jvikstrom updated this revision to Diff 209225.
jvikstrom marked 5 inline comments as done.
jvikstrom added a comment.

Made diffing function shorter, added multiple previous highlighting entries.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SemanticHighlightingTests.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SemanticHighlightingTests.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/SemanticHighlightingTests.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@
   return Tokens;
-void checkHighlightings(llvm::StringRef Code) {
+std::tuple<ParsedAST, std::vector<HighlightingToken>,
+           std::vector<HighlightingToken>>
+getHighlightingsAnnotated(llvm::StringRef Code) {
   Annotations Test(Code);
   auto AST = TestTU::withCode(Test.code()).build();
   static const std::map<HighlightingKind, std::string> KindToString{
@@ -46,9 +48,43 @@
   auto ActualTokens = getSemanticHighlightings(AST);
+  return {std::move(AST), ActualTokens, ExpectedTokens};
+void checkHighlightings(llvm::StringRef Code) {
+  std::vector<HighlightingToken> ActualTokens;
+  std::vector<HighlightingToken> ExpectedTokens;
+  std::tie(std::ignore, ActualTokens, ExpectedTokens) =
+      getHighlightingsAnnotated(Code);
   EXPECT_THAT(ActualTokens, testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(ExpectedTokens));
+void checkDiffedHighlights(
+    const std::vector<HighlightingToken> &ExpectedTokens,
+    const std::vector<int> &EmptyLines,
+    std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>> &ActualDiffed) {
+  std::map<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>> ExpectedLines;
+  for (const HighlightingToken &Token : ExpectedTokens)
+    ExpectedLines[Token.R.start.line].push_back(Token);
+  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>>
+      ExpectedLinePairHighlighting;
+  for (int Line : EmptyLines)
+    ExpectedLinePairHighlighting.push_back({Line, {}});
+  for (auto LineTokens : ExpectedLines) {
+    std::sort(LineTokens.second.begin(), LineTokens.second.end());
+    ExpectedLinePairHighlighting.push_back(
+        {LineTokens.first, LineTokens.second});
+  }
+  // The UnorderedElementsAreArray only checks that the top level vector
+  // is unordered. The vectors in the pair must be in the correct order.
+  for (unsigned I = 0, End = ActualDiffed.size(); I < End; ++I)
+    std::sort(ActualDiffed[I].second.begin(), ActualDiffed[I].second.end());
+  EXPECT_THAT(ActualDiffed,
+              testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray(ExpectedLinePairHighlighting));
 TEST(SemanticHighlighting, GetsCorrectTokens) {
   const char *TestCases[] = {
@@ -145,7 +181,9 @@
     void onDiagnosticsReady(PathRef, std::vector<Diag>) override {}
     void onHighlightingsReady(
-        PathRef File, std::vector<HighlightingToken> Highlightings) override {
+        PathRef File,
+        std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>>
+            Highlightings) override {
@@ -170,21 +208,148 @@
     return Pos;
-  std::vector<HighlightingToken> Tokens{
-      {HighlightingKind::Variable,
-                        Range{CreatePosition(3, 8), CreatePosition(3, 12)}},
-      {HighlightingKind::Function,
-                        Range{CreatePosition(3, 4), CreatePosition(3, 7)}},
-      {HighlightingKind::Variable,
-                        Range{CreatePosition(1, 1), CreatePosition(1, 5)}}};
+  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>> Tokens{
+      {3,
+       {{HighlightingKind::Variable,
+         Range{CreatePosition(3, 8), CreatePosition(3, 12)}},
+        {HighlightingKind::Function,
+         Range{CreatePosition(3, 4), CreatePosition(3, 7)}}}},
+      {1,
+       {{HighlightingKind::Variable,
+         Range{CreatePosition(1, 1), CreatePosition(1, 5)}}}}};
   std::vector<SemanticHighlightingInformation> ActualResults =
   std::vector<SemanticHighlightingInformation> ExpectedResults = {
-      {1, "AAAAAQAEAAA="},
   EXPECT_EQ(ActualResults, ExpectedResults);
+TEST(SemanticHighlighting, HighlightingDiffer) {
+  std::vector<
+      std::pair<std::vector<int>, std::pair<const char *, const char *>>>
+      TestCases{{{},
+                 {
+                     R"cpp(
+        int $Variable[[A]]
+        double $Variable[[B]];
+        struct $Class[[C]] {};
+      )cpp",
+                     R"cpp(
+        int A;
+        double B;
+        struct C {};
+      )cpp"}},
+                {{5},
+                 {
+                     R"cpp(
+          struct $Class[[Alpha]] {
+            double SomeVariable = 9483.301;
+          };
+          struct $Class[[Beta]] {};
+          int $Variable[[A]] = 121;
+          $Class[[Alpha]] $Variable[[Var]];
+  )cpp",
+                     R"cpp(
+          struct Alpha {
+            double SomeVariable = 9483.301;
+          };
+          struct Beta   {}; // Some comment
+          intA = 121;
+          $Class[[Beta]] $Variable[[Var]];
+  )cpp"}},
+                {{},
+                 {
+                     R"cpp(
+          int $Variable[[A]] = 121; int $Variable[[B]];
+    )cpp",
+                     R"cpp(
+          intA = 121; int $Variable[[B]];
+    )cpp"}},
+                {{},
+                 {
+                     R"cpp(
+          int    $Variable[[A]];
+      )cpp",
+                     R"cpp(
+          struct $Class[[A]];
+      )cpp"}},
+                {{2},
+                 {
+                     R"cpp(
+          int $Variable[[ABBA]] = 23;
+          double $Variable[[C]] = 123.3 * 5;
+      )cpp",
+                     R"cpp(
+          int ABBA = 23;
+          //double C = 123.3 * 5;
+          float $Variable[[H]];
+      )cpp"}}};
+  HighlightingDiffer Differ;
+  for (auto Test : TestCases) {
+    ParsedAST AST1 =
+        TestTU::withCode("").build(); // Can't default construct a ParsedAST.
+    ParsedAST AST2 =
+        TestTU::withCode("").build(); // Can't default construct a ParsedAST.
+    std::vector<HighlightingToken> CompleteTokens1;
+    std::vector<HighlightingToken> ExpectedTokens;
+    std::tie(AST1, CompleteTokens1, ExpectedTokens) =
+        getHighlightingsAnnotated(Test.second.first);
+    std::vector<HighlightingToken> CompleteTokens2;
+    std::tie(AST1, CompleteTokens2, ExpectedTokens) =
+        getHighlightingsAnnotated(Test.second.second);
+    std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>> DiffedTokens =
+        Differ.diffHighlightings(CompleteTokens2, CompleteTokens1);
+    checkDiffedHighlights(ExpectedTokens, Test.first, DiffedTokens);
+  }
+TEST(SemanticHighlighting, HighlightingDifferState) {
+  std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, const char *>>> TestCases{
+      {{{}, R"cpp(
+      int $Variable[[A]] = 213;
+    )cpp"},
+       {{}, R"cpp(
+      int C = 312;
+      int $Variable[[B]] = 213;
+    )cpp"},
+       {{}, R"cpp(
+      int C = 213;
+      int B = 412;
+    )cpp"},
+       {{}, R"cpp(
+      struct $Class[[A]] {
+        void $Function[[foo]]();
+        int A;
+      };
+    )cpp"},
+    {{2}, R"cpp(
+      struct A {
+        // void foo();
+      };
+      int $Variable[[B]];
+    )cpp"}}};
+  for (auto Test : TestCases) {
+    HighlightingDiffer Differ;
+    for (const auto &MissingCodePair : Test) {
+      ParsedAST AST =
+          TestTU::withCode("").build(); // Can't default construct a ParsedAST.
+      std::vector<HighlightingToken> CompleteTokens;
+      std::vector<HighlightingToken> ExpectedTokens;
+      std::tie(AST, CompleteTokens, ExpectedTokens) =
+          getHighlightingsAnnotated(MissingCodePair.second);
+      std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>> DiffedTokens =
+          Differ.diffHighlightings(AST, CompleteTokens);
+      checkDiffedHighlights(ExpectedTokens, MissingCodePair.first,
+                            DiffedTokens);
+    }
+  }
 } // namespace
 } // namespace clangd
 } // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/test/semantic-highlighting.test
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/test/semantic-highlighting.test
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/test/semantic-highlighting.test
@@ -37,6 +37,21 @@
+{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"textDocument/didOpen","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"test:///foo.cpp","languageId":"cpp","version":1,"text":"int x = 2; int;\nint y = 2;"}}}
+#      CHECK:  "method": "textDocument/semanticHighlighting",
+# CHECK-NEXT:  "params": {
+# CHECK-NEXT:    "lines": [
+# CHECK-NEXT:      {
+# CHECK-NEXT:        "line": 1,
+# CHECK-NEXT:        "tokens": "AAAABAABAAA="
+# CHECK-NEXT:      }
+# CHECK-NEXT:   ],
+# CHECK-NEXT:    "textDocument": {
+# CHECK-NEXT:      "uri": "file:///clangd-test/foo.cpp"
+# CHECK-NEXT:    }
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlighting.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlighting.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlighting.h
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
 bool operator==(const HighlightingToken &Lhs, const HighlightingToken &Rhs);
+bool operator!=(const HighlightingToken &Lhs, const HighlightingToken &Rhs);
+bool operator<(const HighlightingToken &Lhs, const HighlightingToken &Rhs);
 // Returns all HighlightingTokens from an AST. Only generates highlights for the
 // main AST.
 std::vector<HighlightingToken> getSemanticHighlightings(ParsedAST &AST);
@@ -50,8 +51,37 @@
 llvm::StringRef toTextMateScope(HighlightingKind Kind);
 // Convert to LSP's semantic highlighting information.
-toSemanticHighlightingInformation(llvm::ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> Tokens);
+std::vector<SemanticHighlightingInformation> toSemanticHighlightingInformation(
+    llvm::ArrayRef<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>> Tokens);
+/// Class for getting the input highlighting lines that differ the previous
+/// highlightings.
+class HighlightingDiffer {
+  std::map<std::string, std::vector<HighlightingToken>> PrevHighlightingsMap;
+  std::mutex PrevMutex;
+  ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> takeLine(ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> AllTokens,
+                                       ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> OldLine,
+                                       int Line);
+  /// Removes every line where the \c Highlightings is the same as the
+  /// respective line in the previous highlightings this method was called with.
+  /// If the previous highlightings have a line that does not exist in \c
+  /// Highlightings an empty line is added. Returns the resulting
+  /// HighlightingTokens grouped by their line number.
+  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>>
+  diffHighlightings(const ParsedAST &AST,
+                    std::vector<HighlightingToken> Highlightings);
+  /// Removes every line where \c Highlightings is the same as \c
+  /// PrevHighlightings. If \c PrevHighlightings has lines that does not exist
+  /// in \c Highlightings an empty line is added. Returns the resulting
+  /// HighlightingTokens grouped by their line number.
+  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>>
+  diffHighlightings(ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> Highlightings,
+                    ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> PrevHighlightings);
 } // namespace clangd
 } // namespace clang
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlighting.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlighting.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/SemanticHighlighting.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
 #include "SourceCode.h"
 #include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
 #include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
+#include <limits>
+#include <mutex>
 namespace clang {
 namespace clangd {
@@ -101,6 +104,8 @@
   void addToken(SourceLocation Loc, const NamedDecl *D) {
+    if (D->isInvalidDecl())
+      return;
     if (D->getDeclName().isIdentifier() && D->getName().empty())
       // Don't add symbols that don't have any length.
@@ -197,31 +202,96 @@
 } // namespace
+ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> HighlightingDiffer::takeLine(ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> AllTokens, ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> OldLine, int Line) {
+  return ArrayRef<HighlightingToken>(OldLine.end(), AllTokens.end()).take_while([Line](const HighlightingToken &Token) -> bool{
+    return Token.R.start.line == Line;
+  });
+std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>>
+    ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> Highlightings,
+    ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> PrevHighlightings) {
+  // FIXME: There's an edge case when tokens span multiple lines. If the first
+  // token on the line started on a line above the current one and the rest of
+  // the line is the equal to the previous one than we will remove all
+  // highlights but the ones for the token spanning multiple lines. This means
+  // that when we get into the LSP layer the only highlights that will be
+  // visible are the ones for the token spanning multiple lines.
+  // Example:
+  // EndOfMultilineToken  Token Token Token
+  // If "Token Token Token" don't differ from previously the line is
+  // incorrectly removed.
+  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>> LineTokens;
+  ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> NewLine(Highlightings.data(),
+                                      Highlightings.data()),
+      OldLine = {PrevHighlightings.data(), PrevHighlightings.data()},
+      Current = {Highlightings}, Prev = {PrevHighlightings};
+  for (unsigned Line = 0;
+       NewLine.end() < Current.end() || OldLine.end() < Prev.end(); ++Line) {
+    NewLine = takeLine(Current, NewLine, Line);
+    OldLine = takeLine(Prev, OldLine, Line);
+    if (NewLine != OldLine)
+      LineTokens.push_back({Line, NewLine});
+  }
+  return LineTokens;
+std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>>
+    const ParsedAST &AST, std::vector<HighlightingToken> Highlightings) {
+  std::sort(Highlightings.begin(), Highlightings.end());
+  // FIXME: Want to put a cap on the number of files highlightings we save here
+  // otherwise this will start hogging memory after a while few files.
+  auto &SM = AST.getASTContext().getSourceManager();
+  const FileEntry *CurrentFileEntry = SM.getFileEntryForID(SM.getMainFileID());
+  std::string CurrentPath = CurrentFileEntry->tryGetRealPathName().str() +
+                            CurrentFileEntry->getName().str();
+  // FIXME: This should be LIFO.
+  ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> PrevHighlightings;
+  {
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(PrevMutex);
+    PrevHighlightings = PrevHighlightingsMap[CurrentPath];
+  }
+  auto LineTokens = diffHighlightings(Highlightings, PrevHighlightings);
+  {
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(PrevMutex);
+    PrevHighlightingsMap[CurrentPath] = Highlightings;
+  }
+  return LineTokens;
 bool operator==(const HighlightingToken &Lhs, const HighlightingToken &Rhs) {
   return Lhs.Kind == Rhs.Kind && Lhs.R == Rhs.R;
+bool operator!=(const HighlightingToken &Lhs, const HighlightingToken &Rhs) {
+  return !(Lhs == Rhs);
+bool operator<(const HighlightingToken &Lhs, const HighlightingToken &Rhs) {
+  return Lhs.R.start < Rhs.R.start;
 std::vector<HighlightingToken> getSemanticHighlightings(ParsedAST &AST) {
   return HighlightingTokenCollector(AST).collectTokens();
-toSemanticHighlightingInformation(llvm::ArrayRef<HighlightingToken> Tokens) {
+std::vector<SemanticHighlightingInformation> toSemanticHighlightingInformation(
+    llvm::ArrayRef<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>> Tokens) {
   if (Tokens.size() == 0)
     return {};
   // FIXME: Tokens might be multiple lines long (block comments) in this case
   // this needs to add multiple lines for those tokens.
-  std::map<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>> TokenLines;
-  for (const HighlightingToken &Token : Tokens)
-    TokenLines[Token.R.start.line].push_back(Token);
   std::vector<SemanticHighlightingInformation> Lines;
-  Lines.reserve(TokenLines.size());
-  for (const auto &Line : TokenLines) {
+  Lines.reserve(Tokens.size());
+  for (const auto &LinePair : Tokens) {
     llvm::SmallVector<char, 128> LineByteTokens;
     llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(LineByteTokens);
-    for (const auto &Token : Line.second) {
+    for (const auto &Token : LinePair.second) {
       // Writes the token to LineByteTokens in the byte format specified by the
       // LSP proposal. Described below.
       // |<---- 4 bytes ---->|<-- 2 bytes -->|<--- 2 bytes -->|
@@ -232,7 +302,7 @@
       write16be(static_cast<int>(Token.Kind), OS);
-    Lines.push_back({Line.first, encodeBase64(LineByteTokens)});
+    Lines.push_back({LinePair.first, encodeBase64(LineByteTokens)});
   return Lines;
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.h
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
   virtual void onFileUpdated(PathRef File, const TUStatus &Status){};
   /// Called by ClangdServer when some \p Highlightings for \p File are ready.
-  virtual void
-  onHighlightingsReady(PathRef File,
-                       std::vector<HighlightingToken> Highlightings) {}
+  virtual void onHighlightingsReady(
+      PathRef File, std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>>
+                        Highlightings) {}
 /// When set, used by ClangdServer to get clang-tidy options for each particular
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
   // can be caused by missing includes (e.g. member access in incomplete type).
   bool SuggestMissingIncludes = false;
   bool EnableHiddenFeatures = false;
   std::function<bool(llvm::StringRef)> TweakFilter;
   // GUARDED_BY(CachedCompletionFuzzyFindRequestMutex)
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdServer.cpp
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
     if (FIndex)
       FIndex->updateMain(Path, AST);
     if (SemanticHighlighting)
-      DiagConsumer.onHighlightingsReady(Path, getSemanticHighlightings(AST));
+      DiagConsumer.onHighlightingsReady(Path, Differ.diffHighlightings(AST, getSemanticHighlightings(AST)));
   void onDiagnostics(PathRef File, std::vector<Diag> Diags) override {
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
   FileIndex *FIndex;
   DiagnosticsConsumer &DiagConsumer;
   bool SemanticHighlighting;
+  HighlightingDiffer Differ;
 } // namespace
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.h
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.h
@@ -55,9 +55,10 @@
   // Implement DiagnosticsConsumer.
   void onDiagnosticsReady(PathRef File, std::vector<Diag> Diagnostics) override;
   void onFileUpdated(PathRef File, const TUStatus &Status) override;
-  void
-  onHighlightingsReady(PathRef File,
-                       std::vector<HighlightingToken> Highlightings) override;
+  void onHighlightingsReady(
+      PathRef File,
+      std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>> Highlightings)
+      override;
   // LSP methods. Notifications have signature void(const Params&).
   // Calls have signature void(const Params&, Callback<Response>).
Index: clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp
@@ -1090,7 +1090,8 @@
 void ClangdLSPServer::onHighlightingsReady(
-    PathRef File, std::vector<HighlightingToken> Highlightings) {
+    PathRef File,
+    std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<HighlightingToken>>> Highlightings) {
       {{URIForFile::canonicalize(File, /*TUPath=*/File)},
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