ctetreau added inline comments.

Comment at: llvm/include/llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h:2544
+    SmallVector<int, 16> IntMask;
+    ShuffleVectorInst::getShuffleMask(cast<Constant>(Mask), IntMask);
+    return CreateShuffleVector(V1, V2, IntMask, Name);
spatel wrote:
> Add an assert that Mask isa<Constant> ?
cast<T> already does this assert.

Comment at: llvm/include/llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h:2551
+    SmallVector<int, 16> IntMask;
+    IntMask.assign(Mask.begin(), Mask.end());
+    return CreateShuffleVector(V1, V2, IntMask, Name);
[0 .. uint32_MAX] is wider than [0 .. int_MAX]. Assert the values are in range 

Comment at: llvm/include/llvm/IR/Instructions.h:1985-1986
+/// The shuffle mask operand specifies, for each element of the result vector,
+/// which element of the two input vectors the result element gets. The
+/// shuffle mask is represented as an array of integers. Positive integers
spatel wrote:
> This reads awkwardly to me (if you agree, we can update the LangRef too). 
> How about:
> "For each element of the result vector, the shuffle mask selects an element 
> from one of the input vectors to copy to the result. Non-negative elements in 
> the mask represent an index into the concatenated pair of input vectors. 
> UndefMaskElem (-1) specifies that the result element is undefined."
I also found the wording of the description of shufflevector in the language 
ref confusing. Since this description seems to be related I thought it worth 

It's unclear to me how the values specify vector inputs. I assume for two 
vectors <4 x 18>, that the mask <3, 4, 5, 6> takes the last element of the 
first vector, and the first three elements of the second vector, but this isn't 
explicitly stated anywhere.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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