aaron.ballman added a comment.

In D63139#1561891 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D63139#1561891>, @rjmccall wrote:

> Are the `CaseStmt`s being dropped in C++ because the expression overflows?  I 
> agree that that's bad AST behavior; we should strive to generate AST whenever 
> we can, even if it's not valid.

We do strive to generate an AST whenever we can (like recovering as though 
fix-its were applied, or keeping declarations and marking them as invalid), but 
I don't think we want to generate *invalid* AST nodes. I believe that way leads 
to more cascading, insensible errors and worse behavior for tooling than 
dropping the invalid AST node does (depending on the scenario). I have a hazy 
recollection that we wanted to consider adding AST nodes to represent erroneous 
constructs that attempt to hold onto as much valid state as we can capture to 
help with these situations, but I'm not certain that idea went anywhere.

It would be nice if we could suppress the unreachable warning in this case, but 
I'm not certain it's strictly required for this patch to proceed, either. 
@rsmith, do you have opinions?



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