xazax.hun updated this revision to Diff 234434.
xazax.hun marked 2 inline comments as done.
xazax.hun added a comment.

- Fix review comments.




Index: clang/test/Analysis/analyzer-config.c
--- clang/test/Analysis/analyzer-config.c
+++ clang/test/Analysis/analyzer-config.c
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT: c++-temp-dtor-inlining = true
 // CHECK-NEXT: c++-template-inlining = true
 // CHECK-NEXT: cfg-conditional-static-initializers = true
+// CHECK-NEXT: cfg-expand-default-aggr-inits = false
 // CHECK-NEXT: cfg-implicit-dtors = true
 // CHECK-NEXT: cfg-lifetime = false
 // CHECK-NEXT: cfg-loopexit = false
@@ -98,4 +99,4 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT: unroll-loops = false
 // CHECK-NEXT: widen-loops = false
 // CHECK-NEXT: [stats]
-// CHECK-NEXT: num-entries = 95
+// CHECK-NEXT: num-entries = 96
Index: clang/test/Analysis/aggrinit-cfg-output.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/Analysis/aggrinit-cfg-output.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -analyze -analyzer-checker=debug.DumpCFG -analyzer-config cfg-expand-default-aggr-inits=true %s > %t 2>&1
+// RUN: FileCheck --input-file=%t %s
+static char a[] = "foobar";
+struct StringRef {
+  const char *member = nullptr;
+  int len = 3;
+int main() {
+  StringRef s{a};
+  (void)s;
+// CHECK: [B1]
+// CHECK-NEXT:   1: a
+// CHECK-NEXT:   2: [B1.1] (ImplicitCastExpr, ArrayToPointerDecay, char *)
+// CHECK-NEXT:   3: [B1.2] (ImplicitCastExpr, NoOp, const char *)
+// CHECK-NEXT:   4: 3
+// CHECK-NEXT:   5: 
+// CHECK-NEXT:   6: {[B1.1]}
+// CHECK-NEXT:   7: StringRef s{a};
+// CHECK-NEXT:   8: s
+// CHECK-NEXT:   9: (void)[B1.8] (CStyleCastExpr, ToVoid, void)
+// CHECK-NEXT:   Preds (1): B2
+// CHECK-NEXT:   Succs (1): B0
Index: clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalysisManager.cpp
--- clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalysisManager.cpp
+++ clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalysisManager.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
       options(Options) {
   AnaCtxMgr.getCFGBuildOptions().OmitImplicitValueInitializers = true;
+  AnaCtxMgr.getCFGBuildOptions().AddCXXDefaultInitExprInAggregates =
+      Options.ShouldIncludeDefaultInitForAggregates;
 AnalysisManager::~AnalysisManager() {
Index: clang/lib/Analysis/LifetimePsetBuilder.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/lib/Analysis/LifetimePsetBuilder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1415 @@
+//=- LifetimePsetBuilder.cpp - Diagnose lifetime violations -*- C++ -*-=======//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/LifetimePsetBuilder.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
+#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
+#include "clang/AST/StmtVisitor.h"
+#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/Lifetime.h"
+#include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace lifetime {
+namespace {
+#define VERBOSE_DEBUG 0
+#define DBG(x) llvm::errs() << x
+#define DBG(x)
+static bool hasPSet(const Expr *E) {
+  auto TC = classifyTypeCategory(E->getType());
+  return E->isLValue() || TC == TypeCategory::Pointer ||
+         TC == TypeCategory::Owner;
+static bool isPointer(const Expr *E) {
+  auto TC = classifyTypeCategory(E->getType());
+  return TC == TypeCategory::Pointer;
+/// Collection of methods to update/check PSets from statements/expressions
+/// Conceptually, for each Expr where Expr::isLValue() is true,
+/// we put an entry into the RefersTo map, which contains the set
+/// of Variables that an lvalue might refer to, e.g.
+/// RefersTo(var) = {var}
+/// RefersTo(*p) = pset(p)
+/// RefersTo(a = b) = {a}
+/// RefersTo(a, b) = {b}
+/// For every expression whose Type is a Pointer or an Owner,
+/// we also track the pset (points-to set), e.g.
+///  pset(&v) = {v}
+class PSetsBuilder : public ConstStmtVisitor<PSetsBuilder, void> {
+  const FunctionDecl *AnalyzedFD;
+  LifetimeReporterBase &Reporter;
+  ASTContext &ASTCtxt;
+  /// Returns true if the first argument is implicitly convertible
+  /// into the second argument.
+  IsConvertibleTy IsConvertible;
+  /// psets of all memory locations, which are identified
+  /// by their non-reference variable declaration or
+  /// MaterializedTemporaryExpr plus (optional) FieldDecls.
+  PSetsMap &PMap;
+  std::map<const Expr *, PSet> &PSetsOfExpr;
+  std::map<const Expr *, PSet> &RefersTo;
+  const CFGBlock *CurrentBlock = nullptr;
+  /// Certain constructs that violate the type and bounds profile of the
+  /// C++ core guidelines (such as reinterpret_cast) disable lifetime analysis.
+  /// We disable it for the whole function because those constructs make it
+  /// hard to asses which Pointers are tainted by them.
+  bool AnalysisDisabled = false;
+  bool isAnalysisDisabled() const { return AnalysisDisabled; }
+  /// Ignore parentheses and most implicit casts.
+  /// Does not go through implicit cast that convert a literal into a pointer,
+  /// because there the type category changes.
+  /// Does not ignore LValueToRValue casts by default, because they
+  /// move psets from RefersTo into PsetOfExpr.
+  /// Does not ignore MaterializeTemporaryExpr as Expr::IgnoreParenImpCasts
+  /// would.
+  static const Expr *IgnoreTransparentExprs(const Expr *E,
+                                            bool IgnoreLValueToRValue = false) {
+    while (true) {
+      E = E->IgnoreParens();
+      if (const auto *P = dyn_cast<CastExpr>(E)) {
+        switch (P->getCastKind()) {
+        case CK_BitCast:
+        case CK_LValueBitCast:
+        case CK_IntegralToPointer:
+        case CK_NullToPointer:
+        case CK_ArrayToPointerDecay:
+          return E;
+        case CK_LValueToRValue:
+          if (!IgnoreLValueToRValue)
+            return E;
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
+        }
+        E = P->getSubExpr();
+        continue;
+      } else if (const auto *C = dyn_cast<ExprWithCleanups>(E)) {
+        E = C->getSubExpr();
+        continue;
+      } else if (const auto *C = dyn_cast<OpaqueValueExpr>(E)) {
+        E = C->getSourceExpr();
+        continue;
+      } else if (const auto *C = dyn_cast<UnaryOperator>(E)) {
+        if (C->getOpcode() == UO_Extension) {
+          E = C->getSubExpr();
+          continue;
+        }
+      } else if (const auto *C = dyn_cast<CXXBindTemporaryExpr>(E)) {
+        E = C->getSubExpr();
+        continue;
+      }
+      return E;
+    }
+  }
+  static bool IsIgnoredStmt(const Stmt *S) {
+    const Expr *E = dyn_cast<Expr>(S);
+    return E && IgnoreTransparentExprs(E) != E;
+  }
+  void VisitStringLiteral(const StringLiteral *SL) {
+    setPSet(SL, PSet::staticVar(false));
+  }
+  void VisitPredefinedExpr(const PredefinedExpr *E) {
+    setPSet(E, PSet::staticVar(false));
+  }
+  void VisitDeclStmt(const DeclStmt *DS) {
+    for (const auto *DeclIt : DS->decls()) {
+      if (const auto *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DeclIt))
+        VisitVarDecl(VD);
+    }
+  }
+  void VisitCXXNewExpr(const CXXNewExpr *E) {
+    setPSet(E, PSet::staticVar(false));
+  }
+  void VisitAddrLabelExpr(const AddrLabelExpr *E) {
+    setPSet(E, PSet::staticVar(false));
+  }
+  void VisitCXXDefaultInitExpr(const CXXDefaultInitExpr *E) {
+    if (hasPSet(E)) {
+      if (AnalyzedFD)
+      setPSet(E, getPSet(E->getExpr()));
+    }
+  }
+  PSet varRefersTo(Variable V, SourceRange Range) const {
+    if (V.getType()->isReferenceType()) {
+      auto P = getPSet(V);
+      if (CheckPSetValidity(P, Range))
+        return P;
+      else
+        return {};
+    } else {
+      return PSet::singleton(V);
+    }
+  };
+  void VisitDeclRefExpr(const DeclRefExpr *DeclRef) {
+    if (isa<FunctionDecl>(DeclRef->getDecl()) ||
+        DeclRef->refersToEnclosingVariableOrCapture()) {
+      setPSet(DeclRef, PSet::staticVar(false));
+    } else if (const auto *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DeclRef->getDecl())) {
+      setPSet(DeclRef, varRefersTo(VD, DeclRef->getSourceRange()));
+    } else if (const auto *FD = dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(DeclRef->getDecl())) {
+      Variable V = Variable::thisPointer(FD->getParent());
+      V.deref();         // *this
+      V.addFieldRef(FD); // this->field
+      setPSet(DeclRef, varRefersTo(V, DeclRef->getSourceRange()));
+    }
+  }
+  void VisitMemberExpr(const MemberExpr *ME) {
+    PSet BaseRefersTo = getPSet(ME->getBase());
+    // Make sure that derefencing a dangling pointer is diagnosed unless
+    // the member is a member function. In that case, the invalid
+    // base will be diagnosed in VisitCallExpr().
+    if (ME->getBase()->getType()->isPointerType() &&
+        !ME->hasPlaceholderType(BuiltinType::BoundMember))
+      CheckPSetValidity(BaseRefersTo, ME->getSourceRange());
+    if (auto *FD = dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(ME->getMemberDecl())) {
+      PSet Ret = BaseRefersTo;
+      Ret.addFieldRef(FD);
+      if (FD->getType()->isReferenceType()) {
+        // The field has reference type, apply the deref.
+        Ret = derefPSet(Ret);
+        if (!CheckPSetValidity(Ret, ME->getSourceRange()))
+          Ret = {};
+      }
+      setPSet(ME, Ret);
+    } else if (isa<VarDecl>(ME->getMemberDecl())) {
+      // A static data member of this class
+      setPSet(ME, PSet::staticVar(false));
+    }
+  }
+  void VisitArraySubscriptExpr(const ArraySubscriptExpr *E) {
+    // By the bounds profile, ArraySubscriptExpr is only allowed on arrays
+    // (not on pointers).
+    if (!E->getBase()->IgnoreParenImpCasts()->getType()->isArrayType()) {
+      Reporter.warnPointerArithmetic(E->getSourceRange());
+      AnalysisDisabled = true;
+      setPSet(E, {});
+      return;
+    }
+    setPSet(E, getPSet(E->getBase()));
+  }
+  void VisitCXXThisExpr(const CXXThisExpr *E) {
+    // ThisExpr is an RValue. It points to *this.
+    setPSet(E, PSet::singleton(Variable::thisPointer(
+                                   E->getType()->getPointeeCXXRecordDecl())
+                                   .deref()));
+  }
+  void VisitCXXTypeidExpr(const CXXTypeidExpr *E) {
+    // The typeid expression is an lvalue expression which refers to an object
+    // with static storage duration, of the polymorphic type const
+    // std::type_info or of some type derived from it.
+    setPSet(E, PSet::staticVar());
+  }
+  void
+  VisitSubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr(const SubstNonTypeTemplateParmExpr *E) {
+    // Non-type template parameters that are pointers must point to something
+    // static (because only addresses known at compiler time are allowed)
+    if (hasPSet(E))
+      setPSet(E, PSet::staticVar());
+  }
+  void VisitAbstractConditionalOperator(const AbstractConditionalOperator *E) {
+    if (!hasPSet(E))
+      return;
+    // If the condition is trivially true/false, the corresponding branch
+    // will be pruned from the CFG and we will not find a pset of it.
+    // With AllowNonExisting, getPSet() will then return (unknown).
+    // Note that a pset could also be explicitly unknown to suppress
+    // further warnings after the first violation was diagnosed.
+    auto LHS = getPSet(E->getTrueExpr(), /*AllowNonExisting=*/true);
+    auto RHS = getPSet(E->getFalseExpr(), /*AllowNonExisting=*/true);
+    setPSet(E, LHS + RHS);
+  }
+  void VisitMaterializeTemporaryExpr(const MaterializeTemporaryExpr *E) {
+    PSet Singleton = PSet::singleton(E);
+    setPSet(E, Singleton);
+    if (hasPSet(E->getSubExpr())) {
+      auto TC = classifyTypeCategory(E->getSubExpr()->getType());
+      if (TC == TypeCategory::Owner)
+        setPSet(Singleton, PSet::singleton(E, 1), E->getSourceRange());
+      else
+        setPSet(Singleton, getPSet(E->getSubExpr()), E->getSourceRange());
+    }
+  }
+  void VisitInitListExpr(const InitListExpr *I) {
+    I = I->isSyntacticForm() ? I->getSemanticForm() : I;
+    if (I->getType()->isPointerType()) {
+      if (I->getNumInits() == 0) {
+        setPSet(I, PSet::null(NullReason::defaultConstructed(
+                       I->getSourceRange(), CurrentBlock)));
+        return;
+      }
+      // TODO: Instead of assuming that the pset comes from the first argument
+      // use the same logic we have in call modelling.
+      if (I->getNumInits() == 1) {
+        setPSet(I, getPSet(I->getInit(0)));
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    setPSet(I, {});
+  }
+  void VisitCXXScalarValueInitExpr(const CXXScalarValueInitExpr *E) {
+    // Appears for `T()` in a template specialisation, where
+    // T is a simple type.
+    if (E->getType()->isPointerType()) {
+      setPSet(E, PSet::null(NullReason::defaultConstructed(E->getSourceRange(),
+                                                           CurrentBlock)));
+    }
+  }
+  void VisitCastExpr(const CastExpr *E) {
+    // Some casts are transparent, see IgnoreTransparentExprs()
+    switch (E->getCastKind()) {
+    case CK_BitCast:
+    case CK_LValueBitCast:
+    case CK_IntegralToPointer:
+      // Those casts are forbidden by the type profile
+      Reporter.warnUnsafeCast(E->getSourceRange());
+      AnalysisDisabled = true;
+      setPSet(E, {});
+      return;
+    case CK_ArrayToPointerDecay:
+      // Decaying an array into a pointer is like taking the address of the
+      // first array member. The result is a pointer to the array elements,
+      // which are '*array'.
+      setPSet(E, derefPSet(getPSet(E->getSubExpr())));
+      return;
+    case CK_NullToPointer:
+      setPSet(E, PSet::null(NullReason::nullptrConstant(E->getSourceRange(),
+                                                        CurrentBlock)));
+      return;
+    case CK_LValueToRValue:
+      // For L-values, the pset refers to the memory location,
+      // which in turn points to the pointee. For R-values,
+      // the pset just refers to the pointee.
+      if (hasPSet(E))
+        setPSet(E, derefPSet(getPSet(E->getSubExpr())));
+      return;
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("Should have been ignored in IgnoreTransparentExprs()");
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  /// Returns true if all of the following is true
+  /// 1) BO is an addition,
+  /// 2) LHS is ImplicitCastExpr <ArrayToPointerDecay> of DeclRefExpr of array
+  /// type 3) RHS is IntegerLiteral 4) The value of the IntegerLiteral is
+  /// between 0 and the size of the array type
+  static bool isArrayPlusIndex(const BinaryOperator *BO) {
+    if (BO->getOpcode() != BO_Add)
+      return false;
+    auto *ImplCast = dyn_cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(BO->getLHS());
+    if (!ImplCast)
+      return false;
+    if (ImplCast->getCastKind() != CK_ArrayToPointerDecay)
+      return false;
+    auto *DeclRef = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(ImplCast->getSubExpr());
+    if (!DeclRef)
+      return false;
+    auto *ArrayType = dyn_cast_or_null<ConstantArrayType>(
+        DeclRef->getType()->getAsArrayTypeUnsafe());
+    if (!ArrayType)
+      return false;
+    llvm::APInt ArrayBound = ArrayType->getSize();
+    auto *Integer = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteral>(BO->getRHS());
+    if (!Integer)
+      return false;
+    llvm::APInt Offset = Integer->getValue();
+    if (Offset.isNegative())
+      return false;
+    // ule() comparison requires both APInt to have the same bit width.
+    if (ArrayBound.getBitWidth() > Offset.getBitWidth())
+      Offset = Offset.zext(ArrayBound.getBitWidth());
+    else if (ArrayBound.getBitWidth() < Offset.getBitWidth())
+      ArrayBound = ArrayBound.zext(Offset.getBitWidth());
+    // We explicitly allow to form the pointer one element after the array
+    // to support the compiler-generated code for the end iterator in a
+    // for-range loop.
+    // TODO: this allows to form an invalid pointer, where we would not detect
+    // dereferencing.
+    return Offset.ule(ArrayBound);
+  }
+  void VisitBinaryOperator(const BinaryOperator *BO) {
+    if (BO->getOpcode() == BO_Assign) {
+      // Owners usually are user defined types. We should see a function call.
+      // Do we need to handle raw pointers annotated as owners?
+      if (isPointer(BO)) {
+        // This assignment updates a Pointer.
+        SourceRange Range = BO->getRHS()->getSourceRange();
+        PSet LHS = handlePointerAssign(BO->getLHS()->getType(),
+                                       getPSet(BO->getRHS()), Range);
+        setPSet(getPSet(BO->getLHS()), LHS, Range);
+      }
+      setPSet(BO, getPSet(BO->getLHS()));
+    } else if (isArrayPlusIndex(BO)) {
+      setPSet(BO, getPSet(BO->getLHS()));
+    } else if (BO->getType()->isPointerType()) {
+      Reporter.warnPointerArithmetic(BO->getOperatorLoc());
+      AnalysisDisabled = true;
+      setPSet(BO, {});
+    } else if (BO->isLValue() && BO->isCompoundAssignmentOp()) {
+      setPSet(BO, getPSet(BO->getLHS()));
+    } else if (BO->isLValue() && BO->getOpcode() == BO_Comma) {
+      setPSet(BO, getPSet(BO->getRHS()));
+    } else if (BO->getOpcode() == BO_PtrMemD || BO->getOpcode() == BO_PtrMemI) {
+      setPSet(BO, {}); // TODO, not specified in paper
+    }
+  }
+  void VisitUnaryOperator(const UnaryOperator *UO) {
+    switch (UO->getOpcode()) {
+    case UO_AddrOf:
+      break;
+    case UO_Deref: {
+      auto PS = getPSet(UO->getSubExpr());
+      CheckPSetValidity(PS, UO->getSourceRange());
+      setPSet(UO, PS);
+      return;
+    }
+    default:
+      // Workaround: detecting compiler generated AST node.
+      if (isPointer(UO) && UO->getBeginLoc() != UO->getEndLoc()) {
+        Reporter.warnPointerArithmetic(UO->getOperatorLoc());
+        AnalysisDisabled = true;
+        setPSet(getPSet(UO->getSubExpr()), {}, UO->getSourceRange());
+      }
+    }
+    if (hasPSet(UO))
+      setPSet(UO, getPSet(UO->getSubExpr()));
+  }
+  void VisitReturnStmt(const ReturnStmt *R) {
+    return;
+    const Expr *RetVal = R->getRetValue();
+    if (!RetVal)
+      return;
+    if (!isPointer(RetVal) && !RetVal->isLValue())
+      return;
+    auto RetPSet = getPSet(RetVal);
+    // TODO: Would be nicer if the LifetimeEnds CFG nodes would appear before
+    // the ReturnStmt node
+    for (auto &Var : RetPSet.vars()) {
+      if (Var.isTemporary()) {
+        RetPSet = PSet::invalid(InvalidationReason::TemporaryLeftScope(
+            R->getSourceRange(), CurrentBlock));
+        break;
+      } else if (auto *VD = Var.asVarDecl()) {
+        // Allow to return a pointer to *p (then p is a parameter).
+        if (VD->hasLocalStorage() && !Var.isDeref()) {
+          RetPSet = PSet::invalid(InvalidationReason::PointeeLeftScope(
+              R->getSourceRange(), CurrentBlock, VD));
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    PSetsMap PostConditions;
+    getLifetimeContracts(PostConditions, AnalyzedFD, ASTCtxt, CurrentBlock,
+                         IsConvertible, Reporter, /*Pre=*/false);
+    RetPSet.checkSubstitutableFor(PostConditions[Variable::returnVal()],
+                                  R->getSourceRange(), Reporter,
+                                  ValueSource::Return);
+  }
+  void VisitCXXConstructExpr(const CXXConstructExpr *E) {
+    if (!isPointer(E)) {
+      // Constructing a temporary owner/value
+      setPSet(E, {});
+      return;
+    }
+    if (E->getNumArgs() == 0) {
+      setPSet(E, PSet::null(NullReason::defaultConstructed(E->getSourceRange(),
+                                                           CurrentBlock)));
+      return;
+    }
+    auto Ctor = E->getConstructor();
+    auto ParmTy = Ctor->getParamDecl(0)->getType();
+    auto TC = classifyTypeCategory(E->getArg(0)->getType());
+    // For ctors taking a const reference we assume that we will not take the
+    // address of the argument but copy it.
+    // TODO: Use the function call rules here.
+    if (TC == TypeCategory::Owner || Ctor->isCopyOrMoveConstructor() ||
+        (ParmTy->isReferenceType() &&
+         ParmTy->getPointeeType().isConstQualified()))
+      setPSet(E, derefPSet(getPSet(E->getArg(0))));
+    else if (TC == TypeCategory::Pointer)
+      setPSet(E, getPSet(E->getArg(0)));
+    else
+      setPSet(E, PSet::invalid(InvalidationReason::NotInitialized(
+                     E->getSourceRange(), CurrentBlock)));
+  }
+  void VisitCXXStdInitializerListExpr(const CXXStdInitializerListExpr *E) {
+    if (hasPSet(E))
+      setPSet(E, getPSet(E->getSubExpr()));
+  }
+  void VisitCXXDefaultArgExpr(const CXXDefaultArgExpr *E) {
+    if (hasPSet(E))
+      // FIXME: We should do setPSet(E, getPSet(E->getSubExpr())),
+      // but the getSubExpr() is not visited as part of the CFG,
+      // so it does not have a pset.
+      setPSet(E, PSet::staticVar(false));
+  }
+  void VisitImplicitValueInitExpr(const ImplicitValueInitExpr *E) {
+    // We don't really care, because this expression is not referenced
+    // anywhere. But still set it to satisfy the VisitStmt() post-condition.
+    setPSet(E, {});
+  }
+  void VisitCompoundLiteralExpr(const CompoundLiteralExpr *E) {
+    // C99 construct. We ignore it, but still set the pset to satisfy the
+    // VisitStmt() post-condition.
+    setPSet(E, {});
+  }
+  void VisitVAArgExpr(const VAArgExpr *E) { setPSet(E, {}); }
+  void VisitLambdaExpr(const LambdaExpr *E) { setPSet(E, {}); }
+  void VisitCXXDeleteExpr(const CXXDeleteExpr *DE) {
+    if (hasPSet(DE->getArgument())) {
+      PSet PS = getPSet(DE->getArgument());
+      for (const auto &Var : PS.vars()) {
+        // TODO: diagnose if we are deleting the buffer of on owner?
+        invalidateVar(Var, InvalidationReason::Deleted(DE->getSourceRange(),
+                                                       CurrentBlock));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void VisitCXXThrowExpr(const CXXThrowExpr *TE) {
+    if (!TE->getSubExpr())
+      return;
+    if (!isPointer(TE->getSubExpr()))
+      return;
+    PSet ThrownPSet = getPSet(TE->getSubExpr());
+    if (!ThrownPSet.isStatic())
+      Reporter.warnNonStaticThrow(TE->getSourceRange(), ThrownPSet.str());
+  }
+  template <typename PC, typename TC>
+  static void forEachArgParamPair(const CallExpr *CE, const PC &ParamCallback,
+                                  const TC &ThisCallback) {
+    const FunctionDecl *FD = CE->getDirectCallee();
+    assert(FD);
+    ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args =
+        llvm::makeArrayRef(CE->getArgs(), CE->getNumArgs());
+    const Expr *ObjectArg = nullptr;
+    if (isa<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(CE) && FD->isCXXInstanceMember()) {
+      ObjectArg = Args[0];
+      Args = Args.slice(1);
+    } else if (auto *MCE = dyn_cast<CXXMemberCallExpr>(CE))
+      ObjectArg = MCE->getImplicitObjectArgument();
+    unsigned Pos = 0;
+    for (const Expr *Arg : Args) {
+      // This can happen for c style var arg functions
+      if (Pos >= FD->getNumParams()) {
+        ParamCallback(nullptr, Arg, Pos);
+      } else {
+        const ParmVarDecl *PVD = FD->getParamDecl(Pos);
+        ParamCallback(PVD, Arg, Pos);
+      }
+      ++Pos;
+    }
+    if (ObjectArg) {
+      const CXXRecordDecl *RD = cast<CXXMethodDecl>(FD)->getParent();
+      ThisCallback(Variable::thisPointer(RD), RD, ObjectArg);
+    }
+  }
+  // In the contracts every PSets are expressed in terms of the ParmVarDecls.
+  // We need to translate this to the PSets of the arguments so we can check
+  // substitutability.
+  void bindArguments(PSetsMap &Fill, const PSetsMap &Lookup, const CallExpr *CE,
+                     bool Checking = true) {
+    // The sources of null are the actuals, not the formals.
+    if (!Checking)
+      for (auto &VarToPSet : Fill)
+        VarToPSet.second.removeNull();
+    auto bindTwoDerefLevels = [this, &Lookup,
+                               Checking](Variable V, const PSet &PS,
+                                         PSetsMap::value_type &Pair) {
+      Pair.second.bind(V, PS, Checking);
+      if (!Lookup.count(V))
+        return;
+      V.deref();
+      Pair.second.bind(V, derefPSet(PS), Checking);
+    };
+    auto ReturnIt = Fill.find(Variable::returnVal());
+    forEachArgParamPair(
+        CE,
+        [&](const ParmVarDecl *PVD, const Expr *Arg, int Pos) {
+          if (!PVD) {
+            // PVD is a c-style vararg argument.
+            return;
+          }
+          PSet ArgPS = getPSet(Arg, /*AllowNonExisting=*/true);
+          if (ArgPS.isUnknown()) {
+            return;
+          }
+          Variable V = PVD;
+          V.deref();
+          for (auto &VarToPSet : Fill)
+            bindTwoDerefLevels(V, ArgPS, VarToPSet);
+          // Do the binding for the return value.
+          if (ReturnIt != Fill.end())
+            bindTwoDerefLevels(V, ArgPS, *ReturnIt);
+        },
+        [&](Variable V, const CXXRecordDecl *, const Expr *ObjExpr) {
+          // Do the binding for this and *this
+          V.deref();
+          for (auto &VarToPSet : Fill)
+            bindTwoDerefLevels(V, getPSet(ObjExpr), VarToPSet);
+        });
+  }
+  /// Evaluates the CallExpr for effects on psets.
+  /// When a non-const pointer to pointer or reference to pointer is passed
+  /// into a function, it's pointee's are invalidated.
+  /// Returns true if CallExpr was handled.
+  void VisitCallExpr(const CallExpr *CallE) {
+    // Default return value, will be overwritten if it makes sense.
+    setPSet(CallE, {});
+    if (isa<CXXPseudoDestructorExpr>(CallE->getCallee()) ||
+        HandleDebugFunctions(CallE))
+      return;
+    // TODO: function pointers are not handled. We need to get the contracts
+    //       from the declaration of the function pointer somehow.
+    const auto *Callee = CallE->getDirectCallee();
+    if (!Callee)
+      return;
+    /// Special case for assignment of Pointer into Pointer: copy pset
+    if (auto *OC = dyn_cast<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(CallE)) {
+      if (OC->getOperator() == OO_Equal && OC->getNumArgs() == 2 &&
+          isPointer(OC->getArg(0)) && isPointer(OC->getArg(1))) {
+        SourceRange Range = CallE->getSourceRange();
+        PSet RHS = getPSet(getPSet(OC->getArg(1)));
+        RHS = handlePointerAssign(OC->getArg(0)->getType(), RHS, Range);
+        setPSet(getPSet(OC->getArg(0)), RHS, Range);
+        setPSet(CallE, RHS);
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    // Get preconditions.
+    PSetsMap PreConditions;
+    getLifetimeContracts(PreConditions, Callee, ASTCtxt, CurrentBlock,
+                         IsConvertible, Reporter, /*Pre=*/true);
+    bindArguments(PreConditions, PreConditions, CallE);
+    // Check preconditions. We might have them 2 levels deep.
+    forEachArgParamPair(
+        CallE,
+        [&](const ParmVarDecl *PVD, const Expr *Arg, int Pos) {
+          PSet ArgPS = getPSet(Arg, /*AllowNonExisting=*/true);
+          if (ArgPS.isUnknown())
+            return;
+          if (!PVD) {
+            // PVD is a c-style vararg argument
+            if (ArgPS.containsInvalid()) {
+              if (!ArgPS.shouldBeFilteredBasedOnNotes(Reporter)) {
+                Reporter.warnNullDangling(
+                    WarnType::Dangling, Arg->getSourceRange(),
+                    ValueSource::Param, "", !ArgPS.isInvalid());
+                ArgPS.explainWhyInvalid(Reporter);
+              }
+              setPSet(Arg, PSet()); // Suppress further warnings.
+            }
+            return;
+          }
+          if (PreConditions.count(PVD) &&
+              !ArgPS.checkSubstitutableFor(PreConditions[PVD],
+                                           Arg->getSourceRange(), Reporter))
+            setPSet(Arg, PSet()); // Suppress further warnings.
+          Variable V = PVD;
+          V.deref();
+          if (PreConditions.count(V))
+            derefPSet(ArgPS).checkSubstitutableFor(
+                PreConditions[V], Arg->getSourceRange(), Reporter);
+        },
+        [&](Variable V, const RecordDecl *, const Expr *ObjExpr) {
+          PSet ArgPS = getPSet(ObjExpr);
+          if (PreConditions.count(V) &&
+              !ArgPS.checkSubstitutableFor(PreConditions[V],
+                                           ObjExpr->getSourceRange(), Reporter))
+            setPSet(ObjExpr, PSet()); // Suppress further warnings.
+          V.deref();
+          if (PreConditions.count(V))
+            derefPSet(ArgPS).checkSubstitutableFor(
+                PreConditions[V], ObjExpr->getSourceRange(), Reporter);
+        });
+    PSetsMap PostConditions;
+    getLifetimeContracts(PostConditions, Callee, ASTCtxt, CurrentBlock,
+                         IsConvertible, Reporter, /*Pre=*/false);
+    bindArguments(PostConditions, PreConditions, CallE, /*Checking=*/false);
+    // PSets might become empty during the argument binding.
+    // E.g.: when the pset(null) is bind to a non-null pset.
+    // Also remove null outputs for non-null types.
+    for (auto &Pair : PostConditions) {
+      // TODO: Currently getType() fails when isReturnVal() is true because the
+      // Variable does not store the type of the ReturnVal.
+      QualType OutputType = Pair.first.isReturnVal() ? Callee->getReturnType()
+                                                     : Pair.first.getType();
+      if (!isNullableType(OutputType))
+        Pair.second.removeNull();
+      if (Pair.second.isUnknown())
+        Pair.second.addStatic();
+    }
+#if 0
+    for (auto Pair : PreConditions)
+      llvm::errs() << "Pre:" << Pair.first.getName() << " -> "
+                   << Pair.second.str() << "\n";
+    for (auto Pair : PostConditions)
+      llvm::errs() << "Post" << Pair.first.getName() << " -> "
+                   << Pair.second.str() << "\n";
+    // Invalidate owners taken by Pointer to non-const.
+    forEachArgParamPair(
+        CallE,
+        [&](const ParmVarDecl *PVD, const Expr *Arg, int Pos) {
+          if (!PVD) {
+            // C-style vararg argument.
+            return;
+          }
+          QualType Pointee = getPointeeType(PVD->getType());
+          if (Pointee.isNull())
+            return;
+          if (classifyTypeCategory(Pointee) != TypeCategory::Owner ||
+              isLifetimeConst(Callee, Pointee, Pos))
+            return;
+          PSet ArgPS = getPSet(Arg);
+          for (Variable V : ArgPS.vars())
+            invalidateOwner(V, InvalidationReason::Modified(
+                                   Arg->getSourceRange(), CurrentBlock));
+        },
+        [&](Variable, const RecordDecl *RD, const Expr *ObjExpr) {
+          const auto *RT = RD->getTypeForDecl();
+          if (classifyTypeCategory(RT) != TypeCategory::Owner ||
+              isLifetimeConst(Callee, QualType(RT, 0), -1))
+            return;
+          PSet ArgPs = getPSet(ObjExpr);
+          for (Variable V : ArgPs.vars())
+            invalidateOwner(V, InvalidationReason::Modified(
+                                   ObjExpr->getSourceRange(), CurrentBlock));
+        });
+    // Bind Pointer return value.
+    auto TC = classifyTypeCategory(Callee->getReturnType());
+    if (TC == TypeCategory::Pointer)
+      setPSet(CallE, PostConditions[Variable::returnVal()]);
+    // Bind output arguments.
+    forEachArgParamPair(
+        CallE,
+        [&](const ParmVarDecl *PVD, const Expr *Arg, int Pos) {
+          if (!PVD) {
+            // C-style vararg argument.
+            return;
+          }
+          Variable V = PVD;
+          V.deref();
+          if (PostConditions.count(V))
+            setPSet(getPSet(Arg), PostConditions[V], Arg->getSourceRange());
+        },
+        [&](Variable V, const RecordDecl *RD, const Expr *ObjExpr) {
+          V.deref();
+          if (PostConditions.count(V))
+            setPSet(getPSet(ObjExpr), PostConditions[V],
+                    ObjExpr->getSourceRange());
+        });
+  }
+  bool CheckPSetValidity(const PSet &PS, SourceRange Range) const;
+  void invalidateVar(Variable V, InvalidationReason Reason) {
+    for (const auto &I : PMap) {
+      const PSet &PS = I.second;
+      if (PS.containsInvalid())
+        continue; // Nothing to invalidate
+      const auto &Var = I.first;
+      if (PS.containsParent(V))
+        setPSet(PSet::singleton(Var), PSet::invalid(Reason), Reason.getRange());
+    }
+  }
+  void invalidateOwner(Variable V, InvalidationReason Reason) {
+    for (const auto &I : PMap) {
+      const auto &Var = I.first;
+      if (V == Var)
+        continue; // Invalidating Owner' should not change the pset of Owner
+      const PSet &PS = I.second;
+      if (PS.containsInvalid())
+        continue; // Nothing to invalidate
+      auto DerefV = V;
+      DerefV.deref();
+      if (PS.containsParent(DerefV))
+        setPSet(PSet::singleton(Var), PSet::invalid(Reason), Reason.getRange());
+    }
+  }
+  // Remove the variable from the pset together with the materialized
+  // temporaries extended by that variable. It also invalidates the pointers
+  // pointing to these.
+  // If VD is nullptr, invalidates all psets that contain
+  // MaterializeTemporaryExpr without extending decl.
+  void eraseVariable(const VarDecl *VD, SourceRange Range) {
+    InvalidationReason Reason =
+        VD ? InvalidationReason::PointeeLeftScope(Range, CurrentBlock, VD)
+           : InvalidationReason::TemporaryLeftScope(Range, CurrentBlock);
+    if (VD) {
+      PMap.erase(VD);
+      invalidateVar(VD, Reason);
+    }
+    // Remove all materialized temporaries that were extended by this
+    // variable (or a lifetime extended temporary without an extending
+    // declaration) and do the invalidation.
+    for (auto I = PMap.begin(); I != PMap.end();) {
+      if (I->first.isTemporaryExtendedBy(VD)) {
+        I = PMap.erase(I);
+      } else {
+        auto &Var = I->first;
+        auto &Pset = I->second;
+        bool PsetContainsTemporary =
+            llvm::any_of(Pset.vars(), [VD](const Variable &V) {
+              return V.isTemporaryExtendedBy(VD);
+            });
+        if (PsetContainsTemporary)
+          setPSet(PSet::singleton(Var), PSet::invalid(Reason),
+                  Reason.getRange());
+        ++I;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  PSet getPSet(Variable P) const;
+  PSet getPSet(const Expr *E, bool AllowNonExisting = false) const {
+    E = IgnoreTransparentExprs(E);
+    if (E->isLValue()) {
+      auto I = RefersTo.find(E);
+      if (I != RefersTo.end())
+        return I->second;
+      if (AllowNonExisting)
+        return {};
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+      E->dump();
+      CurrentBlock->dump();
+      llvm_unreachable("Expression has no entry in RefersTo");
+      return {};
+    } else {
+      auto I = PSetsOfExpr.find(E);
+      if (I != PSetsOfExpr.end())
+        return I->second;
+      if (AllowNonExisting)
+        return {};
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+      E->dump();
+      AnalyzedFD->dump(); 
+      CurrentBlock->dump();
+      (*CurrentBlock->pred_begin())->dump();
+      (*CurrentBlock->succ_begin())->dump();
+      llvm_unreachable("Expression has no entry in PSetsOfExpr");
+      return {};
+    }
+  }
+  PSet getPSet(const PSet &P) const {
+    PSet Ret;
+    if (P.containsInvalid())
+      return PSet::invalid(P.invReasons());
+    for (auto &Var : P.vars())
+      Ret.merge(getPSet(Var));
+    if (P.containsStatic())
+      Ret.merge(PSet::staticVar(false));
+    return Ret;
+  }
+  void setPSet(const Expr *E, const PSet &PS) {
+    if (E->isLValue()) {
+      DBG("Set RefersTo[" << E->getStmtClassName() << "] = " << PS.str()
+                          << "\n");
+      RefersTo[E] = PS;
+    } else {
+      DBG("Set PSetsOfExpr[" << E->getStmtClassName() << "] = " << PS.str()
+                             << "\n");
+      PSetsOfExpr[E] = PS;
+    }
+  }
+  void setPSet(PSet LHS, PSet RHS, SourceRange Range);
+  PSet derefPSet(const PSet &P) const;
+  bool HandleDebugFunctions(const CallExpr *CallE) const;
+  PSet handlePointerAssign(QualType LHS, PSet RHS, SourceRange Range,
+                           bool AddReason = true) const {
+    if (RHS.containsNull()) {
+      if (AddReason)
+        RHS.addNullReason(NullReason::assigned(Range, CurrentBlock));
+      if (!isNullableType(LHS)) {
+        Reporter.warn(WarnType::AssignNull, Range, RHS.isSingleton());
+        RHS = PSet{};
+      }
+    }
+    return RHS;
+  }
+  void VisitVarDecl(const VarDecl *VD) {
+    const Expr *Initializer = VD->getInit();
+    SourceRange Range = VD->getSourceRange();
+    switch (classifyTypeCategory(VD->getType())) {
+    case TypeCategory::Pointer: {
+      PSet PS;
+      if (Initializer) {
+        // For raw pointers, show here the assignment. For other Pointers,
+        // we will have seen a CXXConstructor, which added a NullReason.
+        PS = handlePointerAssign(VD->getType(), getPSet(Initializer),
+                                 VD->getSourceRange(),
+                                 VD->getType()->isPointerType());
+      } else if (VD->hasGlobalStorage()) {
+        // Never treat local statics as uninitialized.
+        PS = PSet::staticVar(/*TODO*/ false);
+      } else {
+        PS = PSet::invalid(InvalidationReason::NotInitialized(VD->getLocation(),
+                                                              CurrentBlock));
+      }
+      setPSet(PSet::singleton(VD), PS, Range);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TypeCategory::Owner: {
+      setPSet(PSet::singleton(VD), PSet::singleton(VD, 1), Range);
+      break;
+    }
+    default:;
+    }
+  }
+  void UpdatePSetsFromCondition(const Stmt *S, bool Positive,
+                                llvm::Optional<PSetsMap> &FalseBranchExitPMap,
+                                SourceRange Range);
+  PSetsBuilder(const FunctionDecl *FD, LifetimeReporterBase &Reporter,
+               ASTContext &ASTCtxt, PSetsMap &PMap,
+               std::map<const Expr *, PSet> &PSetsOfExpr,
+               std::map<const Expr *, PSet> &RefersTo,
+               IsConvertibleTy IsConvertible)
+      : AnalyzedFD(FD), Reporter(Reporter), ASTCtxt(ASTCtxt),
+        IsConvertible(IsConvertible), PMap(PMap), PSetsOfExpr(PSetsOfExpr),
+        RefersTo(RefersTo) {}
+  void VisitBlock(const CFGBlock &B,
+                  llvm::Optional<PSetsMap> &FalseBranchExitPMap);
+}; // namespace
+} // namespace
+// Manages lifetime information for the CFG of a FunctionDecl
+PSet PSetsBuilder::getPSet(Variable P) const {
+  // Assumption: global Pointers have a pset of {static}
+  if (P.hasStaticLifetime())
+    return PSet::staticVar(false);
+  auto I = PMap.find(P);
+  if (I != PMap.end())
+    return I->second;
+  // Assume that the unseen pointer fields are valid. We will always have
+  // unseen fields since we do not track the fields of owners and values.
+  // Until proper aggregate support is implemented, this might be triggered
+  // unintentionally.
+  if (P.isField())
+    return PSet::staticVar(false);
+  if (P.getType()->isArrayType()) {
+    // This triggers when we have an array of Pointers, and we
+    // do a subscript to obtain a Pointer.
+    // TODO: We currently have no idea what that Pointer may point at.
+    // The array itself should have a pset. It starts with (invalid) if there
+    // is not initialization done. Whenever there is an assignment to any array
+    // member, the pset of the array should grow by the pset of the assigment
+    // LHS. (This means that an uninitialized array can never become valid. This
+    // is reasonable, because we have no way to track if all array elements have
+    // been set at some later point.)
+    return {};
+  }
+  if (auto VD = P.asVarDecl()) {
+    // Handle goto_forward_over_decl() in test attr-pset.cpp
+    if (!isa<ParmVarDecl>(VD))
+      return PSet::invalid(
+          InvalidationReason::NotInitialized(VD->getLocation(), CurrentBlock));
+  }
+  return {};
+/// Computes the pset of dereferencing a variable with the given pset
+/// If PS contains (null), it is silently ignored.
+PSet PSetsBuilder::derefPSet(const PSet &PS) const {
+  // When a local Pointer p is dereferenced using unary * or -> to create a
+  // temporary tmp, then if pset(pset(p)) is nonempty, set pset(tmp) =
+  // pset(pset(p)) and Kill(pset(tmp)'). Otherwise, set pset(tmp) = {tmp}.
+  if (PS.isUnknown())
+    return {};
+  if (PS.containsInvalid())
+    return {}; // Return unknown, so we don't diagnose again.
+  PSet RetPS;
+  if (PS.containsStatic())
+    RetPS.addStatic();
+  for (auto V : PS.vars()) {
+    int Order = V.getOrder();
+    if (Order > 0)
+      RetPS.insert(V.deref()); // pset(o') = { o'' }
+    else
+      RetPS.merge(getPSet(V));
+  }
+  return RetPS;
+void PSetsBuilder::setPSet(PSet LHS, PSet RHS, SourceRange Range) {
+  // Assumption: global Pointers have a pset that is a subset of {static,
+  // null}
+  if (LHS.isStatic() && !RHS.isUnknown() && !RHS.isStatic() && !RHS.isNull()) {
+    StringRef SourceText =
+        Lexer::getSourceText(CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(Range),
+                             ASTCtxt.getSourceManager(), ASTCtxt.getLangOpts());
+    Reporter.warnPsetOfGlobal(Range, SourceText, RHS.str());
+  }
+  DBG("PMap[" << LHS.str() << "] = " << RHS.str() << "\n");
+  if (LHS.isSingleton()) {
+    Variable Var = *LHS.vars().begin();
+    auto I = PMap.find(Var);
+    if (I != PMap.end())
+      I->second = std::move(RHS);
+    else
+      PMap.emplace(Var, RHS);
+  } else {
+    for (auto &V : LHS.vars()) {
+      auto I = PMap.find(V);
+      if (I != PMap.end())
+        I->second.merge(RHS);
+      else
+        PMap.emplace(V, RHS);
+    }
+  }
+bool PSetsBuilder::CheckPSetValidity(const PSet &PS, SourceRange Range) const {
+  if (PS.containsInvalid()) {
+    if (PS.shouldBeFilteredBasedOnNotes(Reporter))
+      return false;
+    Reporter.warn(WarnType::DerefDangling, Range, !PS.isInvalid());
+    PS.explainWhyInvalid(Reporter);
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (PS.containsNull()) {
+    if (PS.shouldBeFilteredBasedOnNotes(Reporter))
+      return false;
+    Reporter.warn(WarnType::DerefNull, Range, !PS.isNull());
+    PS.explainWhyNull(Reporter);
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+/// Updates psets to remove 'null' when entering conditional statements. If
+/// 'positive' is false, handles expression as-if it was negated.
+/// Examples:
+///   int* p = f();
+/// if(p)
+///  ... // pset of p does not contain 'null'
+/// else
+///  ... // pset of p is 'null'
+/// if(!p)
+///  ... // pset of p is 'null'
+/// else
+///  ... // pset of p does not contain 'null'
+void PSetsBuilder::UpdatePSetsFromCondition(
+    const Stmt *S, bool Positive, llvm::Optional<PSetsMap> &FalseBranchExitPMap,
+    SourceRange Range) {
+  const auto *E = dyn_cast_or_null<Expr>(S);
+  if (!E)
+    return;
+  E = IgnoreTransparentExprs(E, /*IgnoreLValueToRValue=*/true);
+  // Handle user written bool conversion.
+  if (const auto *CE = dyn_cast<CXXMemberCallExpr>(E)) {
+    if (const auto *ConvDecl =
+            dyn_cast_or_null<CXXConversionDecl>(CE->getDirectCallee())) {
+      if (ConvDecl->getConversionType()->isBooleanType())
+        UpdatePSetsFromCondition(CE->getImplicitObjectArgument(), Positive,
+                                 FalseBranchExitPMap, E->getSourceRange());
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  if (const auto *UO = dyn_cast<UnaryOperator>(E)) {
+    if (UO->getOpcode() != UO_LNot)
+      return;
+    E = UO->getSubExpr();
+    UpdatePSetsFromCondition(E, !Positive, FalseBranchExitPMap,
+                             E->getSourceRange());
+    return;
+  }
+  if (const auto *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(E)) {
+    BinaryOperator::Opcode OC = BO->getOpcode();
+    if (OC != BO_NE && OC != BO_EQ)
+      return;
+    // The p == null is the negative case.
+    if (OC == BO_EQ)
+      Positive = !Positive;
+    const auto *LHS = IgnoreTransparentExprs(BO->getLHS());
+    const auto *RHS = IgnoreTransparentExprs(BO->getRHS());
+    if (!isPointer(LHS) || !isPointer(RHS))
+      return;
+    if (getPSet(RHS).isNull())
+      UpdatePSetsFromCondition(LHS, Positive, FalseBranchExitPMap,
+                               E->getSourceRange());
+    else if (getPSet(LHS).isNull())
+      UpdatePSetsFromCondition(RHS, Positive, FalseBranchExitPMap,
+                               E->getSourceRange());
+    return;
+  }
+  auto TC = classifyTypeCategory(E->getType());
+  if (E->isLValue() &&
+      (TC == TypeCategory::Pointer || TC == TypeCategory::Owner)) {
+    auto Ref = getPSet(E);
+    // We refer to multiple variables (or none),
+    // and we cannot know which of them is null/non-null.
+    if (Ref.vars().size() != 1)
+      return;
+    Variable V = *Ref.vars().begin();
+    Variable DerefV = V;
+    DerefV.deref();
+    PSet PS = getPSet(V);
+    PSet PSElseBranch = PS;
+    FalseBranchExitPMap = PMap;
+    if (Positive) {
+      // The variable is non-null in the if-branch and null in the then-branch.
+      PSElseBranch.removeEverythingButNull();
+      PS.removeNull();
+      auto It = FalseBranchExitPMap->find(DerefV);
+      if (It != FalseBranchExitPMap->end())
+        It->second = PSet();
+    } else {
+      // The variable is null in the if-branch and non-null in the then-branch.
+      PS.removeEverythingButNull();
+      PSElseBranch.removeNull();
+      auto It = PMap.find(DerefV);
+      if (It != PMap.end())
+        It->second = PSet();
+    }
+    (*FalseBranchExitPMap)[V] = PSElseBranch;
+    setPSet(PSet::singleton(V), PS, Range);
+  }
+} // namespace lifetime
+/// Checks if the statement S is a call to a debug function and dumps the
+/// corresponding part of the state.
+bool PSetsBuilder::HandleDebugFunctions(const CallExpr *CallE) const {
+  const FunctionDecl *Callee = CallE->getDirectCallee();
+  if (!Callee)
+    return false;
+  const auto *I = Callee->getIdentifier();
+  if (!I)
+    return false;
+  auto FuncNum = llvm::StringSwitch<int>(I->getName())
+                     .Case("__lifetime_pset", 1)
+                     .Case("__lifetime_pset_ref", 2)
+                     .Case("__lifetime_type_category", 3)
+                     .Case("__lifetime_type_category_arg", 4)
+                     .Case("__lifetime_contracts", 5)
+                     .Default(0);
+  if (FuncNum == 0)
+    return false;
+  auto Range = CallE->getSourceRange();
+  switch (FuncNum) {
+  case 1:
+  case 2: {
+    assert(CallE->getNumArgs() == 1 && "__lifetime_pset takes one argument");
+    PSet Set = getPSet(CallE->getArg(0));
+    if (FuncNum == 1) {
+      if (!hasPSet(CallE->getArg(0)))
+        return true; // Argument must be a Pointer or Owner
+      Set = getPSet(Set);
+    }
+    StringRef SourceText = Lexer::getSourceText(
+        CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(CallE->getArg(0)->getSourceRange()),
+        ASTCtxt.getSourceManager(), ASTCtxt.getLangOpts());
+    Reporter.debugPset(Range, SourceText, Set.str());
+    return true;
+  }
+  case 3: {
+    auto Args = Callee->getTemplateSpecializationArgs();
+    auto QType = Args->get(0).getAsType();
+    auto Class = classifyTypeCategory(QType);
+    if (Class.TC == TypeCategory::Pointer || Class.TC == TypeCategory::Owner) {
+      Reporter.debugTypeCategory(Range, Class.TC,
+                                 Class.PointeeType.getAsString());
+    } else {
+      Reporter.debugTypeCategory(Range, Class.TC);
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  case 4: {
+    auto QType = CallE->getArg(0)->getType();
+    auto Class = classifyTypeCategory(QType);
+    if (Class.TC == TypeCategory::Pointer || Class.TC == TypeCategory::Owner) {
+      Reporter.debugTypeCategory(Range, Class.TC,
+                                 Class.PointeeType.getAsString());
+    } else {
+      Reporter.debugTypeCategory(Range, Class.TC);
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  case 5: {
+    const Expr *E = CallE->getArg(0)->IgnoreImplicit();
+    if (const auto *UO = dyn_cast<UnaryOperator>(E))
+      E = UO->getSubExpr();
+    const auto *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(cast<DeclRefExpr>(E)->getDecl());
+    FD = FD->getCanonicalDecl();
+    const auto LAttr = FD->getAttr<LifetimeContractAttr>();
+    auto printContract =
+        [FD, this,
+         &Range](LifetimeContractAttr::PointsToMap::iterator::value_type E,
+                 const std::string &Contract) {
+          std::string KeyText = Contract + "(";
+          KeyText += Variable(E.first, FD).getName();
+          KeyText += ")";
+          std::string PSetText = PSet(E.second, FD).str();
+          Reporter.debugPset(Range, KeyText, PSetText);
+        };
+    for (const auto &E : LAttr->PrePSets)
+      printContract(E, "Pre");
+    for (const auto &E : LAttr->PostPSets)
+      printContract(E, "Post");
+    return true;
+  }
+  default:
+    llvm_unreachable("Unknown debug function.");
+  }
+} // namespace lifetime
+static const Stmt *getRealTerminator(const CFGBlock &B) {
+  // For expressions like (bool)(p && q), q will only have one successor,
+  // the cast operation. But we still want to compute two sets for q so
+  // we can propagate this information through the cast.
+  if (B.succ_size() == 1 && !B.empty() &&
+      B.rbegin()->getKind() == CFGElement::Kind::Statement) {
+    auto Succ = B.succ_begin()->getReachableBlock();
+    if (Succ && isNoopBlock(*Succ) && Succ->succ_size() == 2)
+      return B.rbegin()->castAs<CFGStmt>().getStmt();
+  }
+  return B.getLastCondition();
+static bool isThrowingBlock(const CFGBlock &B) {
+  return llvm::any_of(B, [](const CFGElement &E) {
+    return E.getKind() == CFGElement::Statement &&
+           isa<CXXThrowExpr>(E.getAs<CFGStmt>()->getStmt());
+  });
+static SourceRange getSourceRange(const CFGElement &E) {
+  if (llvm::Optional<CFGStmt> S = E.getAs<CFGStmt>())
+    return S->getStmt()->getSourceRange();
+  else if (llvm::Optional<CFGLifetimeEnds> S = E.getAs<CFGLifetimeEnds>())
+    return S->getTriggerStmt()->getSourceRange();
+  return {};
+// Update PSets in Builder through all CFGElements of this block
+void PSetsBuilder::VisitBlock(const CFGBlock &B,
+                              llvm::Optional<PSetsMap> &FalseBranchExitPMap) {
+  CurrentBlock = &B;
+  for (const auto &E : B) {
+    switch (E.getKind()) {
+    case CFGElement::Statement: {
+      const Stmt *S = E.castAs<CFGStmt>().getStmt();
+      if (!IsIgnoredStmt(S)) {
+        Visit(S);
+        if (isAnalysisDisabled())
+          return;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        if (auto *Ex = dyn_cast<Expr>(S)) {
+          if (Ex->isLValue() && !Ex->getType()->isFunctionType() &&
+              RefersTo.find(Ex) == RefersTo.end()) {
+            Ex->dump();
+            llvm_unreachable("Missing entry in RefersTo");
+          }
+          if (!Ex->isLValue() && hasPSet(Ex) &&
+              PSetsOfExpr.find(Ex) == PSetsOfExpr.end()) {
+            Ex->dump();
+            llvm_unreachable("Missing entry in PSetsOfExpr");
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      /*llvm::errs() << "TraverseStmt\n";
+      S->dump();
+      llvm::errs() << "\n";*/
+      // Kill all temporaries that vanish at the end of the full expression
+      if (isa<ExprWithCleanups>(S) || isa<DeclStmt>(S)) {
+        // Remove all materialized temporaries that are not extended.
+        eraseVariable(nullptr, S->getEndLoc());
+      }
+      if (!isa<Expr>(S)) {
+        // Clean up P- and RefersTo-sets for subexpressions.
+        // We should never reference subexpressions again after
+        // the full expression ended. The problem is,
+        // it is not trivial to find out the end of a full
+        // expression with linearized CFGs.
+        // This is why currently the sets are only cleared for
+        // statements which are not expressions.
+        // TODO: clean this up by properly tracking end of full exprs.
+        RefersTo.clear();
+        PSetsOfExpr.clear();
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case CFGElement::LifetimeEnds: {
+      auto Leaver = E.castAs<CFGLifetimeEnds>();
+      // Stop tracking Variables that leave scope.
+      eraseVariable(Leaver.getVarDecl(), Leaver.getTriggerStmt()->getEndLoc());
+      break;
+    }
+    case CFGElement::NewAllocator:
+    case CFGElement::AutomaticObjectDtor:
+    case CFGElement::DeleteDtor:
+    case CFGElement::BaseDtor:
+    case CFGElement::MemberDtor:
+    case CFGElement::TemporaryDtor:
+    case CFGElement::Initializer:
+    case CFGElement::ScopeBegin:
+    case CFGElement::ScopeEnd:
+    case CFGElement::LoopExit:
+    case CFGElement::Constructor: // TODO
+    case CFGElement::CXXRecordTypedCall:
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (auto *Terminator = getRealTerminator(B)) {
+    UpdatePSetsFromCondition(Terminator, /*Positive=*/true, FalseBranchExitPMap,
+                             Terminator->getEndLoc());
+  }
+  return;
+  if (B.succ_size() == 1 && *B.succ_begin() == &B.getParent()->getExit()) {
+    PSetsMap PostConditions;
+    getLifetimeContracts(PostConditions, AnalyzedFD, ASTCtxt, &B, IsConvertible,
+                         Reporter, /*Pre=*/false);
+    for (auto &VarToPSet : PostConditions) {
+      if (VarToPSet.first.isReturnVal())
+        continue;
+      auto OutVarIt = PMap.find(VarToPSet.first);
+      assert(OutVarIt != PMap.end());
+      OutVarIt->second.checkSubstitutableFor(
+          VarToPSet.second, getSourceRange(B.back()), Reporter,
+          ValueSource::OutputParam, VarToPSet.first.getName());
+    }
+  }
+} // namespace lifetime
+bool VisitBlock(const FunctionDecl *FD, PSetsMap &PMap,
+                llvm::Optional<PSetsMap> &FalseBranchExitPMap,
+                std::map<const Expr *, PSet> &PSetsOfExpr,
+                std::map<const Expr *, PSet> &RefersTo, const CFGBlock &B,
+                LifetimeReporterBase &Reporter, ASTContext &ASTCtxt,
+                IsConvertibleTy IsConvertible) {
+  Reporter.setCurrentBlock(&B);
+  PSetsBuilder Builder(FD, Reporter, ASTCtxt, PMap, PSetsOfExpr, RefersTo,
+                       IsConvertible);
+  Builder.VisitBlock(B, FalseBranchExitPMap);
+  return !Builder.isAnalysisDisabled();
+} // namespace lifetime
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang/lib/Analysis/CFG.cpp
--- clang/lib/Analysis/CFG.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Analysis/CFG.cpp
@@ -542,6 +542,7 @@
   // Visitors to walk an AST and construct the CFG.
+  CFGBlock *VisitInitListExpr(InitListExpr *ILE, AddStmtChoice asc);
   CFGBlock *VisitAddrLabelExpr(AddrLabelExpr *A, AddStmtChoice asc);
   CFGBlock *VisitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator *B, AddStmtChoice asc);
   CFGBlock *VisitBreakStmt(BreakStmt *B);
@@ -2140,6 +2141,9 @@
         return Block;
       return VisitStmt(S, asc);
+    case Stmt::InitListExprClass:
+      return VisitInitListExpr(cast<InitListExpr>(S), asc);
     case Stmt::AddrLabelExprClass:
       return VisitAddrLabelExpr(cast<AddrLabelExpr>(S), asc);
@@ -2355,6 +2359,29 @@
   return B;
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitInitListExpr(InitListExpr *ILE, AddStmtChoice asc) {
+  if (asc.alwaysAdd(*this, ILE)) {
+    autoCreateBlock();
+    appendStmt(Block, ILE);
+  }
+  CFGBlock *B = Block;
+  reverse_children RChildren(ILE);
+  for (reverse_children::iterator I = RChildren.begin(), E = RChildren.end();
+       I != E; ++I) {
+    if (Stmt *Child = *I)
+      if (CFGBlock *R = Visit(Child))
+        B = R;
+    if (BuildOpts.AddCXXDefaultInitExprInAggregates) {
+      if (auto *DIE = dyn_cast_or_null<CXXDefaultInitExpr>(*I))
+        if (Stmt *Child = DIE->getExpr())
+          if (CFGBlock *R = Visit(Child))
+            B = R;
+    }
+  }
+  return B;
 CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitAddrLabelExpr(AddrLabelExpr *A,
                                          AddStmtChoice asc) {
Index: clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalyzerOptions.def
--- clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalyzerOptions.def
+++ clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalyzerOptions.def
@@ -112,6 +112,12 @@
     bool, ShouldIncludeScopesInCFG, "cfg-scopes",
     "Whether or not scope information should be included in the CFG.", false)
+ANALYZER_OPTION(bool, ShouldIncludeDefaultInitForAggregates,
+                "cfg-expand-default-aggr-inits",
+                "Whether or not inline CXXDefaultInitializers for aggregate "
+                "initialization in the CFG.",
+                false)
     bool, MayInlineTemplateFunctions, "c++-template-inlining",
     "Whether or not templated functions may be considered for inlining.", true)
Index: clang/include/clang/Analysis/CFG.h
--- clang/include/clang/Analysis/CFG.h
+++ clang/include/clang/Analysis/CFG.h
@@ -1248,6 +1248,7 @@
     bool AddStaticInitBranches = false;
     bool AddCXXNewAllocator = false;
     bool AddCXXDefaultInitExprInCtors = false;
+    bool AddCXXDefaultInitExprInAggregates = false;
     bool AddRichCXXConstructors = false;
     bool MarkElidedCXXConstructors = false;
     bool AddVirtualBaseBranches = false;
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