functionf(float
+  template_vs_function(2.0);
+  // CHECK-HOST: call double @_Z20template_vs_functionIdET_S0_(double
+  // CHECK-DEVICE: call float @_Z20template_vs_functionf(float
+// Calls from __host__ and __device__ functions should always call
+// overloaded function that matches their mode.
+// CHECK-HOST-LABEL: define void @_Z4h_tfv()
+__host__ void h_tf() {
+  template_vs_function(1.0f);
+  // CHECK-HOST: call float @_Z20template_vs_functionIfET_S0_(float
+  template_vs_function(2.0);
+  // CHECK-HOST: call double @_Z20template_vs_functionIdET_S0_(double
+// CHECK-DEVICE-LABEL: define void @_Z4d_tfv()
+__device__ void d_tf() {
+  template_vs_function(1.0f);
+  // CHECK-DEVICE: call float @_Z20template_vs_functionf(float
+  template_vs_function(2.0);
+  // CHECK-DEVICE: call float @_Z20template_vs_functionf(float
+// In case of smaller difference between calling preferences
+// (HD->{HD,H} call), C++ rules take precedence. So, when we need to pick
+// between (host or device) function template and HD function, C++
+// rules will have precedence.
+template <typename T> T template_vs_hd_function(T arg) { return 15; }
+__host__ __device__ float template_vs_hd_function(float arg) { return 16; }
+// CHECK-BOTH-LABEL: define void @_Z7hd_thdfv()
+__host__ __device__ void hd_thdf() {
+  template_vs_hd_function(1.0f);
+  // CHECK-HOST: call float @_Z23template_vs_hd_functionf(float
+  template_vs_hd_function(1.0);
+  // CHECK-HOST: call double @_Z23template_vs_hd_functionIdET_S0_(double
+// CHECK-HOST-LABEL: define void @_Z6h_thdfv()
+__host__ void h_thdf() {
+  template_vs_hd_function(1.0f);
+  // CHECK-HOST: call float @_Z23template_vs_hd_functionf(float
+  template_vs_hd_function(1.0);
+  // CHECK-HOST: call double @_Z23template_vs_hd_functionIdET_S0_(double
+// CHECK-DEVICE-LABEL: define void @_Z6d_thdfv()
+__device__ void d_thdf() {
+  template_vs_hd_function(1.0f);
+  // CHECK-DEVICE: call float @_Z23template_vs_hd_functionf(float
+  template_vs_hd_function(1.0);
+  // Host-only function template is not callable with strict call checks,
+  // so for device side HD function will be the only choice.
+  // CHECK-DEVICE-STRICT: call float @_Z23template_vs_hd_functionf(float
+  // With target checks disabled we'll attempt to use host function template.
+  // CHECK-DEVICE-NC: call double @_Z23template_vs_hd_functionIdET_S0_(double
 // CHECK-HOST-LABEL: define void @_Z5hostfv()
 __host__ void hostf(void) {
 #if defined (NOCHECKS)
Index: lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp
@@ -8527,6 +8527,27 @@
   else if (!Cand1.Viable)
     return false;
+  // [CUDA] If HD function calls a function which has host-only and
+  // device-only variants, nvcc sees only host function during host
+  // compilation and device function only during device-side
+  // compilation. It appears to be a side effect of nvcc's splitting
+  // of host and device code into separate TUs. Alas we need to be
+  // compatible with existing code that relies on this. If we see such
+  // a case, return better variant right away.
+  if (S.getLangOpts().CUDA && S.getLangOpts().CUDATargetOverloads &&
+      Cand1.Function && Cand2.Function) {
+    const FunctionDecl *Caller = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(S.CurContext);
+    const Sema::CUDAFunctionPreference CFP1 =
+        S.IdentifyCUDAPreference(Caller, Cand1.Function);
+    const Sema::CUDAFunctionPreference CFP2 =
+        S.IdentifyCUDAPreference(Caller, Cand2.Function);
+    if (((CFP1 == Sema::CFP_SameSide || CFP1 == Sema::CFP_Native) &&
+         (CFP2 <= Sema::CFP_WrongSide)) ||
+        ((CFP1 <= Sema::CFP_WrongSide) &&
+         (CFP2 == Sema::CFP_SameSide || CFP2 == Sema::CFP_Native)))
+      return CFP1 > CFP2;
+  }
   // C++ []p1:
   //   -- if F is a static member function, ICS1(F) is defined such
Index: lib/Sema/SemaCUDA.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaCUDA.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaCUDA.cpp
@@ -68,26 +68,26 @@
 // Ph - preference in host mode
 // Pd - preference in device mode
 // H  - handled in (x)
-// Preferences: b-best, f-fallback, l-last resort, n-never.
+// Preferences: '+'-native, h-host-device, s-same side, w-wrong side, '-'-never.
 // | F  | T  | Ph | Pd |  H  |
 // |----+----+----+----+-----+
-// | d  | d  | b  | b  | (b) |
-// | d  | g  | n  | n  | (a) |
-// | d  | h  | l  | l  | (e) |
-// | d  | hd | f  | f  | (c) |
-// | g  | d  | b  | b  | (b) |
-// | g  | g  | n  | n  | (a) |
-// | g  | h  | l  | l  | (e) |
-// | g  | hd | f  | f  | (c) |
-// | h  | d  | l  | l  | (e) |
-// | h  | g  | b  | b  | (b) |
-// | h  | h  | b  | b  | (b) |
-// | h  | hd | f  | f  | (c) |
-// | hd | d  | l  | f  | (d) |
-// | hd | g  | f  | n  |(d/a)|
-// | hd | h  | f  | l  | (d) |
-// | hd | hd | b  | b  | (b) |
+// | d  | d  | +  | +  | (c) |
+// | d  | g  | -  | -  | (a) |
+// | d  | h  | -  | -  | (e) |
+// | d  | hd | h  | h  | (b) |
+// | g  | d  | +  | +  | (c) |
+// | g  | g  | -  | -  | (a) |
+// | g  | h  | -  | -  | (e) |
+// | g  | hd | h  | h  | (b) |
+// | h  | d  | -  | -  | (e) |
+// | h  | g  | +  | +  | (c) |
+// | h  | h  | +  | +  | (c) |
+// | h  | hd | h  | h  | (b) |
+// | hd | d  | w  | s  | (d) |
+// | hd | g  | s  | -  |(d/a)|
+// | hd | h  | s  | w  | (d) |
+// | hd | hd | h  | h  | (b) |
 Sema::IdentifyCUDAPreference(const FunctionDecl *Caller,
@@ -112,39 +112,39 @@
        (CallerTarget == CFT_HostDevice && getLangOpts().CUDAIsDevice)))
     return CFP_Never;
-  // (b) Best case scenarios
+  // (b) Calling HostDevice is OK as a fallback that works for everyone.
+  if (CalleeTarget == CFT_HostDevice)
+    return CFP_HostDevice;
+  // (c) Best case scenarios
   if (CalleeTarget == CallerTarget ||
       (CallerTarget == CFT_Host && CalleeTarget == CFT_Global) ||
       (CallerTarget == CFT_Global && CalleeTarget == CFT_Device))
-    return CFP_Best;
-  // (c) Calling HostDevice is OK as a fallback that works for everyone.
-  if (CalleeTarget == CFT_HostDevice)
-    return CFP_Fallback;
+    return CFP_Native;
   // Figure out what should be returned 'last resort' cases. Normally
   // those would not be allowed, but we'll consider them if
   // CUDADisableTargetCallChecks is true.
   CUDAFunctionPreference QuestionableResult =
-      getLangOpts().CUDADisableTargetCallChecks ? CFP_LastResort : CFP_Never;
+      getLangOpts().CUDADisableTargetCallChecks ? CFP_WrongSide : CFP_Never;
   // (d) HostDevice behavior depends on compilation mode.
   if (CallerTarget == CFT_HostDevice) {
     // Calling a function that matches compilation mode is OK.
     // Calling a function from the other side is frowned upon.
     if (getLangOpts().CUDAIsDevice)
-      return CalleeTarget == CFT_Device ? CFP_Fallback : QuestionableResult;
+      return CalleeTarget == CFT_Device ? CFP_SameSide : QuestionableResult;
       return (CalleeTarget == CFT_Host || CalleeTarget == CFT_Global)
-                 ? CFP_Fallback
+                 ? CFP_SameSide
                  : QuestionableResult;
   // (e) Calling across device/host boundary is not something you should do.
   if ((CallerTarget == CFT_Host && CalleeTarget == CFT_Device) ||
       (CallerTarget == CFT_Device && CalleeTarget == CFT_Host) ||
       (CallerTarget == CFT_Global && CalleeTarget == CFT_Host))
-    return QuestionableResult;
+    return CFP_Never;
   llvm_unreachable("All cases should've been handled by now.");
Index: include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
--- include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
+++ include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -8794,10 +8794,14 @@
   enum CUDAFunctionPreference {
     CFP_Never,      // Invalid caller/callee combination.
-    CFP_LastResort, // Lowest priority. Only in effect if
+    CFP_WrongSide,  // Calls from host-device to host or device
+                    // function that do not match current compilation
+                    // mode. Only in effect if
                     // LangOpts.CUDADisableTargetCallChecks is true.
-    CFP_Fallback,   // Low priority caller/callee combination
-    CFP_Best,       // Preferred caller/callee combination
+    CFP_SameSide,   // Calls from host-device to host or device
+                    // function matching current compilation mode.
+    CFP_HostDevice, // Any calls to host/device functions.
+    CFP_Native,     // host-to-host or device-to-device calls.
   /// Identifies relative preference of a given Caller/Callee
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