bruno added a comment.

> I don't think this is the right approach.  If we don't canonicalize the 
> source path then:


> - looking up the path *without* the .. won't work, which means anything that 
> looks up a realpath will fail

If we canonicalize, then it needs to be done in two places:

1. In the module dependence collector while collecting header files, which will 
then collect the real path.

Doing it at this point guarantees that we will only write out canonicalized 
paths to the YAML file.

2. While requesting paths from the VFS overlay, we must first canonicalize

the path in

  RedirectingFileSystem::lookupPath(const Twine &Path_)

before calling out

  RedirectingFileSystem::lookupPath(sys::path::const_iterator Start,
                                    sys::path::const_iterator End, Entry *From)

One way to make this work is to use llvm::sys::path::remove_dots(Path, true) in 
(1) and (2).
That said, instead of this YAML output:


  'type': 'directory',
  'name': "/install-dir/bin/../lib/clang/3.8.0/include",
  'contents': [
      'type': 'file',
      'name': "altivec.h",

We would have:


  'type': 'directory',
  'name': "/install-dir/lib/clang/3.8.0/include",
  'contents': [
      'type': 'file',
      'name': "altivec.h",

Therefore, while using the new YAML file, whenever the FileManager requests 
status in (2) for the path 
"/install-dir/bin/../lib/clang/3.8.0/include/altivec.h", it first call 
llvm::sys::path::remove_dots(Path, true), which will give back 
"/install-dir/lib/clang/3.8.0/include/altivec.h", lookupPath is going to be 
able to match this entry from the YAML file and success!

However, if in the original filesystem "bin" is a symlink, in (1) we would have 
to use "realpath()" instead of "remove_dots()", let's say it yields 
"/private/tmp/a/b/lib/clang/3.8.0/include/altivec.h", the YAML will look like:


  'type': 'directory',
  'name': "/private/tmp/a/b/lib/clang/3.8.0/include",
  'contents': [
      'type': 'file',
      'name': "altivec.h",

Now, we try to use the new YAML file + cache from a new clang invocation. When 
the FileManager requests status in (2) for the path 
"/install-dir/bin/../lib/clang/3.8.0/include/altivec.h" neither "remove_dots()" 
nor "realpath()" would be able to resolve it to 
"/private/tmp/a/b/lib/clang/3.8.0/include/altivec.h" and will fallback to 
search the real filesystem instead, if this is a different machine, it will 
fail. Since we are looking at a virtual path in (2) it could makes sense to use 
remove_dots() but it won't make sense to use "realpath()".

How do you propose we fix that?

Another issue is that "realpath()" is expensive, but I guess we could only use 
it whenever the path contains ".." components and cache the base directory for 
speeding up translations. Another solution is to generate two entries in the 
YAML file:


  'type': 'directory',
  'name': "/install-dir/bin/../lib/clang/3.8.0/include",
  'contents': [
      'type': 'file',
      'name': "altivec.h",
  'type': 'directory',
  'name': "/private/tmp/a/b/lib/clang/3.8.0/include",
  'contents': [
      'type': 'file',
      'name': "altivec.h",

> - directory iteration won't combine entries from foo/bar/.. and foo/

Yes, but if "bar" is a symbolic link we have another set of problems, like 
mentioned above.

> I think we're better off handling ".." in lookup and always using 
> canonicalized paths in the YAML representation.

Makes sense, we just need to come with a general solution for the symbolic link 
in path components.

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