ffrankies updated this revision to Diff 232724.
ffrankies marked 2 inline comments as done.
ffrankies added a comment.

Addressed @Eugene.Zelenko's comments on use of `auto`




Index: test/clang-tidy/checkers/altera-id-dependent-backward-branch.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/clang-tidy/checkers/altera-id-dependent-backward-branch.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s altera-id-dependent-backward-branch %t -- -header-filter=.* "--" -cl-std=CL1.2 -c --include opencl-c.h
+typedef struct ExampleStruct {
+  int IDDepField;
+} ExampleStruct;
+void error() {
+  // ==== Assignments ====
+  int ThreadID = get_local_id(0); 
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: assignment of ID-dependent variable ThreadID [altera-id-dependent-backward-branch]
+  ExampleStruct Example;
+  Example.IDDepField = get_local_id(0);
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: assignment of ID-dependent field IDDepField [altera-id-dependent-backward-branch]
+  // ==== Inferred Assignments ====
+  int ThreadID2 = ThreadID * get_local_size(0);
+// CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: inferred assignment of ID-dependent value from ID-dependent variable ThreadID [altera-id-dependent-backward-branch]
+  int ThreadID3 = Example.IDDepField;  // OK: not used in any loops
+  ExampleStruct UnusedStruct = {
+    ThreadID * 2  // OK: not used in any loops
+  };
+  // ==== Conditional Expressions ====
+  int accumulator = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < get_local_id(0); i++) {
+    // CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:19: warning: backward branch (for loop) is ID-dependent due to ID function call and may cause performance degradation [altera-id-dependent-backward-branch]
+    accumulator++;
+  }
+  int j = 0;
+  while (j < get_local_id(0)) {
+    // CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: warning: backward branch (while loop) is ID-dependent due to ID function call and may cause performance degradation [altera-id-dependent-backward-branch]
+    accumulator++;
+  }
+  do {
+    accumulator++;
+  } while (j < get_local_id(0));
+  // CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:12: warning: backward branch (do loop) is ID-dependent due to ID function call and may cause performance degradation [altera-id-dependent-backward-branch]
+  for (int i = 0; i < ThreadID2; i++) {
+    // CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:19: warning: backward branch (for loop) is ID-dependent due to variable reference to 'ThreadID2' and may cause performance degradation [altera-id-dependent-backward-branch]
+    accumulator++;
+  }
+  while (j < ThreadID) {
+    // CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: warning: backward branch (while loop) is ID-dependent due to variable reference to 'ThreadID' and may cause performance degradation [altera-id-dependent-backward-branch]
+    accumulator++;
+  }
+  do {
+    accumulator++;
+  } while (j < ThreadID);
+  // CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:12: warning: backward branch (do loop) is ID-dependent due to variable reference to 'ThreadID' and may cause performance degradation [altera-id-dependent-backward-branch]
+  for (int i = 0; i < Example.IDDepField; i++) {
+    // CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:19: warning: backward branch (for loop) is ID-dependent due to member reference to 'IDDepField' and may cause performance degradation [altera-id-dependent-backward-branch]
+    accumulator++;
+  }
+  while (j < Example.IDDepField) {
+    // CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:10: warning: backward branch (while loop) is ID-dependent due to member reference to 'IDDepField' and may cause performance degradation [altera-id-dependent-backward-branch]
+    accumulator++;
+  }
+  do {
+    accumulator++;
+  } while (j < Example.IDDepField);
+  // CHECK-NOTES: :[[@LINE-1]]:12: warning: backward branch (do loop) is ID-dependent due to member reference to 'IDDepField' and may cause performance degradation [altera-id-dependent-backward-branch]
+void success() {
+  int accumulator = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+    if (i < get_local_id(0)) {
+      accumulator++;
+    }
+  }
Index: docs/clang-tidy/index.rst
--- docs/clang-tidy/index.rst
+++ docs/clang-tidy/index.rst
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 ====================== =========================================================
 ``abseil-``            Checks related to Abseil library.
 ``android-``           Checks related to Android.
+``altera-``            Checks related to OpenCL programming for FPGAs.
 ``boost-``             Checks related to Boost library.
 ``bugprone-``          Checks that target bugprone code constructs.
 ``cert-``              Checks related to CERT Secure Coding Guidelines.
Index: docs/clang-tidy/checks/list.rst
--- docs/clang-tidy/checks/list.rst
+++ docs/clang-tidy/checks/list.rst
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+   altera-id-dependent-backward-branch
Index: docs/clang-tidy/checks/altera-id-dependent-backward-branch.rst
--- /dev/null
+++ docs/clang-tidy/checks/altera-id-dependent-backward-branch.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+.. title:: clang-tidy - altera-id-dependent-backward-branch
+Finds ID-dependent variables and fields that are used within loops. This causes
+branches to occur inside the loops, and thus leads to performance degradation.
+Based on the `Altera SDK for OpenCL: Best Practices Guide 
+.. code-block:: c++
+  // The following code will produce a warning because this ID-dependent
+  // variable is used in a loop condition statement.
+  int ThreadID = get_local_id(0);
+  // The following loop will produce a warning because the loop condition
+  // statement depends on an ID-dependent variable.
+  for (int i = 0; i < ThreadID; ++i) {
+    std::cout << i << std::endl;
+  }
+  // The following loop will not produce a warning, because the ID-dependent
+  // variable is not used in the loop condition statement.
+  for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+    std::cout << ThreadID << std::endl;
+  }
Index: docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
--- docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -67,6 +67,17 @@
 Improvements to clang-tidy
+- New :doc:`altera <clang-tidy/modules/altera>` module.
+  Includes checks related to OpenCL for FPGA coding guidelines, based on the
+  `Altera SDK for OpenCL: Best Practices Guide
+  <https://www.altera.com/en_US/pdfs/literature/hb/opencl-sdk/aocl_optimization_guide.pdf>`_.
+- New :doc:`altera-id-dependent-backward-branch
+  <clang-tidy/checks/altera-id-dependent-backward-branch>` check.
+  Finds ID-dependent variables and fields that are used within loops.  
 - New :doc:`bugprone-dynamic-static-initializers
   <clang-tidy/checks/bugprone-dynamic-static-initializers>` check.
Index: clang-tidy/altera/IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck.h
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tidy/altera/IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+//===--- IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck.h - clang-tidy-----------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "../ClangTidy.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+namespace altera {
+/// Finds ID-dependent variables and fields used within loops, and warns of
+/// their usage. Using these variables in loops can lead to performance
+/// degradation.
+/// For the user-facing documentation see:
+/// http://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/checks/altera-id-dependent-backward-branch.html
+class IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck : public ClangTidyCheck {
+  enum LoopType { UNK_LOOP = -1, DO_LOOP = 0, WHILE_LOOP = 1, FOR_LOOP = 2 };
+  // Stores information necessary for printing out source of error.
+  struct IdDependencyRecord {
+    IdDependencyRecord(const VarDecl *Declaration, SourceLocation Location,
+                       std::string Message)
+        : VariableDeclaration(Declaration), Location(Location),
+          Message(Message) {}
+    IdDependencyRecord(const FieldDecl *Declaration, SourceLocation Location,
+                       std::string Message)
+        : FieldDeclaration(Declaration), Location(Location), Message(Message) {}
+    IdDependencyRecord() {}
+    const VarDecl *VariableDeclaration;
+    const FieldDecl *FieldDeclaration;
+    SourceLocation Location;
+    std::string Message;
+  };
+  // Stores the locations where ID-dependent variables are created.
+  std::map<const VarDecl *, IdDependencyRecord> IdDepVarsMap;
+  // Stores the locations where ID-dependent fields are created.
+  std::map<const FieldDecl *, IdDependencyRecord> IdDepFieldsMap;
+  /// Returns an IdDependencyRecord if the Expression contains an ID-dependent
+  /// variable, returns a nullptr otherwise.
+  IdDependencyRecord *hasIdDepVar(const Expr *Expression);
+  /// Returns an IdDependencyRecord if the Expression contains an ID-dependent
+  /// field, returns a nullptr otherwise.
+  IdDependencyRecord *hasIdDepField(const Expr *Expression);
+  /// Stores the location an ID-dependent variable is created from a call to
+  /// an ID function in IdDepVarsMap.
+  void saveIdDepVar(const Stmt *Statement, const VarDecl *Variable);
+  /// Stores the location an ID-dependent field is created from a call to an ID
+  /// function in IdDepFieldsMap.
+  void saveIdDepField(const Stmt *Statement, const FieldDecl *Field);
+  /// Stores the location an ID-dependent variable is created from a reference
+  /// to another ID-dependent variable or field in IdDepVarsMap.
+  void saveIdDepVarFromReference(const DeclRefExpr *RefExpr,
+                                 const MemberExpr *MemExpr,
+                                 const VarDecl *PotentialVar);
+  /// Stores the location an ID-dependent field is created from a reference to
+  /// another ID-dependent variable or field in IdDepFieldsMap.
+  void saveIdDepFieldFromReference(const DeclRefExpr *RefExpr,
+                                   const MemberExpr *MemExpr,
+                                   const FieldDecl *PotentialField);
+  /// Returns the loop type.
+  LoopType getLoopType(const Stmt *Loop);
+  IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck(StringRef Name, ClangTidyContext *Context)
+      : ClangTidyCheck(Name, Context) {}
+  void registerMatchers(ast_matchers::MatchFinder *Finder) override;
+  void check(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) override;
+} // namespace altera
+} // namespace tidy
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang-tidy/altera/IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tidy/altera/IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+//===--- IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck.cpp - clang-tidy ------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck.h"
+#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace clang::ast_matchers;
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+namespace altera {
+void IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck::registerMatchers(MatchFinder *Finder) {
+  // Prototype to identify all variables which hold a thread-variant ID.
+  // First Matcher just finds all the direct assignments of either ID call.
+  const auto TID_RHS = expr(hasDescendant(callExpr(callee(functionDecl(
+      anyOf(hasName("get_global_id"), hasName("get_local_id")))))));
+  const auto ANY_ASSIGN = anyOf(
+      hasOperatorName("="), hasOperatorName("*="), hasOperatorName("/="),
+      hasOperatorName("%="), hasOperatorName("+="), hasOperatorName("-="),
+      hasOperatorName("<<="), hasOperatorName(">>="), hasOperatorName("&="),
+      hasOperatorName("^="), hasOperatorName("|="));
+  Finder->addMatcher(
+      compoundStmt(
+          // Bind on actual get_local/global_id calls.
+          forEachDescendant(
+              stmt(anyOf(declStmt(hasDescendant(varDecl(hasInitializer(TID_RHS))
+                                                    .bind("tid_dep_var"))),
+                         binaryOperator(allOf(
+                             ANY_ASSIGN, hasRHS(TID_RHS),
+                             hasLHS(anyOf(
+                                 declRefExpr(to(varDecl().bind("tid_dep_var"))),
+                                 memberExpr(member(
+                                     fieldDecl().bind("tid_dep_field")))))))))
+                  .bind("straight_assignment"))),
+      this);
+  // Bind all VarDecls that include an initializer with a variable DeclRefExpr
+  // (incase it is ID-dependent).
+  Finder->addMatcher(
+      stmt(forEachDescendant(
+          varDecl(
+              hasInitializer(forEachDescendant(stmt(anyOf(
+                  declRefExpr(to(varDecl())).bind("assign_ref_var"),
+                  memberExpr(member(fieldDecl())).bind("assign_ref_field"))))))
+              .bind("pot_tid_var"))),
+      this);
+  // Bind all VarDecls that are assigned a value with a variable DeclRefExpr (in
+  // case it is ID-dependent).
+  Finder->addMatcher(
+      stmt(forEachDescendant(binaryOperator(allOf(
+          ANY_ASSIGN,
+          hasRHS(forEachDescendant(stmt(anyOf(
+              declRefExpr(to(varDecl())).bind("assign_ref_var"),
+              memberExpr(member(fieldDecl())).bind("assign_ref_field"))))),
+          hasLHS(
+              anyOf(declRefExpr(to(varDecl().bind("pot_tid_var"))),
+                    memberExpr(member(fieldDecl().bind("pot_tid_field"))))))))),
+      this);
+  // Second Matcher looks for branch statements inside of loops and bind on the
+  // condition expression IF it either calls an ID function or has a variable
+  // DeclRefExpr. DeclRefExprs are checked later to confirm whether the variable
+  // is ID-dependent.
+  const auto COND_EXPR =
+      expr(anyOf(hasDescendant(callExpr(callee(functionDecl(
+                                            anyOf(hasName("get_global_id"),
+                                                  hasName("get_local_id")))))
+                                   .bind("id_call")),
+                 hasDescendant(stmt(anyOf(declRefExpr(to(varDecl())),
+                                          memberExpr(member(fieldDecl())))))))
+          .bind("cond_expr");
+  Finder->addMatcher(stmt(anyOf(forStmt(hasCondition(COND_EXPR)),
+                                doStmt(hasCondition(COND_EXPR)),
+                                whileStmt(hasCondition(COND_EXPR))))
+                         .bind("backward_branch"),
+                     this);
+IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck::IdDependencyRecord *
+IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck::hasIdDepVar(const Expr *Expression) {
+  if (const auto *Declaration = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(Expression)) {
+    // It is a DeclRefExpr, so check if it's an ID-dependent variable.
+    const auto *CheckVariable = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(Declaration->getDecl());
+    auto FoundVariable = IdDepVarsMap.find(CheckVariable);
+    if (FoundVariable == IdDepVarsMap.end()) {
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+    return &(FoundVariable->second);
+  }
+  for (const auto *Child : Expression->children()) {
+    if (const auto *ChildExpression = dyn_cast<Expr>(Child)) {
+      IdDependencyRecord *Result = hasIdDepVar(ChildExpression);
+      if (Result) {
+        return Result;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck::IdDependencyRecord *
+IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck::hasIdDepField(const Expr *Expression) {
+  if (const auto *MemberExpression = dyn_cast<MemberExpr>(Expression)) {
+    const auto *CheckField = 
+        dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(MemberExpression->getMemberDecl());
+    auto FoundField = IdDepFieldsMap.find(CheckField);
+    if (FoundField == IdDepFieldsMap.end()) {
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+    return &(FoundField->second);
+  }
+  for (const auto *Child : Expression->children()) {
+    if (const auto *ChildExpression = dyn_cast<Expr>(Child)) {
+      IdDependencyRecord *Result = hasIdDepField(ChildExpression);
+      if (Result) {
+        return Result;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+void IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck::saveIdDepVar(const Stmt *Statement,
+                                                  const VarDecl *Variable) {
+  // Record that this variable is thread-dependent.
+  std::ostringstream StringStream;
+  StringStream << "assignment of ID-dependent variable "
+               << Variable->getNameAsString();
+  IdDepVarsMap[Variable] =
+      IdDependencyRecord(Variable, Variable->getBeginLoc(), StringStream.str());
+void IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck::saveIdDepField(const Stmt *Statement,
+                                                    const FieldDecl *Field) {
+  std::ostringstream StringStream;
+  StringStream << "assignment of ID-dependent field "
+               << Field->getNameAsString();
+  IdDepFieldsMap[Field] =
+      IdDependencyRecord(Field, Statement->getBeginLoc(), StringStream.str());
+void IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck::saveIdDepVarFromReference(
+    const DeclRefExpr *RefExpr, const MemberExpr *MemExpr,
+    const VarDecl *PotentialVar) {
+  // If the variable is already in IdDepVarsMap, ignore it.
+  if (IdDepVarsMap.find(PotentialVar) != IdDepVarsMap.end()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  std::ostringstream StringStream;
+  StringStream << "inferred assignment of ID-dependent value from "
+                  "ID-dependent ";
+  if (RefExpr) {
+    const auto *RefVar = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(RefExpr->getDecl());
+    // If variable isn't ID-dependent, but RefVar is.
+    if (IdDepVarsMap.find(RefVar) != IdDepVarsMap.end()) {
+      StringStream << "variable " << RefVar->getNameAsString();
+    }
+  }
+  if (MemExpr) {
+    const auto *RefField = dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(MemExpr->getMemberDecl());
+    // If variable isn't ID-dependent, but RefField is.
+    if (IdDepFieldsMap.find(RefField) != IdDepFieldsMap.end()) {
+      StringStream << "member " << RefField->getNameAsString();
+    }
+  }
+  IdDepVarsMap[PotentialVar] = IdDependencyRecord(
+      PotentialVar, PotentialVar->getBeginLoc(), StringStream.str());
+void IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck::saveIdDepFieldFromReference(
+    const DeclRefExpr *RefExpr, const MemberExpr *MemExpr,
+    const FieldDecl *PotentialField) {
+  // If the field is already in IdDepFieldsMap, ignore it.
+  if (IdDepFieldsMap.find(PotentialField) != IdDepFieldsMap.end()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  std::ostringstream StringStream;
+  StringStream << "inferred assignment of ID-dependent member from "
+                  "ID-dependent ";
+  if (RefExpr) {
+    const auto *RefVar = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(RefExpr->getDecl());
+    // If field isn't ID-dependent, but RefVar is.
+    if (IdDepVarsMap.find(RefVar) != IdDepVarsMap.end()) {
+      StringStream << "variable " << RefVar->getNameAsString();
+    }
+  }
+  if (MemExpr) {
+    const auto *RefField = dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(MemExpr->getMemberDecl());
+    if (IdDepFieldsMap.find(RefField) != IdDepFieldsMap.end()) {
+      StringStream << "member " << RefField->getNameAsString();
+    }
+  }
+  IdDepFieldsMap[PotentialField] = IdDependencyRecord(
+      PotentialField, PotentialField->getBeginLoc(), StringStream.str());
+IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck::getLoopType(const Stmt *Loop) {
+  if (const auto *DoLoop = dyn_cast<DoStmt>(Loop)) {
+    return DO_LOOP; // loop_type = 0;
+  } else if (const auto *WhileLoop = dyn_cast<WhileStmt>(Loop)) {
+    return WHILE_LOOP; // loop_type = 1;
+  } else if (const auto *ForLoop = dyn_cast<ForStmt>(Loop)) {
+    return FOR_LOOP; // loop_type = 2;
+  }
+  return UNK_LOOP;
+void IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck::check(
+    const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
+  // The first half of the callback only deals with identifying and storing
+  // ID-dependency information into the IdDepVars and IdDepFields maps.
+  const auto *Variable = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<VarDecl>("tid_dep_var");
+  const auto *Field = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<FieldDecl>("tid_dep_field");
+  const auto *Statement = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<Stmt>("straight_assignment");
+  const auto *RefExpr = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<DeclRefExpr>("assign_ref_var");
+  const auto *MemExpr = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<MemberExpr>("assign_ref_field");
+  const auto *PotentialVar = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<VarDecl>("pot_tid_var");
+  const auto *PotentialField =
+      Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<FieldDecl>("pot_tid_field");
+  // Save variables and fields assigned directly through ID function calls.
+  if (Statement && (Variable || Field)) {
+    if (Variable) {
+      saveIdDepVar(Statement, Variable);
+    } else if (Field) {
+      saveIdDepField(Statement, Field);
+    }
+  }
+  // Save variables assigned to values of Id-dependent variables and fields.
+  if ((RefExpr || MemExpr) && PotentialVar) {
+    saveIdDepVarFromReference(RefExpr, MemExpr, PotentialVar);
+  }
+  // Save fields assigned to values of ID-dependent variables and fields.
+  if ((RefExpr || MemExpr) && PotentialField) {
+    saveIdDepFieldFromReference(RefExpr, MemExpr, PotentialField);
+  }
+  // The second part of the callback deals with checking if a branch inside a
+  // loop is thread dependent.
+  const auto *CondExpr = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<Expr>("cond_expr");
+  const auto *IDCall = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<CallExpr>("id_call");
+  const auto *Loop = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<Stmt>("backward_branch");
+  if (!Loop) {
+    return;
+  }
+  LoopType Type = getLoopType(Loop);
+  if (CondExpr) {
+    if (IDCall) { // Conditional expression calls an ID function directly.
+      diag(CondExpr->getBeginLoc(),
+           "backward branch (%select{do|while|for}0 loop) is ID-dependent due "
+           "to ID function call and may cause performance degradation")
+          << Type;
+    } else { // Conditional expression has DeclRefExpr(s), check ID-dependency.
+      IdDependencyRecord *IdDepVar = hasIdDepVar(CondExpr);
+      IdDependencyRecord *IdDepField = hasIdDepField(CondExpr);
+      if (IdDepVar) {
+        diag(IdDepVar->Location, IdDepVar->Message);
+        diag(
+            CondExpr->getBeginLoc(),
+            "backward branch (%select{do|while|for}0 loop) is ID-dependent due "
+            "to variable reference to %1 and may cause performance degradation")
+            << Type << IdDepVar->VariableDeclaration;
+      } else if (IdDepField) {
+        diag(IdDepField->Location, IdDepField->Message);
+        diag(
+            CondExpr->getBeginLoc(),
+            "backward branch (%select{do|while|for}0 loop) is ID-dependent due "
+            "to member reference to %1 and may cause performance degradation")
+            << Type << IdDepField->FieldDeclaration;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+} // namespace altera
+} // namespace tidy
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang-tidy/altera/CMakeLists.txt
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tidy/altera/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+  AlteraTidyModule.cpp
+  IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck.cpp
+  clangAnalysis
+  clangAST
+  clangASTMatchers
+  clangBasic
+  clangLex
+  clangTidy
+  clangTidyUtils
+  )
Index: clang-tidy/altera/AlteraTidyModule.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tidy/altera/AlteraTidyModule.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+//===--- AlteraTidyModule.cpp - clang-tidy --------------------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "../ClangTidy.h"
+#include "../ClangTidyModule.h"
+#include "../ClangTidyModuleRegistry.h"
+#include "IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck.h"
+using namespace clang::ast_matchers;
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+namespace altera {
+class AlteraModule : public ClangTidyModule {
+  void addCheckFactories(ClangTidyCheckFactories &CheckFactories) override {
+    CheckFactories.registerCheck<IdDependentBackwardBranchCheck>(
+        "altera-id-dependent-backward-branch");
+  }
+} // namespace altera
+// Register the AlteraTidyModule using this statically initialized variable.
+static ClangTidyModuleRegistry::Add<altera::AlteraModule>
+    X("altera-module", "Adds Altera FPGA OpenCL lint checks.");
+// This anchor is used to force the linker to link in the generated object file
+// and thus register the AlteraModule.
+volatile int AlteraModuleAnchorSource = 0;
+} // namespace tidy
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang-tidy/ClangTidyForceLinker.h
--- clang-tidy/ClangTidyForceLinker.h
+++ clang-tidy/ClangTidyForceLinker.h
@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@
 static int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED AbseilModuleAnchorDestination =
+// This anchor is used to force the linker to link the AlteraModule.
+extern volatile int AlteraModuleAnchorSource;
+static int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED AlteraModuleAnchorDestination =
+    AlteraModuleAnchorSource;
 // This anchor is used to force the linker to link the BoostModule.
 extern volatile int BoostModuleAnchorSource;
 static int LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED BoostModuleAnchorDestination =
Index: clang-tidy/CMakeLists.txt
--- clang-tidy/CMakeLists.txt
+++ clang-tidy/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 # If you add a check, also add it to ClangTidyForceLinker.h in this directory.
@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@
+  clangTidyAlteraModule
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