nridge planned changes to this revision.
nridge added a comment.

Thanks for taking a look!

In D72874#1831977 <>, @sammccall wrote:

> - it triggers on almost every word, even words that plainly don't refer to 
> any decl like `format [[lazily]], in case vlog is off`. This means that e.g. 
> (in VSCode) the underline on ctrl-hover gives no/misleading signal. It also 
> means that missing your target now jumps you somewhere random instead of 
> doing nothing.

Heh, I didn't realize VSCode had this feature. I do agree that it changes the 
tradeoffs a bit, as it means go-to-definition can be invoked in a context where 
there isn't an explicit signal from the user that they think there's a 
declaration there.

The other points you make are completely fair too. I will revise and take your 
suggestions into account.

I'll aim to start by factoring in enough of your suggestions to reduce the 
noise to an acceptable level for an initial landing, and leave some of the 
others for follow-up enhancements.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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