jlebar updated this revision to Diff 48261.
jlebar added a comment.

Move code into ConstructAttributeList.  Now it applies to both functions and 



Index: test/CodeGenCUDA/device-var-init.cu
--- test/CodeGenCUDA/device-var-init.cu
+++ test/CodeGenCUDA/device-var-init.cu
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
 // CHECK:   call void @_ZN4NETCC1IJEEEDpT_(%struct.NETC* %netc)
 // CHECK:   call void @_ZN7EC_I_ECC1Ev(%struct.EC_I_EC* %ec_i_ec)
 // CHECK:   call void @_ZN8EC_I_EC1C1Ev(%struct.EC_I_EC1* %ec_i_ec1)
-// CHECK:   call void @_ZN5T_V_TC1Ev(%struct.T_V_T* %t_v_t) #3
+// CHECK:   call void @_ZN5T_V_TC1Ev(%struct.T_V_T* %t_v_t)
 // CHECK:   call void @_ZN7T_B_NECC1Ev(%struct.T_B_NEC* %t_b_nec)
 // CHECK:   call void @_ZN7T_F_NECC1Ev(%struct.T_F_NEC* %t_f_nec)
 // CHECK:   call void @_ZN8T_FA_NECC1Ev(%struct.T_FA_NEC* %t_fa_nec)
Index: test/CodeGenCUDA/convergent.cu
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGenCUDA/convergent.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// REQUIRES: x86-registered-target
+// REQUIRES: nvptx-registered-target
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fcuda-is-device -triple nvptx-nvidia-cuda -emit-llvm \
+// RUN:   -disable-llvm-passes -o - %s | FileCheck -check-prefix DEVICE %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -emit-llvm \
+// RUN:   -disable-llvm-passes -o - %s | \
+// RUN:  FileCheck -check-prefix HOST %s
+#include "Inputs/cuda.h"
+// DEVICE: Function Attrs:
+// DEVICE-SAME: convergent
+// DEVICE-NEXT: define void @_Z3foov
+__device__ void foo() {}
+// HOST: Function Attrs:
+// HOST-NOT: convergent
+// HOST-NEXT: define void @_Z3barv
+// DEVICE: Function Attrs:
+// DEVICE-SAME: convergent
+// DEVICE-NEXT: define void @_Z3barv
+__host__ __device__ void baz();
+__host__ __device__ void bar() {
+  // DEVICE: call void @_Z3bazv() [[CALL_ATTR:#[0-9]+]]
+  baz();
+// DEVICE: declare void @_Z3bazv() [[BAZ_ATTR:#[0-9]+]]
+// DEVICE: attributes [[BAZ_ATTR]] = {
+// DEVICE-SAME: convergent
+// DEVICE: attributes [[CALL_ATTR]] = { convergent }
+// HOST: declare void @_Z3bazv() [[BAZ_ATTR:#[0-9]+]]
+// HOST: attributes [[BAZ_ATTR]] = {
+// HOST-NOT: convergent
+// NOST-SAME: }
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
@@ -1595,6 +1595,14 @@
+  if (getLangOpts().CUDA && getLangOpts().CUDAIsDevice) {
+    // Conservatively, mark all functions and calls in CUDA as convergent
+    // (meaning, they may call an intrinsically convergent op, such as
+    // __syncthreads(), and so can't have certain optimizations applied around
+    // them).  LLVM will remove this attribute where it safely can.
+    FuncAttrs.addAttribute(llvm::Attribute::Convergent);
+  }
   ClangToLLVMArgMapping IRFunctionArgs(getContext(), FI);
   QualType RetTy = FI.getReturnType();

Index: test/CodeGenCUDA/device-var-init.cu
--- test/CodeGenCUDA/device-var-init.cu
+++ test/CodeGenCUDA/device-var-init.cu
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
 // CHECK:   call void @_ZN4NETCC1IJEEEDpT_(%struct.NETC* %netc)
 // CHECK:   call void @_ZN7EC_I_ECC1Ev(%struct.EC_I_EC* %ec_i_ec)
 // CHECK:   call void @_ZN8EC_I_EC1C1Ev(%struct.EC_I_EC1* %ec_i_ec1)
-// CHECK:   call void @_ZN5T_V_TC1Ev(%struct.T_V_T* %t_v_t) #3
+// CHECK:   call void @_ZN5T_V_TC1Ev(%struct.T_V_T* %t_v_t)
 // CHECK:   call void @_ZN7T_B_NECC1Ev(%struct.T_B_NEC* %t_b_nec)
 // CHECK:   call void @_ZN7T_F_NECC1Ev(%struct.T_F_NEC* %t_f_nec)
 // CHECK:   call void @_ZN8T_FA_NECC1Ev(%struct.T_FA_NEC* %t_fa_nec)
Index: test/CodeGenCUDA/convergent.cu
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGenCUDA/convergent.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// REQUIRES: x86-registered-target
+// REQUIRES: nvptx-registered-target
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fcuda-is-device -triple nvptx-nvidia-cuda -emit-llvm \
+// RUN:   -disable-llvm-passes -o - %s | FileCheck -check-prefix DEVICE %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -emit-llvm \
+// RUN:   -disable-llvm-passes -o - %s | \
+// RUN:  FileCheck -check-prefix HOST %s
+#include "Inputs/cuda.h"
+// DEVICE: Function Attrs:
+// DEVICE-SAME: convergent
+// DEVICE-NEXT: define void @_Z3foov
+__device__ void foo() {}
+// HOST: Function Attrs:
+// HOST-NOT: convergent
+// HOST-NEXT: define void @_Z3barv
+// DEVICE: Function Attrs:
+// DEVICE-SAME: convergent
+// DEVICE-NEXT: define void @_Z3barv
+__host__ __device__ void baz();
+__host__ __device__ void bar() {
+  // DEVICE: call void @_Z3bazv() [[CALL_ATTR:#[0-9]+]]
+  baz();
+// DEVICE: declare void @_Z3bazv() [[BAZ_ATTR:#[0-9]+]]
+// DEVICE: attributes [[BAZ_ATTR]] = {
+// DEVICE-SAME: convergent
+// DEVICE: attributes [[CALL_ATTR]] = { convergent }
+// HOST: declare void @_Z3bazv() [[BAZ_ATTR:#[0-9]+]]
+// HOST: attributes [[BAZ_ATTR]] = {
+// HOST-NOT: convergent
+// NOST-SAME: }
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
@@ -1595,6 +1595,14 @@
+  if (getLangOpts().CUDA && getLangOpts().CUDAIsDevice) {
+    // Conservatively, mark all functions and calls in CUDA as convergent
+    // (meaning, they may call an intrinsically convergent op, such as
+    // __syncthreads(), and so can't have certain optimizations applied around
+    // them).  LLVM will remove this attribute where it safely can.
+    FuncAttrs.addAttribute(llvm::Attribute::Convergent);
+  }
   ClangToLLVMArgMapping IRFunctionArgs(getContext(), FI);
   QualType RetTy = FI.getReturnType();
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