aaron.ballman added a comment.

In D67140#1658969 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D67140#1658969>, @gribozavr wrote:

> In D67140#1658365 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D67140#1658365>, @aaron.ballman 
> wrote:
> > Ah, good to know! That reduces my concern, but doesn't negate it. AFAIK, we 
> > haven't changed the interface such that it requires code changes rather 
> > than just a recompile in recent history, so this is a bit novel.
> I think API changes happen all the time. At Google, we are integrating 
> upstream LLVM and Clang changes into our internal codebase daily. We have a 
> lot of internal ClangTidy checkers. Fixing up all our internal code to keep 
> with upstream changes is a full time job for one engineer (but it is a 
> rotation).

I think this sort of backs up the point I was making. It requires an FTE to 
keep up with the breaks already. I'm worried about the folks who don't have the 
same resources that Google has. Where you get a new version of Clang every N 
months (rather than tracking ToT) and it's a scramble to make everything work 
again with the newest version, which delays adopting the newest Clang version 
until one lucky developer fixes all the checks.

API changes happen all the time, but rarely do they break *everything* for so 
little gain. I'm not asking for API stability guarantees, but we should still 
recognize that not everyone has Google's resources for keeping things working.

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