logan added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Headers/unwind.h:61
@@ +60,3 @@
+#define _UNWIND_ARM_EHABI 0
compnerd wrote:
> logan wrote:
> > compnerd wrote:
> > > logan wrote:
> > > > Since this is `unwind.h`, I feel that we can get a step further and use 
> > > > `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` to get more compatibility to GCC's unwind.h.
> > > > 
> > > > Here's the change:
> > > > 
> > > > ```
> > > > #if defined(__arm__) && !defined(__USING_SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS__) && \
> > > >     !defined(__ARM_DWARF_EH__)
> > > > #define __ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__ 1
> > > > #endif
> > > > ```
> > > I dont know if we really need to imitate GCC's macros here.  Am I 
> > > mistaken in that they assume that `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` has been set to 
> > > 1 externally if targeting such an environment?  I think that it is better 
> > > to use the reserved namespace and intrude into libunwind's namespace as 
> > > already done here.
> > > Am I mistaken in that they assume that `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` has been 
> > > set to 1 externally if targeting such an environment?
> > 
> > Although this is an implementation detail, it was defined by `unwind.h` in 
> > the implementation of GCC.
> > 
> > Remark: `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` is not a pre-defined macro in GCC and Clang 
> > (can be checked with ` gcc -dM -E - < /dev/null`.)
> > 
> > BTW, some applications or libraries need this macro to be defined after 
> > including `<unwind.h>` (such as uclibc, boost, or libc++abi 3.0.)  I 
> > remembered that someone suggested to use `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` instead of 
> >  `LIBCXXABI_ARM_EHABI` when I was fixing libc++abi several years ago.  I 
> > chose `LIBCXXABI_ARM_EHABI` simply because `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` wasn't 
> > provided by clang at that time.
> > 
> > I am less concerned to namespace pollution, because this is already the de 
> > facto implementation in GCC world and the macro names start with 
> > underscores are reserved for compiler or standard libraries by convention.
> > 
> > Since this is file a public header and will be used for a long time, I 
> > personally believe that it will be better to use an existing name with the 
> > same meaning instead of introducing a new name.  In addition, this will 
> > make it easier to port the application between gcc and clang.
> I just checked, libc++abi has no use of this macro, nor does boost 1.60.  
> uclibc only defines `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__`, but does not use it.  I also 
> checked glibc and musl, and glibc like uclibc defines it while musl has no 
> references to it.  This is injecting itself into the compiler namespace and 
> is misleading, so I think I would really rather prefer the current patch as 
> is.
> I just checked, libc++abi has no use of this macro, nor does boost 1.60. 
> uclibc only defines __ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__, but does not use it. I also 
> checked glibc and musl, and glibc like uclibc defines it while musl has no 
> references to it.

For uClibc++ and Boost I only did a simple Google search while writing the 
previous reply.  Sorry for the brevity.

Although uClibc++ itself does not use `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__`, some third-party 
ARM ports are using this macro.  For example, 
[toyroot](https://github.com/luckboy/toyroot), a small build system for small 
linux distribution, is maintaining a [local 
  Yet another example, [Aboriginal Linux](http://landley.net/aboriginal/) has 
 that requires this macro.  Someone even sent a 
[patch](http://lists.uclibc.org/pipermail/uclibc/2012-June/046915.html) to 
uClibc++ mailing list.

For Boost, I am referring to [this 
thread](http://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2008/04/136332.php), although it 
seems not being committed.

For libc++abi, I am referring to the [earlier 
 (roughly 3.4.)  You won't find `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` in libc++abi master 
branch because I removed it in 
 when I was implementing the ARM EHABI support.  I remembered in the [review 
 Jonathan even suggested me to use `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` instead.  I couldn't 
do  so because `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` was not defined by 

The main purpose to mention these projects is to demonstrate that 
`__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` is a common knownledge between unwinder or personality 
developers.  Many of us will come up with `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` when we need 
to distinguish ARM EHABI code and Itanium code.

> This is injecting itself into the compiler namespace and is misleading, so I 
> think I would really rather prefer the current patch as is.

I have a completely opposite point of view.  Please notice that the subject we 
are referring to is the unwind.h distributed with clang 
(`<clang-src>/lib/Headers/unwind.h`) which will usually be installed at 
`<llvm-install-prefix>/lib/clang/<version>/include/unwind.h`.  This file is a 
part of compiler and maintained by the compiler developer.  Thus, IMO, we 
SHOULD keep macros in compiler namespace.

BTW, IMO, both `_UNWIND_ARM_EHABI` and `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` belongs to 
compiler namespace (both of them start with a underscore), so this criteria is 
not the reason to flavor one over the other.

#if defined(__arm__) && !defined(__USING_SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS__) && \

Let's get back to these `#if` and `#define`.  I have two arguments against the 
changes in the second revision:

1. As a public header provided by compiler, I believe it will be better to 
eliminate every unnecessary macros.  This macro is not a must-have for non-ARM 
platforms.  We can simply change the upcoming `#if` to `#ifdef` or `#if 
defined(...)`.  In the other words, IMO, we don't need the `#else` part.

2. I prefer `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` to `_UNWIND_ARM_EABI` for four reasons:

   a. As mentioned earlier, some application code relies on 
`__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__`.  Using `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` can reduce the effort 
to port the program around.

   b. `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` is battle tested.  If a program which includes 
`<unwind.h>` has been compiled with `arm-linux-gnueabi-g++`, we can make sure 
that the program is not using `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` as identifier.  On the 
contrary, although the possibility is low, someone may name his variable with 
`_UNWIND_ARM_EHABI` and introducing `_UNWIND_ARM_EHABI` to compiler header will 
break his program.

   c. Using `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` can reduce the divergence between gcc and 

   d. I personally prefer `__ARM_EABI_UNWINDER__` because it looks similar to 
architecture-specific pre-defined macros, such as `__ARM_EABI__` and 


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