mantognini added a comment.

Here are a few comments from me but keep in mind that English is not my primary 

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1562-1565
+C style cast will follow OpenCL C v2.0 rules (s6.5.5). All cast operators will
+permit implicit conversion to generic. However converting from named address
+spaces to generic can only be done using ``addrspace_cast``. Note that
+conversions between ``__constant`` and any other is still disallowed.
I would suggest using `__generic` or //generic address space//. The later is a 
bit more verbose, but makes the sentence more natural I think.

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1582
+  void foo() {
+    T m; // address space of m will be knowns at template instantiation time.
+    T * ptr; // ptr points to generic address space object.

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1611-1615
+By default references will refer to generic address space objects (except for
+dependent types that are not template specializations
+(:ref:`<opencl_cpp_addrsp_deduction>`). When references are bound to values 
+space compatibility check will be performed. The logic will largely follow the 
+from address space pointer conversion (OpenCL v2.0 s6.5.5).
The `ref` is broken. There's also one too many `(`.

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1613-1614
+dependent types that are not template specializations
+(:ref:`<opencl_cpp_addrsp_deduction>`). When references are bound to values 
+space compatibility check will be performed. The logic will largely follow the 
+from address space pointer conversion (OpenCL v2.0 s6.5.5).
> When references are bound to values address space compatibility check will be 
> performed.

This might just be me so this might actually be okay, but I feel the sentence 
is simpler when rewritten as "Address space compatibility checks are performed 
when references are bound to values." What do you think?

> The logic will largely follow the rules from address space pointer conversion

Present tense should probably be better. Are there actually any differences? If 
no, I would drop "largely" from the sentence. Otherwise it might be good to 
actually list the differences.

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1617
+**Default AS**
AS might be better fully spelled out.

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1619
+All non-static methods take implicit object parameter that is a pointer type. 
+default this pointer parameter is in generic address space. All concrete 
take //an// implicit

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1624
+address space won't be compiled unless address space is explicitly specified 
+address space method qualifiers ((:ref:`<opencl_cpp_addrspace_method_qual>`) 
as the
+conversion between ``__constant`` and generic is disallowed. Method qualifiers 
`ref` is broken and there's one too manu `(`.

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1627
+also be useful in case conversion to generic address space is undesirable 
(even if
+it's legal). For example if we need to take advantage of memory bank accesses.
+Please note this not only applies to regular methods but to constructors and
> For example if we need to take advantage of memory bank accesses.

Maybe "For example: to take advantage [...]"?

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1662
+  class C{
+    // Has the following implicit definition
nitpicking: missing space before `{`.

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1671
+**Built in operators**
Typo: //Builtin//

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1673
+All builtin operators will be available in the specific address spaces, thus 
no conversion
+to generic is performed.
"specific" seems to imply to the user will have to explicitly write down the 
AS. Maybe "requested" or "desired" would fit better?

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1679
+There is no deduction of address spaces in non-pointer/non-reference template 
parameters and
+dependent types (:ref:`<opencl_cpp_addrsp_deduction>`). The address space of 
+parameter is deduced during the type deduction if it's not explicitly provided 
The reference seems broken as well.

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1708
+  void bar() {
+    foo3<__global int>(); // error: conflicting address space qualifiers are 
+  }

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1717
+  void foo(){
+  T var;
+  }
nitpicking: indentation. Might as well rename it to `ii` to match the other 

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1753-1761
+Global objects are constructed before the first kernel using the global
+objects is executed and destroyed just after the last kernel using the
+program objects is executed. In OpenCL v2.0 drivers there is no specific
+API for invoking global constructors. However, an easy workaround would be
+to enqueue constructor initialization kernel that has a name
+``@_GLOBAL__sub_I_<compled file name>``. This kernel is only present if there
+are any global objects to be initialized in the compiled binary. One way to
Is it expected of the user to call this special kernel, or is it expected that 
the driver takes care of that?

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1768
+.. code-block:: console
+ clang -cl-std=c++
As it stands, I'm not sure why this command is mentioned in this paragraph. 
Maybe it's a leftover of things that are now in the User's Manual?

Comment at: docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:1770
+If there are any global objects to be initialized the end binary will contain
+```` kernel to be enqueued.

Comment at: docs/UsersManual.rst:2401
+Clang currently supports OpenCL C language standards up to v2.0. Starting from 
+C++ mode is available for OpenCL (see :ref:`<opencl_cpp>`).
The reference is broken.

Comment at: docs/UsersManual.rst:2771-2772
+There are only a few restrictions on allowed C++ features, for detailed 
+please refer to documentation on Extensions (:doc:`LanguageExtensions`).
I would make to sentences instead of using a `,`.

Comment at: docs/UsersManual.rst:2797
+     clang -cl-std=c++
I would remove this code sample; it is already explained above that 
`-cl-std=c++` should be used.


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