mibintc marked 2 inline comments as done.
mibintc added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/docs/UsersManual.rst:1314
+   ``-ffp-model=strict``, or merely establish the rounding mode setting
+   parameter to the llvm floating point constrained intrinsics.
rjmccall wrote:
> What you should document here are the semantics and how the option interacts 
> with other options, not how code gets translated into LLVM.  I'm not sure 
> what the FIXME question here is; are you asking whether providing 
> `-frounding-math` should *imply* an FP model?
> The notes about each of the options should probably be structured into a 
> bullet list.
I'll remove the FIXME and assert that frounding-math uses dynamic-rounding and 
strict exception behavior. This will make frounding-math synonymous with 
fp-model=strict.  I'll reformat to put notes into bullet lists.

Comment at: clang/docs/UsersManual.rst:1336
+   enables ``-fp-contract=fast``, and conflicts with: ``-fp-contract=on``,
+   ``-fp-contract=off``.
rjmccall wrote:
> This is basically incomprehensible. :) I don't know if the problem is the 
> behavior or just how it's being described, but I have no idea what "conflict" 
> means — does it mean the option gets overridden, ignored, or causes an error? 
>  I think what you're trying to say is:
> - Basic FP behavior can be broken down along two dimensions: the FP 
> strictness model and the FP exceptions model.
> - There are many existing options for controlling FP behavior.
> - Some of these existing options are equivalent to setting one (or both?) of 
> these dimensions.  These options should generally be treated as synonyms for 
> the purposes of deciding the ultimate setting; for example, `-ffp-model=fast 
> -fno-fast-math` should basically leave the setting in its default state 
> (right?).
> - Other existing options only make sense in combination with certain basic 
> models.  For example, `-ffp-contract=fast` (note the spelling) is only 
> allowed when using the fast FP model (right?).
> As a specific note, you break out the options into a list below; the entry 
> for `fast` is the place to add things like "Equivalent to `-ffast-math`, 
> including defining `__FAST_MATH__`)".
Conflict was a poor choice of words. I meant to say that the umbrella options 
like fp-model=strict overlap with some of the other floating-point settings, in 
that case the rightmost option takes precedence and overrides the setting.  I 
want the new options to behave in the same way that other clang options: 
rightmost option has precedence.




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