Anastasia added a comment.

I think some comments from Richad's feedback are missing, specifically:

- Missing space after comma.
- Why are these conversions performed here rather than in Sema?
- You should attempt to implicitly convert to the desired type here, rather 
than demanding the right type, to match the normal call semantics. Likewise 
elsewhere in this patch.

Do you plan to commit them in a separate patch?

Also please add Richard to reviewers list here for the final Ok.


Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp:294
@@ +293,3 @@
+             diag::err_opencl_builtin_pipe_invalid_access_modifier)
+          << "read_only" << Arg0->getSourceRange();
+      return true;
Could we use getName() instead?

We could then also move this statement after the switch and just set an error 
flag here.

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