tejohnson created this revision.
tejohnson added reviewers: pcc, evgeny777, steven_wu.
Herald added subscribers: dang, dexonsmith, MaskRay, hiraditya, arichardson, 
inglorion, Prazek, emaste.
Herald added a reviewer: espindola.
Herald added projects: clang, LLVM.

Third part in series to support Safe Whole Program Devirtualization
Enablement, see RFC here:

This patch adds type test metadata under -fwhole-program-vtables,
even for classes without hidden visibility. It then changes WPD to skip
devirtualization for a virtual function call when any of the compatible
vtables has public vcall visibility.

Additionally, internal LLVM options as well as lld and gold-plugin
options are added which enable upgrading all public vcall visibility
to linkage unit (hidden) visibility during LTO. This enables the more
aggressive WPD to kick in based on LTO time knowledge of the visibility

Support was added to all flavors of LTO WPD (regular, hybrid and
index-only), and to both the new and old LTO APIs.

Unfortunately it was not simple to split the first and second parts of
this part of the change (the unconditional emission of type tests and
the upgrading of the vcall visiblity) as I needed a way to upgrade the
public visibility on legacy WPD llvm assembly tests that don't include
linkage unit vcall visibility specifiers, to avoid a lot of test churn.

I also added a mechanism to LowerTypeTests that allows dropping type
test assume sequences we now aggressively insert when we invoke
distributed ThinLTO backends with null indexes, which is used in testing
mode, and which doesn't invoke the normal ThinLTO backend pipeline.

Depends on D71907 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D71907> and D71911 

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: llvm/tools/opt/opt.cpp
--- llvm/tools/opt/opt.cpp
+++ llvm/tools/opt/opt.cpp
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
 #include "llvm/Transforms/Coroutines.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/AlwaysInliner.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/PassManagerBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/WholeProgramDevirt.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Debugify.h"
 #include <algorithm>
@@ -626,6 +627,12 @@
     return 1;
+  // Enable testing of whole program devirtualization on this module by invoking
+  // the facility for updating public visibility to linkage unit visibility when
+  // specified by an internal option. This is normally done during LTO which is
+  // not performed via opt.
+  updateVCallVisibilityInModule(*M);
   // Figure out what stream we are supposed to write to...
   std::unique_ptr<ToolOutputFile> Out;
   std::unique_ptr<ToolOutputFile> ThinLinkOut;
Index: llvm/tools/gold/gold-plugin.cpp
--- llvm/tools/gold/gold-plugin.cpp
+++ llvm/tools/gold/gold-plugin.cpp
@@ -204,6 +204,8 @@
   static std::string dwo_dir;
   /// Statistics output filename.
   static std::string stats_file;
+  // Asserts that LTO link has whole program visibility
+  static bool whole_program_visibility = false;
   // Optimization remarks filename, accepted passes and hotness options
   static std::string RemarksFilename;
@@ -283,6 +285,8 @@
       new_pass_manager = true;
     } else if (opt == "debug-pass-manager") {
       debug_pass_manager = true;
+    } else if (opt == "whole-program-visibility") {
+      whole_program_visibility = true;
     } else if (opt.startswith("dwo_dir=")) {
       dwo_dir = opt.substr(strlen("dwo_dir="));
     } else if (opt.startswith("opt-remarks-filename=")) {
@@ -923,6 +927,8 @@
   // Debug new pass manager if requested
   Conf.DebugPassManager = options::debug_pass_manager;
+  Conf.HasWholeProgramVisibility = options::whole_program_visibility;
   Conf.StatsFile = options::stats_file;
   return std::make_unique<LTO>(std::move(Conf), Backend,
Index: llvm/test/tools/gold/X86/devirt_vcall_vis_public.ll
--- /dev/null
+++ llvm/test/tools/gold/X86/devirt_vcall_vis_public.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+; Test that plugin option whole-program-visibility enables devirtualization.
+; Index based WPD
+; Generate unsplit module with summary for ThinLTO index-based WPD.
+; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -o %t2.o %s
+; RUN: %gold -m elf_x86_64 -plugin %llvmshlibdir/LLVMgold%shlibext \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=whole-program-visibility \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=save-temps \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=-pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   %t2.o -o %t3 \
+; RUN: 	 --export-dynamic 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t2.o.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
+; Hybrid WPD
+; Generate split module with summary for hybrid Thin/Regular LTO WPD.
+; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -thinlto-split-lto-unit -o %t.o %s
+; RUN: %gold -m elf_x86_64 -plugin %llvmshlibdir/LLVMgold%shlibext \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=whole-program-visibility \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=save-temps \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=-pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   %t.o -o %t3 \
+; RUN: 	 --export-dynamic 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t.o.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
+; Regular LTO WPD
+; RUN: opt -o %t4.o %s
+; RUN: %gold -m elf_x86_64 -plugin %llvmshlibdir/LLVMgold%shlibext \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=whole-program-visibility \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=save-temps \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=-pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   %t4.o -o %t3 \
+; RUN: 	 --export-dynamic 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.0.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
+; REMARK-DAG: single-impl: devirtualized a call to _ZN1A1nEi
+; REMARK-DAG: single-impl: devirtualized a call to _ZN1D1mEi
+; Try everything again but without -whole-program-visibility to confirm
+; WPD fails
+; Index based WPD
+; RUN: %gold -m elf_x86_64 -plugin %llvmshlibdir/LLVMgold%shlibext \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=save-temps \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=-pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   %t2.o -o %t3 \
+; RUN: 	 --export-dynamic 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not single-impl --allow-empty
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t2.o.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR
+; Hybrid WPD
+; RUN: %gold -m elf_x86_64 -plugin %llvmshlibdir/LLVMgold%shlibext \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=save-temps \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=-pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   %t.o -o %t3 \
+; RUN: 	 --export-dynamic 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not single-impl --allow-empty
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t.o.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR
+; Regular LTO WPD
+; RUN: %gold -m elf_x86_64 -plugin %llvmshlibdir/LLVMgold%shlibext \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=save-temps \
+; RUN:   --plugin-opt=-pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   %t4.o -o %t3 \
+; RUN: 	 --export-dynamic 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not single-impl --allow-empty
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.0.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR
+target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
+target triple = "x86_64-grtev4-linux-gnu"
+%struct.A = type { i32 (...)** }
+%struct.B = type { %struct.A }
+%struct.C = type { %struct.A }
+%struct.D = type { i32 (...)** }
+@_ZTV1B = constant { [4 x i8*] } { [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.B*, i32)* @_ZN1B1fEi to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.A*, i32)* @_ZN1A1nEi to i8*)] }, !type !0, !type !1, !vcall_visibility !5
+@_ZTV1C = constant { [4 x i8*] } { [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.C*, i32)* @_ZN1C1fEi to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.A*, i32)* @_ZN1A1nEi to i8*)] }, !type !0, !type !2, !vcall_visibility !5
+@_ZTV1D = constant { [3 x i8*] } { [3 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.D*, i32)* @_ZN1D1mEi to i8*)] }, !type !3, !vcall_visibility !5
+; CHECK-IR-LABEL: define dso_local i32 @_start
+define i32 @_start(%struct.A* %obj, %struct.D* %obj2, i32 %a) {
+  %0 = bitcast %struct.A* %obj to i8***
+  %vtable = load i8**, i8*** %0
+  %1 = bitcast i8** %vtable to i8*
+  %p = call i1 @llvm.type.test(i8* %1, metadata !"_ZTS1A")
+  call void @llvm.assume(i1 %p)
+  %fptrptr = getelementptr i8*, i8** %vtable, i32 1
+  %2 = bitcast i8** %fptrptr to i32 (%struct.A*, i32)**
+  %fptr1 = load i32 (%struct.A*, i32)*, i32 (%struct.A*, i32)** %2, align 8
+  ; Check that the call was devirtualized.
+  ; CHECK-IR: %call = tail call i32 @_ZN1A1nEi
+  ; CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR: %call = tail call i32 %fptr1
+  %call = tail call i32 %fptr1(%struct.A* nonnull %obj, i32 %a)
+  %3 = bitcast i8** %vtable to i32 (%struct.A*, i32)**
+  %fptr22 = load i32 (%struct.A*, i32)*, i32 (%struct.A*, i32)** %3, align 8
+  ; We still have to call it as virtual.
+  ; CHECK-IR: %call3 = tail call i32 %fptr22
+  ; CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR: %call3 = tail call i32 %fptr22
+  %call3 = tail call i32 %fptr22(%struct.A* nonnull %obj, i32 %call)
+  %4 = bitcast %struct.D* %obj2 to i8***
+  %vtable2 = load i8**, i8*** %4
+  %5 = bitcast i8** %vtable2 to i8*
+  %p2 = call i1 @llvm.type.test(i8* %5, metadata !4)
+  call void @llvm.assume(i1 %p2)
+  %6 = bitcast i8** %vtable2 to i32 (%struct.D*, i32)**
+  %fptr33 = load i32 (%struct.D*, i32)*, i32 (%struct.D*, i32)** %6, align 8
+  ; Check that the call was devirtualized.
+  ; CHECK-IR: %call4 = tail call i32 @_ZN1D1mEi
+  ; CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR: %call4 = tail call i32 %fptr33
+  %call4 = tail call i32 %fptr33(%struct.D* nonnull %obj2, i32 %call3)
+  ret i32 %call4
+; CHECK-IR-LABEL: ret i32
+declare i1 @llvm.type.test(i8*, metadata)
+declare void @llvm.assume(i1)
+define i32 @_ZN1B1fEi(%struct.B* %this, i32 %a) #0 {
+   ret i32 0;
+define i32 @_ZN1A1nEi(%struct.A* %this, i32 %a) #0 {
+   ret i32 0;
+define i32 @_ZN1C1fEi(%struct.C* %this, i32 %a) #0 {
+   ret i32 0;
+define i32 @_ZN1D1mEi(%struct.D* %this, i32 %a) #0 {
+   ret i32 0;
+; Make sure we don't inline or otherwise optimize out the direct calls.
+attributes #0 = { noinline optnone }
+!0 = !{i64 16, !"_ZTS1A"}
+!1 = !{i64 16, !"_ZTS1B"}
+!2 = !{i64 16, !"_ZTS1C"}
+!3 = !{i64 16, !4}
+!4 = distinct !{}
+!5 = !{i64 0}
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vtable-decl.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vtable-decl.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vtable-decl.ll
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ; Check that we don't crash when processing declaration with type metadata
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s
 target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
 target triple = "x86_64-none-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/virtual-const-prop-end.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/virtual-const-prop-end.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/virtual-const-prop-end.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/virtual-const-prop-check.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/virtual-const-prop-check.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/virtual-const-prop-check.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -pass-remarks=wholeprogramdevirt %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -pass-remarks=wholeprogramdevirt %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/virtual-const-prop-begin.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/virtual-const-prop-begin.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/virtual-const-prop-begin.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-uses-this.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-uses-this.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-uses-this.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-type-mismatch.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-type-mismatch.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-type-mismatch.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 ; Test that we correctly handle function type mismatches in argument counts
 ; and bitwidths. We handle an argument count mismatch by refusing
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-too-wide-ints.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-too-wide-ints.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-too-wide-ints.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-non-constant-arg.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-non-constant-arg.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-non-constant-arg.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-no-this.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-no-this.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-no-this.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-decl.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-decl.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-decl.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-accesses-memory.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-accesses-memory.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/vcp-accesses-memory.ll
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
-; RUN: opt -S -passes=wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -passes=wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/unique-retval.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/unique-retval.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/unique-retval.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/uniform-retval.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/uniform-retval.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/uniform-retval.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/uniform-retval-invoke.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/uniform-retval-invoke.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/uniform-retval-invoke.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/struct-vtable.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/struct-vtable.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/struct-vtable.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/soa-vtable.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/soa-vtable.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/soa-vtable.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/pointer-vtable.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/pointer-vtable.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/pointer-vtable.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/non-constant-vtable.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/non-constant-vtable.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/non-constant-vtable.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -pass-remarks=wholeprogramdevirt %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -pass-remarks=wholeprogramdevirt %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
 ; CHECK-NOT: devirtualized call
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/import.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/import.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/import.ll
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-single-impl.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,SINGLE-IMPL %s
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-uniform-ret-val.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,INDIR,UNIFORM-RET-VAL %s
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-unique-ret-val0.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,INDIR,UNIQUE-RET-VAL0 %s
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-unique-ret-val1.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,INDIR,UNIQUE-RET-VAL1 %s
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-vcp.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,VCP,VCP-X86,VCP64,INDIR %s
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-vcp.yaml -mtriple=i686-unknown-linux -data-layout=e-p:32:32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,VCP,VCP-X86,VCP32 %s
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-vcp.yaml -mtriple=armv7-unknown-linux -data-layout=e-p:32:32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,VCP,VCP-ARM %s
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-vcp-branch-funnel.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,VCP,VCP-X86,VCP64,BRANCH-FUNNEL %s
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-branch-funnel.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,BRANCH-FUNNEL,BRANCH-FUNNEL-NOVCP %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-single-impl.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,SINGLE-IMPL %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-uniform-ret-val.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,INDIR,UNIFORM-RET-VAL %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-unique-ret-val0.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,INDIR,UNIQUE-RET-VAL0 %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-unique-ret-val1.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,INDIR,UNIQUE-RET-VAL1 %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-vcp.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,VCP,VCP-X86,VCP64,INDIR %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-vcp.yaml -mtriple=i686-unknown-linux -data-layout=e-p:32:32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,VCP,VCP-X86,VCP32 %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-vcp.yaml -mtriple=armv7-unknown-linux -data-layout=e-p:32:32 < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,VCP,VCP-ARM %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-vcp-branch-funnel.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,VCP,VCP-X86,VCP64,BRANCH-FUNNEL %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-branch-funnel.yaml < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,BRANCH-FUNNEL,BRANCH-FUNNEL-NOVCP %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/import-no-dominating-assume.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/import-no-dominating-assume.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/import-no-dominating-assume.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-vcp.yaml < %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-vcp.yaml < %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/import-indir.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/import-indir.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/import-indir.ll
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ; Test that we correctly import an indir resolution for type identifier "typeid1".
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-indir.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t < %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=import -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-indir.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t < %s | FileCheck %s
 ; RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=SUMMARY %s < %t
 ; SUMMARY:     GlobalValueMap:
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-vcp.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-vcp.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-vcp.ll
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-; RUN: opt -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -S -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,X86 %s
+; RUN: opt -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -S -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,X86 %s
 ; RUN: FileCheck --check-prefixes=SUMMARY,SUMMARY-X86 %s < %t
-; RUN: opt -mtriple=armv7-unknown-linux-gnu -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -S -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,ARM %s
+; RUN: opt -mtriple=armv7-unknown-linux-gnu -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -S -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,ARM %s
 ; RUN: FileCheck --check-prefixes=SUMMARY,SUMMARY-ARM %s < %t
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-unsuccessful-checked.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-unsuccessful-checked.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-unsuccessful-checked.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -o /dev/null %s
+; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -o /dev/null %s
 ; RUN: FileCheck %s < %t
 ; CHECK:       TypeTests: [ 15427464259790519041, 17525413373118030901 ]
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-unique-ret-val.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-unique-ret-val.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-unique-ret-val.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -S -o - %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -S -o - %s | FileCheck %s
 ; RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=SUMMARY %s < %t
 ; SUMMARY-NOT:  TypeTests:
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-uniform-ret-val.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-uniform-ret-val.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-uniform-ret-val.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -S -o - %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -S -o - %s | FileCheck %s
 ; RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=SUMMARY %s < %t
 ; SUMMARY-NOT: TypeTests:
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-single-impl.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-single-impl.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-single-impl.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -S -o - %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -S -o - %s | FileCheck %s
 ; RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=SUMMARY %s < %t
 ; SUMMARY:      TypeIdMap:
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-nothing.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-nothing.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/export-nothing.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -o /dev/null %s
+; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -o /dev/null %s
 ; RUN: FileCheck %s < %t
 ; CHECK: ---
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/expand-check.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/expand-check.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/expand-check.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 ; Test that we correctly expand the llvm.type.checked.load intrinsic in cases
 ; where we cannot devirtualize.
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/devirt-single-impl.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/devirt-single-impl.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/devirt-single-impl.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -pass-remarks=wholeprogramdevirt %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -pass-remarks=wholeprogramdevirt %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/devirt-single-impl-check.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/devirt-single-impl-check.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/devirt-single-impl-check.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -pass-remarks=wholeprogramdevirt %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -pass-remarks=wholeprogramdevirt %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/constant-arg.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/constant-arg.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/constant-arg.ll
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
-; RUN: opt -S -passes=wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -passes=wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/branch-funnel.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/branch-funnel.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/branch-funnel.ll
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,RETP %s
-; RUN: sed -e 's,+retpoline,-retpoline,g' %s | opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,NORETP %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,RETP %s
+; RUN: sed -e 's,+retpoline,-retpoline,g' %s | opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,NORETP %s
-; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -S -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,RETP %s
+; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -S -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,RETP %s
-; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t  -O3 -S -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK %s
+; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t  -O3 -S -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK %s
 ; RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=SUMMARY %s < %t
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/branch-funnel-threshold.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/branch-funnel-threshold.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/branch-funnel-threshold.ll
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -wholeprogramdevirt-branch-funnel-threshold=1 -S -o - %s | not grep @llvm.icall.branch.funnel | count 0
+; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -wholeprogramdevirt-branch-funnel-threshold=1 -S -o - %s | not grep @llvm.icall.branch.funnel | count 0
-; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -wholeprogramdevirt-branch-funnel-threshold=10 -S -o - %s | grep @llvm.icall.branch.funnel | count 4
+; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -wholeprogramdevirt-branch-funnel-threshold=10 -S -o - %s | grep @llvm.icall.branch.funnel | count 4
-; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -wholeprogramdevirt-branch-funnel-threshold=100 -S -o - %s | grep @llvm.icall.branch.funnel | count 5
+; RUN: opt -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility -wholeprogramdevirt-summary-action=export -wholeprogramdevirt-read-summary=%S/Inputs/export.yaml -wholeprogramdevirt-write-summary=%t -wholeprogramdevirt-branch-funnel-threshold=100 -S -o - %s | grep @llvm.icall.branch.funnel | count 5
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/bad-read-from-vtable.ll
--- llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/bad-read-from-vtable.ll
+++ llvm/test/Transforms/WholeProgramDevirt/bad-read-from-vtable.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt -S -wholeprogramdevirt -whole-program-visibility %s | FileCheck %s
 target datalayout = "e-p:64:64"
 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
Index: llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_vcall_vis_public.ll
--- llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_vcall_vis_public.ll
+++ llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_vcall_vis_public.ll
@@ -1,53 +1,13 @@
 ; REQUIRES: x86-registered-target
-; Test devirtualization through the thin link and backend.
-; Generate split module with summary for hybrid Thin/Regular LTO WPD.
-; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -thinlto-split-lto-unit -o %t.o %s
-; Check that we have module flag showing splitting enabled, and that we don't
-; generate summary information needed for index-based WPD.
-; RUN: llvm-modextract -b -n=0 %t.o -o %t.o.0
-; RUN: llvm-dis -o - %t.o.0 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ENABLESPLITFLAG --implicit-check-not=vTableFuncs --implicit-check-not=typeidCompatibleVTable
-; RUN: llvm-modextract -b -n=1 %t.o -o %t.o.1
-; RUN: llvm-dis -o - %t.o.1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ENABLESPLITFLAG --implicit-check-not=vTableFuncs --implicit-check-not=typeidCompatibleVTable
-; ENABLESPLITFLAG: !{i32 1, !"EnableSplitLTOUnit", i32 1}
+; Test devirtualization through the thin link and backend, when vtables
+; have vcall_visibility metadata with public visibility.
+; Index based WPD
 ; Generate unsplit module with summary for ThinLTO index-based WPD.
 ; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -o %t2.o %s
-; Check that we don't have module flag when splitting not enabled for ThinLTO,
-; and that we generate summary information needed for index-based WPD.
-; RUN: llvm-dis -o - %t2.o | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NOENABLESPLITFLAG
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: !{i32 1, !"EnableSplitLTOUnit", i32 0}
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[An:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZN1A1nEi"
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[Bf:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZN1B1fEi"
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[Cf:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZN1C1fEi"
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[Dm:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZN1D1mEi"
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[B:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZTV1B", {{.*}} vTableFuncs: ((virtFunc: [[Bf]], offset: 16), (virtFunc: [[An]], offset: 24)), refs: ([[Bf]], [[An]])
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[C:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZTV1C", {{.*}} vTableFuncs: ((virtFunc: [[Cf]], offset: 16), (virtFunc: [[An]], offset: 24)), refs: ([[An]], [[Cf]])
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[D:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZTV1D", {{.*}} vTableFuncs: ((virtFunc: [[Dm]], offset: 16)), refs: ([[Dm]])
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: typeidCompatibleVTable: (name: "_ZTS1A", summary: ((offset: 16, [[B]]), (offset: 16, [[C]])))
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: typeidCompatibleVTable: (name: "_ZTS1B", summary: ((offset: 16, [[B]])))
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: typeidCompatibleVTable: (name: "_ZTS1C", summary: ((offset: 16, [[C]])))
-; Type Id on _ZTV1D should have been promoted
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: typeidCompatibleVTable: (name: "1${{.*}}", summary: ((offset: 16, [[D]])))
-; Legacy PM, Index based WPD
-; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t2.o -save-temps -pass-remarks=. \
-; RUN:   -o %t3 \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,test,px \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1A1nEi,p \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1B1fEi,p \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1C1fEi,p \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1D1mEi,p \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZTV1B,px \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZTV1C,px \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZTV1D,px 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK
-; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.1.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
-; New PM, Index based WPD
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t2.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -o %t3 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,test,px \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1A1nEi,p \
@@ -59,9 +19,12 @@
 ; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZTV1D,px 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK
 ; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.1.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
-; Legacy PM
+; Hybrid WPD
+; Generate split module with summary for hybrid Thin/Regular LTO WPD.
+; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -thinlto-split-lto-unit -o %t.o %s
 ; FIXME: Fix machine verifier issues and remove -verify-machineinstrs=0. PR39436.
-; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.o -save-temps -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -verify-machineinstrs=0 \
 ; RUN:   -o %t3 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,test,px \
@@ -81,8 +44,41 @@
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZTV1D,px 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK --dump-input=fail
 ; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.1.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
-; New PM
-; FIXME: Fix machine verifier issues and remove -verify-machineinstrs=0. PR39436.
+; Regular LTO WPD
+; RUN: opt -o %t4.o %s
+; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t4.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
+; RUN:   -o %t5 \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,test,px \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZN1A1nEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZN1B1fEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZN1C1fEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZN1D1mEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZTV1B,px \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZTV1C,px \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZTV1D,px 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t5.0.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
+; REMARK-DAG: single-impl: devirtualized a call to _ZN1A1nEi
+; REMARK-DAG: single-impl: devirtualized a call to _ZN1D1mEi
+; Try everything again but without -whole-program-visibility to confirm
+; WPD fails
+; Index based WPD
+; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t2.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -o %t3 \
+; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,test,px \
+; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1A1nEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1B1fEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1C1fEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1D1mEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZTV1B,px \
+; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZTV1C,px \
+; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZTV1D,px 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not single-impl --allow-empty
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.1.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR
+; Hybrid WPD
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
 ; RUN:   -verify-machineinstrs=0 \
 ; RUN:   -o %t3 \
@@ -100,11 +96,21 @@
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1D1mEi, \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZTV1B,px \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZTV1C,px \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZTV1D,px 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK --dump-input=fail
-; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.1.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
-; REMARK-DAG: single-impl: devirtualized a call to _ZN1A1nEi
-; REMARK-DAG: single-impl: devirtualized a call to _ZN1D1mEi
+; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZTV1D,px 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not single-impl --allow-empty
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.1.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR
+; Regular LTO WPD
+; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t4.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -o %t5 \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,test,px \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZN1A1nEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZN1B1fEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZN1C1fEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZN1D1mEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZTV1B,px \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZTV1C,px \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZTV1D,px 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not single-impl --allow-empty
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t5.0.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR
 target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
 target triple = "x86_64-grtev4-linux-gnu"
@@ -114,9 +120,9 @@
 %struct.C = type { %struct.A }
 %struct.D = type { i32 (...)** }
-@_ZTV1B = constant { [4 x i8*] } { [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.B*, i32)* @_ZN1B1fEi to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.A*, i32)* @_ZN1A1nEi to i8*)] }, !type !0, !type !1
-@_ZTV1C = constant { [4 x i8*] } { [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.C*, i32)* @_ZN1C1fEi to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.A*, i32)* @_ZN1A1nEi to i8*)] }, !type !0, !type !2
-@_ZTV1D = constant { [3 x i8*] } { [3 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.D*, i32)* @_ZN1D1mEi to i8*)] }, !type !3
+@_ZTV1B = constant { [4 x i8*] } { [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.B*, i32)* @_ZN1B1fEi to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.A*, i32)* @_ZN1A1nEi to i8*)] }, !type !0, !type !1, !vcall_visibility !5
+@_ZTV1C = constant { [4 x i8*] } { [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.C*, i32)* @_ZN1C1fEi to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.A*, i32)* @_ZN1A1nEi to i8*)] }, !type !0, !type !2, !vcall_visibility !5
+@_ZTV1D = constant { [3 x i8*] } { [3 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.D*, i32)* @_ZN1D1mEi to i8*)] }, !type !3, !vcall_visibility !5
 ; CHECK-IR-LABEL: define i32 @test
@@ -133,6 +139,7 @@
   ; Check that the call was devirtualized.
   ; CHECK-IR: %call = tail call i32 @_ZN1A1nEi
+  ; CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR: %call = tail call i32 %fptr1
   %call = tail call i32 %fptr1(%struct.A* nonnull %obj, i32 %a)
   %3 = bitcast i8** %vtable to i32 (%struct.A*, i32)**
@@ -140,6 +147,7 @@
   ; We still have to call it as virtual.
   ; CHECK-IR: %call3 = tail call i32 %fptr22
+  ; CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR: %call3 = tail call i32 %fptr22
   %call3 = tail call i32 %fptr22(%struct.A* nonnull %obj, i32 %call)
   %4 = bitcast %struct.D* %obj2 to i8***
@@ -153,6 +161,7 @@
   ; Check that the call was devirtualized.
   ; CHECK-IR: %call4 = tail call i32 @_ZN1D1mEi
+  ; CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR: %call4 = tail call i32 %fptr33
   %call4 = tail call i32 %fptr33(%struct.D* nonnull %obj2, i32 %call3)
   ret i32 %call4
@@ -186,3 +195,4 @@
 !2 = !{i64 16, !"_ZTS1C"}
 !3 = !{i64 16, !4}
 !4 = distinct !{}
+!5 = !{i64 0}
Index: llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_vcall_vis_hidden.ll
--- llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_vcall_vis_hidden.ll
+++ llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_vcall_vis_hidden.ll
@@ -1,52 +1,11 @@
 ; REQUIRES: x86-registered-target
-; Test devirtualization through the thin link and backend.
-; Generate split module with summary for hybrid Thin/Regular LTO WPD.
-; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -thinlto-split-lto-unit -o %t.o %s
-; Check that we have module flag showing splitting enabled, and that we don't
-; generate summary information needed for index-based WPD.
-; RUN: llvm-modextract -b -n=0 %t.o -o %t.o.0
-; RUN: llvm-dis -o - %t.o.0 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ENABLESPLITFLAG --implicit-check-not=vTableFuncs --implicit-check-not=typeidCompatibleVTable
-; RUN: llvm-modextract -b -n=1 %t.o -o %t.o.1
-; RUN: llvm-dis -o - %t.o.1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=ENABLESPLITFLAG --implicit-check-not=vTableFuncs --implicit-check-not=typeidCompatibleVTable
-; ENABLESPLITFLAG: !{i32 1, !"EnableSplitLTOUnit", i32 1}
+; Test devirtualization through the thin link and backend, when vtables
+; have vcall_visibility metadata with public visibility.
+; Index based WPD
 ; Generate unsplit module with summary for ThinLTO index-based WPD.
 ; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -o %t2.o %s
-; Check that we don't have module flag when splitting not enabled for ThinLTO,
-; and that we generate summary information needed for index-based WPD.
-; RUN: llvm-dis -o - %t2.o | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NOENABLESPLITFLAG
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: !{i32 1, !"EnableSplitLTOUnit", i32 0}
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[An:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZN1A1nEi"
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[Bf:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZN1B1fEi"
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[Cf:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZN1C1fEi"
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[Dm:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZN1D1mEi"
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[B:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZTV1B", {{.*}} vTableFuncs: ((virtFunc: [[Bf]], offset: 16), (virtFunc: [[An]], offset: 24)), refs: ([[Bf]], [[An]])
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[C:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZTV1C", {{.*}} vTableFuncs: ((virtFunc: [[Cf]], offset: 16), (virtFunc: [[An]], offset: 24)), refs: ([[An]], [[Cf]])
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: [[D:\^[0-9]+]] = gv: (name: "_ZTV1D", {{.*}} vTableFuncs: ((virtFunc: [[Dm]], offset: 16)), refs: ([[Dm]])
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: typeidCompatibleVTable: (name: "_ZTS1A", summary: ((offset: 16, [[B]]), (offset: 16, [[C]])))
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: typeidCompatibleVTable: (name: "_ZTS1B", summary: ((offset: 16, [[B]])))
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: typeidCompatibleVTable: (name: "_ZTS1C", summary: ((offset: 16, [[C]])))
-; Type Id on _ZTV1D should have been promoted
-; NOENABLESPLITFLAG-DAG: typeidCompatibleVTable: (name: "1${{.*}}", summary: ((offset: 16, [[D]])))
-; Legacy PM, Index based WPD
-; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t2.o -save-temps -pass-remarks=. \
-; RUN:   -o %t3 \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,test,px \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1A1nEi,p \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1B1fEi,p \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1C1fEi,p \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1D1mEi,p \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZTV1B,px \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZTV1C,px \
-; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZTV1D,px 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK
-; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.1.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
-; New PM, Index based WPD
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t2.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
 ; RUN:   -o %t3 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,test,px \
@@ -59,29 +18,9 @@
 ; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZTV1D,px 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK
 ; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.1.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
-; Legacy PM
-; FIXME: Fix machine verifier issues and remove -verify-machineinstrs=0. PR39436.
-; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.o -save-temps -pass-remarks=. \
-; RUN:   -verify-machineinstrs=0 \
-; RUN:   -o %t3 \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,test,px \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1A1nEi,p \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1B1fEi,p \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1C1fEi,p \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1D1mEi,p \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZTV1B, \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZTV1C, \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZTV1D, \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1A1nEi, \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1B1fEi, \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1C1fEi, \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1D1mEi, \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZTV1B,px \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZTV1C,px \
-; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZTV1D,px 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK --dump-input=fail
-; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.1.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
-; New PM
+; Hybrid WPD
+; Generate split module with summary for hybrid Thin/Regular LTO WPD.
+; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -thinlto-split-lto-unit -o %t.o %s
 ; FIXME: Fix machine verifier issues and remove -verify-machineinstrs=0. PR39436.
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
 ; RUN:   -verify-machineinstrs=0 \
@@ -103,6 +42,21 @@
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZTV1D,px 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK --dump-input=fail
 ; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.1.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
+; Regular LTO WPD
+; RUN: opt -o %t4.o %s
+; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t4.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
+; RUN:   -o %t5 \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,test,px \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZN1A1nEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZN1B1fEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZN1C1fEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZN1D1mEi,p \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZTV1B,px \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZTV1C,px \
+; RUN:   -r=%t4.o,_ZTV1D,px 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t5.0.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
 ; REMARK-DAG: single-impl: devirtualized a call to _ZN1A1nEi
 ; REMARK-DAG: single-impl: devirtualized a call to _ZN1D1mEi
@@ -114,9 +68,9 @@
 %struct.C = type { %struct.A }
 %struct.D = type { i32 (...)** }
-@_ZTV1B = constant { [4 x i8*] } { [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.B*, i32)* @_ZN1B1fEi to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.A*, i32)* @_ZN1A1nEi to i8*)] }, !type !0, !type !1
-@_ZTV1C = constant { [4 x i8*] } { [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.C*, i32)* @_ZN1C1fEi to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.A*, i32)* @_ZN1A1nEi to i8*)] }, !type !0, !type !2
-@_ZTV1D = constant { [3 x i8*] } { [3 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.D*, i32)* @_ZN1D1mEi to i8*)] }, !type !3
+@_ZTV1B = constant { [4 x i8*] } { [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.B*, i32)* @_ZN1B1fEi to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.A*, i32)* @_ZN1A1nEi to i8*)] }, !type !0, !type !1, !vcall_visibility !5
+@_ZTV1C = constant { [4 x i8*] } { [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.C*, i32)* @_ZN1C1fEi to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.A*, i32)* @_ZN1A1nEi to i8*)] }, !type !0, !type !2, !vcall_visibility !5
+@_ZTV1D = constant { [3 x i8*] } { [3 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.D*, i32)* @_ZN1D1mEi to i8*)] }, !type !3, !vcall_visibility !5
 ; CHECK-IR-LABEL: define i32 @test
@@ -186,3 +140,4 @@
 !2 = !{i64 16, !"_ZTS1C"}
 !3 = !{i64 16, !4}
 !4 = distinct !{}
+!5 = !{i64 1}
Index: llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_single_hybrid.ll
--- llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_single_hybrid.ll
+++ llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_single_hybrid.ll
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 ; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -thinlto-split-lto-unit %p/Inputs/devirt_single_hybrid_foo.ll -o %t-foo.bc
 ; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -thinlto-split-lto-unit %p/Inputs/devirt_single_hybrid_bar.ll -o %t-bar.bc
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run -save-temps %t-main.bc %t-foo.bc %t-bar.bc -pass-remarks=. -o %t \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:    -r=%t-foo.bc,_Z3fooP1A,pl \
 ; RUN:    -r=%t-main.bc,main,plx \
 ; RUN:    -r=%t-main.bc,_Z3barv,l \
Index: llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_promote_legacy.ll
--- llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_promote_legacy.ll
+++ llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_promote_legacy.ll
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 ; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -o %t4.o %p/Inputs/devirt_promote.ll
 ; RUN: llvm-lto -thinlto-action=run %t3.o %t4.o --thinlto-save-temps=%t5. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   --pass-remarks=. \
 ; RUN:   --exported-symbol=test \
 ; RUN:   --exported-symbol=test2 \
Index: llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_promote.ll
--- llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_promote.ll
+++ llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_promote.ll
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 ; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -o %t4.o %p/Inputs/devirt_promote.ll
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t3.o %t4.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -wholeprogramdevirt-print-index-based \
 ; RUN:   -o %t5 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t3.o,test,px \
Index: llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_available_externally.ll
--- llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_available_externally.ll
+++ llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt_available_externally.ll
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 ; EXTERNAL: gv: (name: "_ZTV1D", {{.*}} vTableFuncs: ((virtFunc:
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t3.o %t4.o -save-temps -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -wholeprogramdevirt-print-index-based \
 ; RUN:   -o %t5 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t3.o,test,px \
Index: llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt2.ll
--- llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt2.ll
+++ llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt2.ll
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 ; Legacy PM, Index based WPD
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t3.o %t4.o -save-temps -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -wholeprogramdevirt-print-index-based \
 ; RUN:   -o %t5 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t3.o,test,px \
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@
 ; New PM, Index based WPD
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t3.o %t4.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -wholeprogramdevirt-print-index-based \
 ; RUN:   -o %t5 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t3.o,test,px \
@@ -92,6 +94,7 @@
 ; Index based WPD, distributed backends
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t3.o %t4.o -save-temps -use-new-pm \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -thinlto-distributed-indexes -wholeprogramdevirt-print-index-based \
 ; RUN:   -o %t5 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t3.o,test,px \
@@ -115,6 +118,7 @@
 ; Legacy PM
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t1.o %t2.o -save-temps -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -o %t5 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t1.o,test,px \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t1.o,_ZTV1B, \
@@ -150,6 +154,7 @@
 ; New PM
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t1.o %t2.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -o %t5 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t1.o,test,px \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t1.o,_ZTV1B, \
Index: llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt.ll
--- llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt.ll
+++ llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt.ll
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 ; Legacy PM, Index based WPD
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t2.o -save-temps -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -o %t3 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,test,px \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1A1nEi,p \
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
 ; New PM, Index based WPD
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t2.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -o %t3 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,test,px \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t2.o,_ZN1A1nEi,p \
@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@
 ; Legacy PM
 ; FIXME: Fix machine verifier issues and remove -verify-machineinstrs=0. PR39436.
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.o -save-temps -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -verify-machineinstrs=0 \
 ; RUN:   -o %t3 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,test,px \
@@ -84,6 +87,7 @@
 ; New PM
 ; FIXME: Fix machine verifier issues and remove -verify-machineinstrs=0. PR39436.
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -verify-machineinstrs=0 \
 ; RUN:   -o %t3 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,test,px \
Index: llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt-after-icp.ll
--- llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt-after-icp.ll
+++ llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/devirt-after-icp.ll
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 ; Legacy PM
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.o -save-temps -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -o %t3 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_Z3bazP1A,px \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1A3fooEv, \
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
 ; New PM
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -o %t3 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_Z3bazP1A,px \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1A3fooEv, \
Index: llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/cfi-devirt.ll
--- llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/cfi-devirt.ll
+++ llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/cfi-devirt.ll
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 ; Legacy PM
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.o -save-temps -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -o %t3 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,test,px \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1A1nEi,p \
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
 ; New PM
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run %t.o -save-temps -use-new-pm -pass-remarks=. \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -o %t3 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,test,px \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1A1nEi,p \
@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@
 ; to ensure it is being caught in the thin link.
 ; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -o %t2.o %S/Inputs/empty.ll
 ; RUN: not llvm-lto2 run %t.o %t2.o -thinlto-distributed-indexes \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -o %t3 \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,test,px \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,_ZN1A1nEi,p \
Index: llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/cache-typeid-resolutions.ll
--- llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/cache-typeid-resolutions.ll
+++ llvm/test/ThinLTO/X86/cache-typeid-resolutions.ll
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
 ; where both t and t-import are sensitive to typeid1's resolution
 ; so 4 distinct objects in total.
 ; RUN: rm -rf %t.cache
-; RUN: llvm-lto2 run -o %t.o %t.bc %t-import.bc -cache-dir %t.cache -r=%t.bc,f1,plx -r=%t.bc,f1_actual,plx -r=%t.bc,f2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,importf1,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f1,lx -r=%t-import.bc,importf2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f2,lx
-; RUN: llvm-lto2 run -o %t.o %t.bc %t-import.bc %t1.bc -cache-dir %t.cache -r=%t.bc,f1,plx -r=%t.bc,f1_actual,plx -r=%t.bc,f2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,importf1,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f1,lx -r=%t-import.bc,importf2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f2,lx -r=%t1.bc,vt1,plx
+; RUN: llvm-lto2 run -o %t.o %t.bc %t-import.bc -cache-dir %t.cache -r=%t.bc,f1,plx -r=%t.bc,f1_actual,plx -r=%t.bc,f2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,importf1,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f1,lx -r=%t-import.bc,importf2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f2,lx -whole-program-visibility
+; RUN: llvm-lto2 run -o %t.o %t.bc %t-import.bc %t1.bc -cache-dir %t.cache -r=%t.bc,f1,plx -r=%t.bc,f1_actual,plx -r=%t.bc,f2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,importf1,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f1,lx -r=%t-import.bc,importf2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f2,lx -r=%t1.bc,vt1,plx -whole-program-visibility
 ; RUN: ls %t.cache | count 4
 ; Three resolutions for typeid2: Indir, SingleImpl, UniqueRetVal
 ; where both t and t-import are sensitive to typeid2's resolution
 ; so 6 distinct objects in total.
 ; RUN: rm -rf %t.cache
-; RUN: llvm-lto2 run -o %t.o %t.bc %t-import.bc -cache-dir %t.cache -r=%t.bc,f1,plx -r=%t.bc,f2,plx -r=%t.bc,f1_actual,plx -r=%t-import.bc,importf1,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f1,lx -r=%t-import.bc,importf2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f2,lx
-; RUN: llvm-lto2 run -o %t.o %t.bc %t-import.bc %t2.bc -cache-dir %t.cache -r=%t.bc,f1,plx -r=%t.bc,f2,plx -r=%t.bc,f1_actual,plx -r=%t2.bc,vt2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,importf1,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f1,lx -r=%t-import.bc,importf2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f2,lx
-; RUN: llvm-lto2 run -o %t.o %t.bc %t-import.bc %t3.bc -cache-dir %t.cache -r=%t.bc,f1,plx -r=%t.bc,f2,plx -r=%t.bc,f1_actual,plx -r=%t3.bc,vt2a,plx -r=%t3.bc,vt2b,plx -r=%t-import.bc,importf1,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f1,lx -r=%t-import.bc,importf2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f2,lx
+; RUN: llvm-lto2 run -o %t.o %t.bc %t-import.bc -cache-dir %t.cache -r=%t.bc,f1,plx -r=%t.bc,f2,plx -r=%t.bc,f1_actual,plx -r=%t-import.bc,importf1,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f1,lx -r=%t-import.bc,importf2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f2,lx -whole-program-visibility
+; RUN: llvm-lto2 run -o %t.o %t.bc %t-import.bc %t2.bc -cache-dir %t.cache -r=%t.bc,f1,plx -r=%t.bc,f2,plx -r=%t.bc,f1_actual,plx -r=%t2.bc,vt2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,importf1,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f1,lx -r=%t-import.bc,importf2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f2,lx -whole-program-visibility
+; RUN: llvm-lto2 run -o %t.o %t.bc %t-import.bc %t3.bc -cache-dir %t.cache -r=%t.bc,f1,plx -r=%t.bc,f2,plx -r=%t.bc,f1_actual,plx -r=%t3.bc,vt2a,plx -r=%t3.bc,vt2b,plx -r=%t-import.bc,importf1,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f1,lx -r=%t-import.bc,importf2,plx -r=%t-import.bc,f2,lx -whole-program-visibility
 ; RUN: ls %t.cache | count 6
 target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
Index: llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/WholeProgramDevirt.cpp
--- llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/WholeProgramDevirt.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/WholeProgramDevirt.cpp
@@ -134,6 +134,19 @@
                        cl::init(false), cl::ZeroOrMore,
                        cl::desc("Print index-based devirtualization messages"));
+/// Provide a way to force enable whole program visibility in tests.
+    WholeProgramVisibility("whole-program-visibility", cl::init(false),
+                           cl::Hidden, cl::ZeroOrMore,
+                           cl::desc("Enable whole program visibility"));
+/// Provide a way to force disable whole program for debugging or workarounds,
+/// when enabled via the linker.
+cl::opt<bool> DisableWholeProgramVisibility(
+    "disable-whole-program-visibility", cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
+    cl::ZeroOrMore,
+    cl::desc("Disable whole program visibility (overrides enabling options)"));
 // Find the minimum offset that we may store a value of size Size bits at. If
 // IsAfter is set, look for an offset before the object, otherwise look for an
 // offset after the object.
@@ -702,7 +715,49 @@
   return PreservedAnalyses::none();
+// Enable whole program visibility if enabled by client (e.g. linker) or
+// internal option, and not force disabled.
+static bool hasWholeProgramVisibility(bool WholeProgramVisibilityEnabledInLTO) {
+  return (WholeProgramVisibilityEnabledInLTO || WholeProgramVisibility) &&
+         !DisableWholeProgramVisibility;
 namespace llvm {
+/// If whole program visibility asserted, then upgrade all public vcall
+/// visibility metadata on vtable definitions to linkage unit visibility in
+/// Module IR (for regular or hybrid LTO).
+void updateVCallVisibilityInModule(Module &M,
+                                   bool WholeProgramVisibilityEnabledInLTO) {
+  if (!hasWholeProgramVisibility(WholeProgramVisibilityEnabledInLTO))
+    return;
+  for (GlobalVariable &GV : M.globals())
+    // Add linkage unit visibility to any variable with type metadata, which are
+    // the vtable definitions. We won't have an existing vcall_visibility
+    // metadata on vtable definitions with public visibility.
+    if (GV.hasMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_type) &&
+        GV.getVCallVisibility() == GlobalObject::VCallVisibilityPublic)
+      GV.setVCallVisibilityMetadata(GlobalObject::VCallVisibilityLinkageUnit);
+/// If whole program visibility asserted, then upgrade all public vcall
+/// visibility metadata on vtable definition summaries to linkage unit
+/// visibility in Module summary index (for ThinLTO).
+void updateVCallVisibilityInIndex(ModuleSummaryIndex &Index,
+                                  bool WholeProgramVisibilityEnabledInLTO) {
+  if (!hasWholeProgramVisibility(WholeProgramVisibilityEnabledInLTO))
+    return;
+  for (auto &P : Index) {
+    for (auto &S : P.second.SummaryList) {
+      auto *GVar = dyn_cast<GlobalVarSummary>(S.get());
+      if (!GVar || GVar->vTableFuncs().empty() ||
+          GVar->vCallVisibility() != GlobalObject::VCallVisibilityPublic)
+        continue;
+      GVar->setVCallVisibility(GlobalObject::VCallVisibilityLinkageUnit);
+    }
+  }
 void runWholeProgramDevirtOnIndex(
     ModuleSummaryIndex &Summary, std::set<GlobalValue::GUID> &ExportedGUIDs,
     std::map<ValueInfo, std::vector<VTableSlotSummary>> &LocalWPDTargetsMap) {
@@ -818,6 +873,12 @@
     if (!TM.Bits->GV->isConstant())
       return false;
+    // We cannot perform whole program devirtualization analysis on a vtable
+    // with public LTO visibility.
+    if (TM.Bits->GV->getVCallVisibility() ==
+        GlobalObject::VCallVisibilityPublic)
+      return false;
     Constant *Ptr = getPointerAtOffset(TM.Bits->GV->getInitializer(),
                                        TM.Offset + ByteOffset, M);
     if (!Ptr)
@@ -868,8 +929,13 @@
           return false;
         LocalFound = true;
-      if (!GlobalValue::isAvailableExternallyLinkage(S->linkage()))
+      if (!GlobalValue::isAvailableExternallyLinkage(S->linkage())) {
         VS = cast<GlobalVarSummary>(S.get());
+        // We cannot perform whole program devirtualization analysis on a vtable
+        // with public LTO visibility.
+        if (VS->vCallVisibility() == GlobalObject::VCallVisibilityPublic)
+          return false;
+      }
     if (!VS->isLive())
@@ -1814,6 +1880,12 @@
+    // We have lowered or deleted the type instrinsics, so we will no
+    // longer have enough information to reason about the liveness of virtual
+    // function pointers in GlobalDCE.
+    for (GlobalVariable &GV : M.globals())
+      GV.eraseMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_vcall_visibility);
     // The rest of the code is only necessary when exporting or during regular
     // LTO, so we are done.
     return true;
@@ -1937,7 +2009,7 @@
     for (VTableBits &B : Bits)
-  // We have lowered or deleted the type checked load intrinsics, so we no
+  // We have lowered or deleted the type instrinsics, so we will no
   // longer have enough information to reason about the liveness of virtual
   // function pointers in GlobalDCE.
   for (GlobalVariable &GV : M.globals())
Index: llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/LowerTypeTests.cpp
--- llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/LowerTypeTests.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/LowerTypeTests.cpp
@@ -382,6 +382,9 @@
   ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary;
   const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary;
+  // Set when the client has invoked this to simply drop all type test assume
+  // sequences.
+  bool DropTypeTests;
   Triple::ArchType Arch;
   Triple::OSType OS;
@@ -500,7 +503,8 @@
   LowerTypeTestsModule(Module &M, ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary,
-                       const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary);
+                       const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary,
+                       bool DropTypeTests);
   bool lower();
@@ -516,22 +520,24 @@
   ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary;
   const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary;
+  bool DropTypeTests;
   LowerTypeTests() : ModulePass(ID), UseCommandLine(true) {
   LowerTypeTests(ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary,
-                 const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary)
+                 const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary, bool DropTypeTests)
       : ModulePass(ID), ExportSummary(ExportSummary),
-        ImportSummary(ImportSummary) {
+        ImportSummary(ImportSummary), DropTypeTests(DropTypeTests) {
   bool runOnModule(Module &M) override {
     if (UseCommandLine)
       return LowerTypeTestsModule::runForTesting(M);
-    return LowerTypeTestsModule(M, ExportSummary, ImportSummary).lower();
+    return LowerTypeTestsModule(M, ExportSummary, ImportSummary, DropTypeTests)
+        .lower();
@@ -544,8 +550,9 @@
 ModulePass *
 llvm::createLowerTypeTestsPass(ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary,
-                               const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary) {
-  return new LowerTypeTests(ExportSummary, ImportSummary);
+                               const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary,
+                               bool DropTypeTests) {
+  return new LowerTypeTests(ExportSummary, ImportSummary, DropTypeTests);
 /// Build a bit set for TypeId using the object layouts in
@@ -1655,8 +1662,9 @@
 /// Lower all type tests in this module.
     Module &M, ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary,
-    const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary)
-    : M(M), ExportSummary(ExportSummary), ImportSummary(ImportSummary) {
+    const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary, bool DropTypeTests)
+    : M(M), ExportSummary(ExportSummary), ImportSummary(ImportSummary),
+      DropTypeTests(DropTypeTests) {
   assert(!(ExportSummary && ImportSummary));
   Triple TargetTriple(M.getTargetTriple());
   Arch = TargetTriple.getArch();
@@ -1683,7 +1691,8 @@
   bool Changed =
           M, ClSummaryAction == PassSummaryAction::Export ? &Summary : nullptr,
-          ClSummaryAction == PassSummaryAction::Import ? &Summary : nullptr)
+          ClSummaryAction == PassSummaryAction::Import ? &Summary : nullptr,
+          /*DropTypeTests*/ false)
   if (!ClWriteSummary.empty()) {
@@ -1750,6 +1759,35 @@
 bool LowerTypeTestsModule::lower() {
+  Function *TypeTestFunc =
+      M.getFunction(Intrinsic::getName(Intrinsic::type_test));
+  if (DropTypeTests) {
+    Function *AssumeFunc = M.getFunction(Intrinsic::getName(Intrinsic::assume));
+    if (AssumeFunc) {
+      for (auto UI = AssumeFunc->use_begin(), UE = AssumeFunc->use_end();
+           UI != UE;) {
+        auto *CI = cast<CallInst>((*UI++).getUser());
+        CI->eraseFromParent();
+      }
+    }
+    if (TypeTestFunc) {
+      for (auto UI = TypeTestFunc->use_begin(), UE = TypeTestFunc->use_end();
+           UI != UE;) {
+        auto *CI = cast<CallInst>((*UI++).getUser());
+        CI->eraseFromParent();
+      }
+    }
+    // We have deleted the type intrinsics, so we no longer have enough
+    // information to reason about the liveness of virtual function pointers
+    // in GlobalDCE.
+    for (GlobalVariable &GV : M.globals())
+      GV.eraseMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_vcall_visibility);
+    return true;
+  }
   // If only some of the modules were split, we cannot correctly perform
   // this transformation. We already checked for the presense of type tests
   // with partially split modules during the thin link, and would have emitted
@@ -1758,8 +1796,6 @@
       (ImportSummary && ImportSummary->partiallySplitLTOUnits()))
     return false;
-  Function *TypeTestFunc =
-      M.getFunction(Intrinsic::getName(Intrinsic::type_test));
   Function *ICallBranchFunnelFunc =
   if ((!TypeTestFunc || TypeTestFunc->use_empty()) &&
@@ -2196,7 +2232,9 @@
 PreservedAnalyses LowerTypeTestsPass::run(Module &M,
                                           ModuleAnalysisManager &AM) {
-  bool Changed = LowerTypeTestsModule(M, ExportSummary, ImportSummary).lower();
+  bool Changed =
+      LowerTypeTestsModule(M, ExportSummary, ImportSummary, DropTypeTests)
+          .lower();
   if (!Changed)
     return PreservedAnalyses::all();
   return PreservedAnalyses::none();
Index: llvm/lib/LTO/ThinLTOCodeGenerator.cpp
--- llvm/lib/LTO/ThinLTOCodeGenerator.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/LTO/ThinLTOCodeGenerator.cpp
@@ -970,6 +970,11 @@
   // Synthesize entry counts for functions in the combined index.
+  // Currently there is no support for enabling whole program visibility via a
+  // linker option in the old LTO API, but this call allows it to be specified
+  // via the internal option. Must be done before WPD below.
+  updateVCallVisibilityInIndex(*Index);
   // Perform index-based WPD. This will return immediately if there are
   // no index entries in the typeIdMetadata map (e.g. if we are instead
   // performing IR-based WPD in hybrid regular/thin LTO mode).
Index: llvm/lib/LTO/LTOCodeGenerator.cpp
--- llvm/lib/LTO/LTOCodeGenerator.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/LTO/LTOCodeGenerator.cpp
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/Internalize.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/PassManagerBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/WholeProgramDevirt.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/ObjCARC.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ModuleUtils.h"
 #include <system_error>
@@ -542,6 +543,12 @@
   StatsFile = std::move(StatsFileOrErr.get());
+  // Currently there is no support for enabling whole program visibility via a
+  // linker option in the old LTO API, but this call allows it to be specified
+  // via the internal option. Must be done before WPD invoked via the optimizer
+  // pipeline run below.
+  updateVCallVisibilityInModule(*MergedModule);
   // We always run the verifier once on the merged module, the `DisableVerify`
   // parameter only applies to subsequent verify.
Index: llvm/lib/LTO/LTO.cpp
--- llvm/lib/LTO/LTO.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/LTO/LTO.cpp
@@ -982,6 +982,11 @@
+  // If allowed, upgrade public vcall visibility metadata to linkage unit
+  // visibility before whole program devirtualization in the optimizer.
+  updateVCallVisibilityInModule(*RegularLTO.CombinedModule,
+                                Conf.HasWholeProgramVisibility);
   if (Conf.PreOptModuleHook &&
       !Conf.PreOptModuleHook(0, *RegularLTO.CombinedModule))
     return Error::success();
@@ -1299,6 +1304,11 @@
   std::set<GlobalValue::GUID> ExportedGUIDs;
+  // If allowed, upgrade public vcall visibility to linkage unit visibility in
+  // the summaries before whole program devirtualization below.
+  updateVCallVisibilityInIndex(ThinLTO.CombinedIndex,
+                               Conf.HasWholeProgramVisibility);
   // Perform index-based WPD. This will return immediately if there are
   // no index entries in the typeIdMetadata map (e.g. if we are instead
   // performing IR-based WPD in hybrid regular/thin LTO mode).
Index: llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO/WholeProgramDevirt.h
--- llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO/WholeProgramDevirt.h
+++ llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO/WholeProgramDevirt.h
@@ -236,6 +236,11 @@
   uint64_t ByteOffset;
+void updateVCallVisibilityInModule(
+    Module &M, bool WholeProgramVisibilityEnabledInLTO = false);
+void updateVCallVisibilityInIndex(
+    ModuleSummaryIndex &Index, bool WholeProgramVisibilityEnabledInLTO = false);
 /// Perform index-based whole program devirtualization on the \p Summary
 /// index. Any devirtualized targets used by a type test in another module
 /// are added to the \p ExportedGUIDs set. For any local devirtualized targets
Index: llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO/LowerTypeTests.h
--- llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO/LowerTypeTests.h
+++ llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO/LowerTypeTests.h
@@ -201,9 +201,12 @@
   ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary;
   const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary;
+  bool DropTypeTests;
   LowerTypeTestsPass(ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary,
-                     const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary)
-      : ExportSummary(ExportSummary), ImportSummary(ImportSummary) {}
+                     const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary,
+                     bool DropTypeTests = false)
+      : ExportSummary(ExportSummary), ImportSummary(ImportSummary),
+        DropTypeTests(DropTypeTests) {}
   PreservedAnalyses run(Module &M, ModuleAnalysisManager &AM);
Index: llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO.h
--- llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO.h
+++ llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO.h
@@ -241,7 +241,8 @@
 /// - Otherwise it does neither.
 /// It is invalid for both ExportSummary and ImportSummary to be non-null.
 ModulePass *createLowerTypeTestsPass(ModuleSummaryIndex *ExportSummary,
-                                     const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary);
+                                     const ModuleSummaryIndex *ImportSummary,
+                                     bool StripAll = false);
 /// This pass export CFI checks for use by external modules.
 ModulePass *createCrossDSOCFIPass();
Index: llvm/include/llvm/LTO/Config.h
--- llvm/include/llvm/LTO/Config.h
+++ llvm/include/llvm/LTO/Config.h
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@
   /// Run PGO context sensitive IR instrumentation.
   bool RunCSIRInstr = false;
+  /// Asserts whether we can assume whole program visibility during the LTO
+  /// link.
+  bool HasWholeProgramVisibility = false;
   /// If this field is set, the set of passes run in the middle-end optimizer
   /// will be the one specified by the string. Only works with the new pass
   /// manager as the old one doesn't have this ability.
Index: lld/test/ELF/lto/devirt_vcall_vis_public.ll
--- /dev/null
+++ lld/test/ELF/lto/devirt_vcall_vis_public.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+; Test that -lto-whole-program-visibility enables devirtualization.
+; Index based WPD
+; Generate unsplit module with summary for ThinLTO index-based WPD.
+; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -o %t2.o %s
+; RUN: ld.lld %t2.o -o %t3 -save-temps -lto-whole-program-visibility \
+; RUN: 	 -mllvm -pass-remarks=. --export-dynamic 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t2.o.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
+; Hybrid WPD
+; Generate split module with summary for hybrid Thin/Regular LTO WPD.
+; RUN: opt -thinlto-bc -thinlto-split-lto-unit -o %t.o %s
+; RUN: ld.lld %t.o -o %t3 -save-temps -lto-whole-program-visibility \
+; RUN: 	 -mllvm -pass-remarks=. --export-dynamic 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t.o.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
+; Regular LTO WPD
+; RUN: opt -o %t4.o %s
+; RUN: ld.lld %t4.o -o %t3 -save-temps -lto-whole-program-visibility \
+; RUN: 	 -mllvm -pass-remarks=. --export-dynamic 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=REMARK
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.0.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-IR
+; REMARK-DAG: single-impl: devirtualized a call to _ZN1A1nEi
+; REMARK-DAG: single-impl: devirtualized a call to _ZN1D1mEi
+; Try everything again but without -whole-program-visibility to confirm
+; WPD fails
+; Index based WPD
+; RUN: ld.lld %t2.o -o %t3 -save-temps \
+; RUN: 	 -mllvm -pass-remarks=. --export-dynamic 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not single-impl --allow-empty
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t2.o.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR
+; Hybrid WPD
+; RUN: ld.lld %t.o -o %t3 -save-temps \
+; RUN: 	 -mllvm -pass-remarks=. --export-dynamic 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not single-impl --allow-empty
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t.o.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR
+; Regular LTO WPD
+; RUN: ld.lld %t4.o -o %t3 -save-temps \
+; RUN: 	 -mllvm -pass-remarks=. --export-dynamic 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not single-impl --allow-empty
+; RUN: llvm-dis %t3.0.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR
+target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
+target triple = "x86_64-grtev4-linux-gnu"
+%struct.A = type { i32 (...)** }
+%struct.B = type { %struct.A }
+%struct.C = type { %struct.A }
+%struct.D = type { i32 (...)** }
+@_ZTV1B = constant { [4 x i8*] } { [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.B*, i32)* @_ZN1B1fEi to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.A*, i32)* @_ZN1A1nEi to i8*)] }, !type !0, !type !1, !vcall_visibility !5
+@_ZTV1C = constant { [4 x i8*] } { [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.C*, i32)* @_ZN1C1fEi to i8*), i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.A*, i32)* @_ZN1A1nEi to i8*)] }, !type !0, !type !2, !vcall_visibility !5
+@_ZTV1D = constant { [3 x i8*] } { [3 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* undef, i8* bitcast (i32 (%struct.D*, i32)* @_ZN1D1mEi to i8*)] }, !type !3, !vcall_visibility !5
+; CHECK-IR-LABEL: define dso_local i32 @_start
+define i32 @_start(%struct.A* %obj, %struct.D* %obj2, i32 %a) {
+  %0 = bitcast %struct.A* %obj to i8***
+  %vtable = load i8**, i8*** %0
+  %1 = bitcast i8** %vtable to i8*
+  %p = call i1 @llvm.type.test(i8* %1, metadata !"_ZTS1A")
+  call void @llvm.assume(i1 %p)
+  %fptrptr = getelementptr i8*, i8** %vtable, i32 1
+  %2 = bitcast i8** %fptrptr to i32 (%struct.A*, i32)**
+  %fptr1 = load i32 (%struct.A*, i32)*, i32 (%struct.A*, i32)** %2, align 8
+  ; Check that the call was devirtualized.
+  ; CHECK-IR: %call = tail call i32 @_ZN1A1nEi
+  ; CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR: %call = tail call i32 %fptr1
+  %call = tail call i32 %fptr1(%struct.A* nonnull %obj, i32 %a)
+  %3 = bitcast i8** %vtable to i32 (%struct.A*, i32)**
+  %fptr22 = load i32 (%struct.A*, i32)*, i32 (%struct.A*, i32)** %3, align 8
+  ; We still have to call it as virtual.
+  ; CHECK-IR: %call3 = tail call i32 %fptr22
+  ; CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR: %call3 = tail call i32 %fptr22
+  %call3 = tail call i32 %fptr22(%struct.A* nonnull %obj, i32 %call)
+  %4 = bitcast %struct.D* %obj2 to i8***
+  %vtable2 = load i8**, i8*** %4
+  %5 = bitcast i8** %vtable2 to i8*
+  %p2 = call i1 @llvm.type.test(i8* %5, metadata !4)
+  call void @llvm.assume(i1 %p2)
+  %6 = bitcast i8** %vtable2 to i32 (%struct.D*, i32)**
+  %fptr33 = load i32 (%struct.D*, i32)*, i32 (%struct.D*, i32)** %6, align 8
+  ; Check that the call was devirtualized.
+  ; CHECK-IR: %call4 = tail call i32 @_ZN1D1mEi
+  ; CHECK-NODEVIRT-IR: %call4 = tail call i32 %fptr33
+  %call4 = tail call i32 %fptr33(%struct.D* nonnull %obj2, i32 %call3)
+  ret i32 %call4
+; CHECK-IR-LABEL: ret i32
+declare i1 @llvm.type.test(i8*, metadata)
+declare void @llvm.assume(i1)
+define i32 @_ZN1B1fEi(%struct.B* %this, i32 %a) #0 {
+   ret i32 0;
+define i32 @_ZN1A1nEi(%struct.A* %this, i32 %a) #0 {
+   ret i32 0;
+define i32 @_ZN1C1fEi(%struct.C* %this, i32 %a) #0 {
+   ret i32 0;
+define i32 @_ZN1D1mEi(%struct.D* %this, i32 %a) #0 {
+   ret i32 0;
+; Make sure we don't inline or otherwise optimize out the direct calls.
+attributes #0 = { noinline optnone }
+!0 = !{i64 16, !"_ZTS1A"}
+!1 = !{i64 16, !"_ZTS1B"}
+!2 = !{i64 16, !"_ZTS1C"}
+!3 = !{i64 16, !4}
+!4 = distinct !{}
+!5 = !{i64 0}
Index: lld/ELF/Options.td
--- lld/ELF/Options.td
+++ lld/ELF/Options.td
@@ -483,6 +483,8 @@
 def lto_obj_path_eq: J<"lto-obj-path=">;
 def lto_sample_profile: J<"lto-sample-profile=">,
   HelpText<"Sample profile file path">;
+def lto_whole_program_visibility: F<"lto-whole-program-visibility">,
+  HelpText<"Asserts that the LTO link has whole program visibility">;
 def disable_verify: F<"disable-verify">;
 defm mllvm: Eq<"mllvm", "Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing">;
 def opt_remarks_filename: Separate<["--"], "opt-remarks-filename">,
Index: lld/ELF/LTO.cpp
--- lld/ELF/LTO.cpp
+++ lld/ELF/LTO.cpp
@@ -108,6 +108,8 @@
   c.DebugPassManager = config->ltoDebugPassManager;
   c.DwoDir = config->dwoDir;
+  c.HasWholeProgramVisibility = config->ltoWholeProgramVisibility;
   c.CSIRProfile = config->ltoCSProfileFile;
   c.RunCSIRInstr = config->ltoCSProfileGenerate;
Index: lld/ELF/Driver.cpp
--- lld/ELF/Driver.cpp
+++ lld/ELF/Driver.cpp
@@ -896,6 +896,8 @@
   config->ltoDebugPassManager = args.hasArg(OPT_lto_debug_pass_manager);
   config->ltoNewPassManager = args.hasArg(OPT_lto_new_pass_manager);
   config->ltoNewPmPasses = args.getLastArgValue(OPT_lto_newpm_passes);
+  config->ltoWholeProgramVisibility =
+      args.hasArg(OPT_lto_whole_program_visibility);
   config->ltoo = args::getInteger(args, OPT_lto_O, 2);
   config->ltoObjPath = args.getLastArgValue(OPT_lto_obj_path_eq);
   config->ltoPartitions = args::getInteger(args, OPT_lto_partitions, 1);
Index: lld/ELF/Config.h
--- lld/ELF/Config.h
+++ lld/ELF/Config.h
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@
   bool ltoCSProfileGenerate;
   bool ltoDebugPassManager;
   bool ltoNewPassManager;
+  bool ltoWholeProgramVisibility;
   bool mergeArmExidx;
   bool mipsN32Abi = false;
   bool mmapOutputFile;
Index: clang/test/CodeGenCXX/type-metadata.cpp
--- clang/test/CodeGenCXX/type-metadata.cpp
+++ clang/test/CodeGenCXX/type-metadata.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 // Tests for the whole-program-vtables feature:
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -flto -flto-unit -triple x86_64-unknown-linux -fvisibility hidden -fwhole-program-vtables -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=VTABLE-OPT --check-prefix=ITANIUM --check-prefix=TT-ITANIUM %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -flto -flto-unit -triple x86_64-unknown-linux -fwhole-program-vtables -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=VTABLE-OPT --check-prefix=ITANIUM-DEFAULTVIS --check-prefix=TT-ITANIUM %s
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -flto -flto-unit -triple x86_64-pc-windows-msvc -fwhole-program-vtables -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=VTABLE-OPT --check-prefix=MS --check-prefix=TT-MS %s
 // Tests for cfi + whole-program-vtables:
@@ -129,6 +130,7 @@
 // ITANIUM: define hidden void @_Z2afP1A
+// ITANIUM-DEFAULTVIS: define void @_Z2afP1A
 // MS: define dso_local void @"?af@@YAXPEAUA@@@Z"
 void af(A *a) {
   // TT-ITANIUM: [[P:%[^ ]*]] = call i1 @llvm.type.test(i8* [[VT:%[^ ]*]], metadata !"_ZTS1A")
@@ -239,6 +241,7 @@
 // ITANIUM: define hidden void @_ZN5test21fEPNS_1DE
+// ITANIUM-DEFAULTVIS: define void @_ZN5test21fEPNS_1DE
 // MS: define dso_local void @"?f@test2@@YAXPEAUD@1@@Z"
 void f(D *d) {
   // TT-ITANIUM: {{%[^ ]*}} = call i1 @llvm.type.test(i8* {{%[^ ]*}}, metadata !"_ZTSN5test21DE")
Index: clang/test/CodeGenCXX/thinlto-distributed-type-metadata.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/test/CodeGenCXX/thinlto-distributed-type-metadata.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Test distributed ThinLTO backend handling of type tests
+// REQUIRES: x86-registered-target
+// Ensure that a distributed backend invocation of ThinLTO lowers the type test
+// as expected.
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -flto=thin -flto-unit -triple x86_64-unknown-linux -fvisibility hidden -fwhole-program-vtables -emit-llvm-bc -o %t.o %s
+// RUN: llvm-dis %t.o -o - | FileCheck --check-prefix=TT %s
+// RUN: llvm-lto -thinlto -o %t2 %t.o
+// RUN: %clang -target x86_64-unknown-linux -O2 -o %t3.o -x ir %t.o -c -fthinlto-index=%t2.thinlto.bc -save-temps=obj
+// RUN: llvm-dis %t.s.4.opt.bc -o - | FileCheck --check-prefix=OPT %s
+// llvm-nm %t3.o | FileCheck --check-prefix=NM %s
+// TT: %3 = call i1 @llvm.type.test(i8* %2, metadata !"_ZTS1A")
+// TT: void @llvm.assume(i1 %3)
+// OPT-NOT: @llvm.type.test
+// NM: T _Z2afP1A
+// Also check type test are lowered when the distributed ThinLTO backend clang
+// invocation is passed an empty index file, in which case a non-ThinLTO
+// compilation pipeline is invoked. If not lowered then LLVM CodeGen may assert.
+// RUN: touch %t4.thinlto.bc
+// O2 old PM
+// RUN: %clang -target x86_64-unknown-linux -O2 -o %t4.o -x ir %t.o -c -fthinlto-index=%t4.thinlto.bc
+// llvm-nm %t4.o | FileCheck --check-prefix=NM %s
+// O2 new PM
+// RUN: %clang -target x86_64-unknown-linux -O2 -o %t4.o -x ir %t.o -c -fthinlto-index=%t4.thinlto.bc -fexperimental-new-pass-manager
+// llvm-nm %t4.o | FileCheck --check-prefix=NM %s
+// O0 new PM
+// RUN: %clang -target x86_64-unknown-linux -O0 -o %t4.o -x ir %t.o -c -fthinlto-index=%t4.thinlto.bc -fexperimental-new-pass-manager
+// llvm-nm %t4.o | FileCheck --check-prefix=NM %s
+struct A {
+  A();
+  virtual void f();
+struct B : virtual A {
+  B();
+A::A() {}
+B::B() {}
+void A::f() {
+void af(A *a) {
+  a->f();
Index: clang/test/CodeGenCXX/lto-visibility-inference.cpp
--- clang/test/CodeGenCXX/lto-visibility-inference.cpp
+++ clang/test/CodeGenCXX/lto-visibility-inference.cpp
@@ -70,32 +70,32 @@
   // ITANIUM: type.test{{.*}}!"_ZTS2C1"
   // MS: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC1@@"
-  // ITANIUM-NOT: type.test{{.*}}!"_ZTS2C2"
+  // ITANIUM: type.test{{.*}}!"_ZTS2C2"
   // MS: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC2@@"
   // ITANIUM: type.test{{.*}}!"_ZTS2C3"
-  // MS-NOT: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC3@@"
+  // MS: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC3@@"
   // ITANIUM: type.test{{.*}}!"_ZTS2C4"
-  // MS-NOT: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC4@@"
+  // MS: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC4@@"
-  // ITANIUM-NOT: type.test{{.*}}!"_ZTS2C5"
-  // MS-NOT: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC5@@"
+  // ITANIUM: type.test{{.*}}!"_ZTS2C5"
+  // MS: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC5@@"
-  // ITANIUM-NOT: type.test{{.*}}!"_ZTS2C6"
-  // MS-NOT: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC6@@"
+  // ITANIUM: type.test{{.*}}!"_ZTS2C6"
+  // MS: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC6@@"
   // ITANIUM: type.test{{.*}}!"_ZTSSt2C7"
   // MS-STD: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC7@std@@"
-  // MS-NOSTD-NOT: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC7@std@@"
+  // MS-NOSTD: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC7@std@@"
   // ITANIUM: type.test{{.*}}!"_ZTSNSt2C72C8E"
   // MS-STD: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC8@C7@std@@"
-  // MS-NOSTD-NOT: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC8@C7@std@@"
+  // MS-NOSTD: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC8@C7@std@@"
   // ITANIUM: type.test{{.*}}!"_ZTSN6stdext2C9E"
   // MS-STD: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC9@stdext@@"
-  // MS-NOSTD-NOT: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC9@stdext@@"
+  // MS-NOSTD: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC9@stdext@@"
   // ITANIUM: type.test{{.*}}!"_ZTSN5other3C10E"
   // MS: type.test{{.*}}!"?AUC10@other@@"
Index: clang/test/CodeGen/thinlto-distributed-cfi-devirt.ll
--- clang/test/CodeGen/thinlto-distributed-cfi-devirt.ll
+++ clang/test/CodeGen/thinlto-distributed-cfi-devirt.ll
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 ; FIXME: Fix machine verifier issues and remove -verify-machineinstrs=0. PR39436.
 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 run -thinlto-distributed-indexes %t.o \
+; RUN:   -whole-program-visibility \
 ; RUN:   -verify-machineinstrs=0 \
 ; RUN:   -o %t2.index \
 ; RUN:   -r=%t.o,test,px \
Index: clang/lib/CodeGen/CGClass.cpp
--- clang/lib/CodeGen/CGClass.cpp
+++ clang/lib/CodeGen/CGClass.cpp
@@ -2640,8 +2640,7 @@
                                                    SourceLocation Loc) {
   if (SanOpts.has(SanitizerKind::CFIVCall))
     EmitVTablePtrCheckForCall(RD, VTable, CodeGenFunction::CFITCK_VCall, Loc);
-  else if (CGM.getCodeGenOpts().WholeProgramVTables &&
-           CGM.HasHiddenLTOVisibility(RD)) {
+  else if (CGM.getCodeGenOpts().WholeProgramVTables) {
     llvm::Metadata *MD =
         CGM.CreateMetadataIdentifierForType(QualType(RD->getTypeForDecl(), 0));
     llvm::Value *TypeId =
Index: clang/lib/CodeGen/BackendUtil.cpp
--- clang/lib/CodeGen/BackendUtil.cpp
+++ clang/lib/CodeGen/BackendUtil.cpp
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
 #include "llvm/Transforms/Coroutines.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/AlwaysInliner.h"
+#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/LowerTypeTests.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/PassManagerBuilder.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/ThinLTOBitcodeWriter.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombine.h"
@@ -549,6 +550,16 @@
   std::unique_ptr<TargetLibraryInfoImpl> TLII(
       createTLII(TargetTriple, CodeGenOpts));
+  // If we reached here with a non-empty index file name, then the index file
+  // was empty and we are not performing ThinLTO backend compilation (used in
+  // testing in a distributed build environment). Drop any the type test
+  // assume sequences inserted for whole program vtables so that codegen doesn't
+  // complain.
+  if (!CodeGenOpts.ThinLTOIndexFile.empty())
+    MPM.add(createLowerTypeTestsPass(/*ExportSummary=*/nullptr,
+                                     /*ImportSummary=*/nullptr,
+                                     /*DropTypeTests=*/true));
   PassManagerBuilderWrapper PMBuilder(TargetTriple, CodeGenOpts, LangOpts);
   // At O0 and O1 we only run the always inliner which is more efficient. At
@@ -1107,6 +1118,15 @@
     bool IsLTO = CodeGenOpts.PrepareForLTO;
     if (CodeGenOpts.OptimizationLevel == 0) {
+      // If we reached here with a non-empty index file name, then the index
+      // file was empty and we are not performing ThinLTO backend compilation
+      // (used in testing in a distributed build environment). Drop any the type
+      // test assume sequences inserted for whole program vtables so that
+      // codegen doesn't complain.
+      if (!CodeGenOpts.ThinLTOIndexFile.empty())
+        MPM.addPass(LowerTypeTestsPass(/*ExportSummary=*/nullptr,
+                                       /*ImportSummary=*/nullptr,
+                                       /*DropTypeTests=*/true));
       if (Optional<GCOVOptions> Options = getGCOVOptions(CodeGenOpts))
       if (Optional<InstrProfOptions> Options =
@@ -1143,6 +1163,18 @@
       // configure the pipeline.
       PassBuilder::OptimizationLevel Level = mapToLevel(CodeGenOpts);
+      // If we reached here with a non-empty index file name, then the index
+      // file was empty and we are not performing ThinLTO backend compilation
+      // (used in testing in a distributed build environment). Drop any the type
+      // test assume sequences inserted for whole program vtables so that
+      // codegen doesn't complain.
+      if (!CodeGenOpts.ThinLTOIndexFile.empty())
+        PB.registerPipelineStartEPCallback([](ModulePassManager &MPM) {
+          MPM.addPass(LowerTypeTestsPass(/*ExportSummary=*/nullptr,
+                                         /*ImportSummary=*/nullptr,
+                                         /*DropTypeTests=*/true));
+        });
       PB.registerPipelineStartEPCallback([](ModulePassManager &MPM) {
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