aaron.ballman added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/include/clang/Basic/Attr.td:2770
+def Owner : InheritableAttr {
+  let Spellings = [CXX11<"gsl", "Owner">];
+  let Subjects = SubjectList<[CXXRecord]>;
xazax.hun wrote:
> aaron.ballman wrote:
> > Has Microsoft already added support for this? We had an unfortunate problem 
> > with `gsl::suppress` where we introduced the attribute first and MSVC 
> > introduced it under a different, incompatible syntax. I would strongly like 
> > to avoid repeating that.
> I will double check this. Her Sutter's paper have this spelling and I believe 
> that the Microsoft implementation is following the same spelling. The main 
> difference is that the MSVC version does not have a type argument at this 
> point but they do plan to add it as an optional argument. (They want to infer 
> the pointee type when it is not provided.) The clang community do not want 
> the inference, hence we made the type argument required. Always providing the 
> type argument should be compatible with future versions of the MSVC 
> implementation.
I take this to mean that we're not implementing the same attribute as MSVC is, 
and that worries me.

> Always providing the type argument should be compatible with future versions 
> of the MSVC implementation.

The problem is that code written for MSVC (where the type argument is not 
required) will not compile with Clang (where the type argument is required), if 
I understand properly.

Generally speaking, when we implement an attribute from another vendor 
namespace, we expect the attribute to have the same semantics as whoever "owns" 
that vendor namespace. It's a bit trickier here because `gsl` isn't really a 
vendor so much as a collective, so I don't know who is the authority to turn to.

On a completely different note: would this attribute also make sense within C 
with a C2x spelling?

Comment at: clang/lib/Parse/ParseDecl.cpp:335-341
+  if (attributeIsTypeArgAttr(*AttrName)) {
+    ParseAttributeWithTypeArg(*AttrName, AttrNameLoc, Attrs, EndLoc, ScopeName,
+                              ScopeLoc, Syntax);
+    // FIXME: when attributeIsTypeArgAttr() is true, assumes that the attribute
+    // takes a single parameter.
+    return 1;
+  }
I don't like how this short-circuits the remainder of the logic in this 
function. I'd rather see this one-off logic handled in 
`ParseClangAttributeArgs()` if we have to treat it as a one-off. A better 
approach would be to implement type arguments within 

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaDecl.cpp:2618-2619
+    } else if (isa<OwnerAttr>(NewAttribute) || isa<PointerAttr>(NewAttribute)) 
+      // gsl::Owner and gsl::Pointer are allowed to be added to a class after 
+      // is defined.
+      ++I;
I'd like to see some tests for this.

I'm a bit worried about whether this will do good things in practice or not. 
I'm concerned about situations like:
struct S;

void func(S *s) {
  // Interesting things happen here.

struct [[gsl::Pointer]] S {};
and whether the "interesting things" will be properly [un]diagnosed.

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