dblaikie added a comment.

> In D69778#1772125 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D69778#1772125>, @dblaikie wrote:
>> I was/am still wondering whether there's a way to coalesce these codepaths 
>> between PCH and the existing modular code generation support?
> In what way could this be united more? The way I understand it, the code 
> paths are pretty much the same, they just need to account for being invoked 
> in different contexts. This patch is tiny compared to what it was originally 
> before I made it reuse all the codegen code.

I guess one aspect is that -building-pch-with-obj seems like it duplicates the 
fmodules-codegen concept (both basically are a flag passed during pcm/pch build 
time that says "I promise to build an object file from this pcm/pch, so rely on 
that assumption when building other things that depend on the pcm/pch) - if I'd 
noticed the -building-pch-with-obj going in I would've made the point then.

But yeah, that's out of scope for this patch, but might be something that'd be 
good to look into to try to merge these features/codepaths more.

  rC Clang



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