This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rGc53cb2bdc78e: [Clang][Bundler] Reduce fat object size 
(authored by sdmitriev).

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: clang/tools/clang-offload-bundler/ClangOffloadBundler.cpp
--- clang/tools/clang-offload-bundler/ClangOffloadBundler.cpp
+++ clang/tools/clang-offload-bundler/ClangOffloadBundler.cpp
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
@@ -365,6 +364,41 @@
+namespace {
+// This class implements a list of temporary files that are removed upon
+// object destruction.
+class TempFileHandlerRAII {
+  ~TempFileHandlerRAII() {
+    for (const auto &File : Files)
+      sys::fs::remove(File);
+  }
+  // Creates temporary file with given contents.
+  Expected<StringRef> Create(Optional<ArrayRef<char>> Contents) {
+    SmallString<128u> File;
+    if (std::error_code EC =
+            sys::fs::createTemporaryFile("clang-offload-bundler", "tmp", File))
+      return createFileError(File, EC);
+    Files.push_back(File);
+    if (Contents) {
+      std::error_code EC;
+      raw_fd_ostream OS(File, EC);
+      if (EC)
+        return createFileError(File, EC);
+      OS.write(Contents->data(), Contents->size());
+    }
+    return Files.back();
+  }
+  SmallVector<SmallString<128u>, 4u> Files;
+} // end anonymous namespace
 /// Handler for object files. The bundles are organized by sections with a
 /// designated name.
@@ -433,11 +467,16 @@
   Error ReadBundleEnd(MemoryBuffer &Input) final { return Error::success(); }
   Error ReadBundle(raw_fd_ostream &OS, MemoryBuffer &Input) final {
-    Expected<StringRef> Content = CurrentSection->getContents();
-    if (!Content)
-      return Content.takeError();
+    Expected<StringRef> ContentOrErr = CurrentSection->getContents();
+    if (!ContentOrErr)
+      return ContentOrErr.takeError();
+    StringRef Content = *ContentOrErr;
+    // Copy fat object contents to the output when extracting host bundle.
+    if (Content.size() == 1u && Content.front() == 0)
+      Content = StringRef(Input.getBufferStart(), Input.getBufferSize());
-    OS.write(Content->data(), Content->size());
+    OS.write(, Content.size());
     return Error::success();
@@ -486,22 +525,37 @@
     // to pass down to llvm-objcopy.
+    // Temporary files that need to be removed.
+    TempFileHandlerRAII TempFiles;
     // Create an intermediate temporary file to save object after the first
     // llvm-objcopy run.
-    SmallString<128u> IntermediateObj;
-    if (std::error_code EC = sys::fs::createTemporaryFile(
-            "clang-offload-bundler", "tmp", IntermediateObj))
-      return createFileError(IntermediateObj, EC);
-    FileRemover IntermediateObjRemover(IntermediateObj);
+    Expected<SmallString<128u>> IntermediateObjOrErr = TempFiles.Create(None);
+    if (!IntermediateObjOrErr)
+      return IntermediateObjOrErr.takeError();
+    const SmallString<128u> &IntermediateObj = *IntermediateObjOrErr;
     // Compose llvm-objcopy command line for add target objects' sections.
     BumpPtrAllocator Alloc;
     StringSaver SS{Alloc};
     SmallVector<StringRef, 8u> ObjcopyArgs{"llvm-objcopy"};
-    for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumberOfInputs; ++I)
+    for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumberOfInputs; ++I) {
+      StringRef InputFile = InputFileNames[I];
+      if (I == HostInputIndex) {
+        // Special handling for the host bundle. We do not need to add a
+        // standard bundle for the host object since we are going to use fat
+        // object as a host object. Therefore use dummy contents (one zero byte)
+        // when creating section for the host bundle.
+        Expected<StringRef> TempFileOrErr = TempFiles.Create(ArrayRef<char>(0));
+        if (!TempFileOrErr)
+          return TempFileOrErr.takeError();
+        InputFile = *TempFileOrErr;
+      }
       ObjcopyArgs.push_back("--add-section=") +
                                     OFFLOAD_BUNDLER_MAGIC_STR + TargetNames[I] +
-                                    "=" + InputFileNames[I]));
+                                    "=" + InputFile));
+    }
Index: clang/test/Driver/clang-offload-bundler.c
--- clang/test/Driver/clang-offload-bundler.c
+++ clang/test/Driver/clang-offload-bundler.c
@@ -253,16 +253,16 @@
 // RUN: clang-offload-bundler -type=o -targets=host-%itanium_abi_triple,openmp-powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,openmp-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -inputs=%t.o,%t.tgt1,%t.tgt2 -outputs=%t.bundle3.o -### 2>&1 \
 // RUN: | FileCheck %s -DHOST=%itanium_abi_triple -DINOBJ1=%t.o -DINOBJ2=%t.tgt1 -DINOBJ3=%t.tgt2 -DOUTOBJ=%t.bundle3.o --check-prefix CK-OBJ-CMD
-// CK-OBJ-CMD: llvm-objcopy{{(.exe)?}}" "--add-section=__CLANG_OFFLOAD_BUNDLE__host-[[HOST]]=[[INOBJ1]]" "--add-section=__CLANG_OFFLOAD_BUNDLE__openmp-powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu=[[INOBJ2]]" "--add-section=__CLANG_OFFLOAD_BUNDLE__openmp-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu=[[INOBJ3]]" "[[INOBJ1]]" "[[TEMPOBJ:.*]]"
+// CK-OBJ-CMD: llvm-objcopy{{(.exe)?}}" "--add-section=__CLANG_OFFLOAD_BUNDLE__host-[[HOST]]={{.*}}" "--add-section=__CLANG_OFFLOAD_BUNDLE__openmp-powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu=[[INOBJ2]]" "--add-section=__CLANG_OFFLOAD_BUNDLE__openmp-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu=[[INOBJ3]]" "[[INOBJ1]]" "[[TEMPOBJ:.*]]"
 // CK-OBJ-CMD: llvm-objcopy{{(.exe)?}}" "--set-section-flags=__CLANG_OFFLOAD_BUNDLE__host-[[HOST]]=readonly,exclude" "--set-section-flags=__CLANG_OFFLOAD_BUNDLE__openmp-powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu=readonly,exclude" "--set-section-flags=__CLANG_OFFLOAD_BUNDLE__openmp-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu=readonly,exclude" "[[TEMPOBJ]]" "[[OUTOBJ]]"
 // RUN: clang-offload-bundler -type=o -targets=host-%itanium_abi_triple,openmp-powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,openmp-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -inputs=%t.o,%t.tgt1,%t.tgt2 -outputs=%t.bundle3.o
 // RUN: clang-offload-bundler -type=o -targets=host-%itanium_abi_triple,openmp-powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,openmp-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -outputs=%t.res.o,%t.res.tgt1,%t.res.tgt2 -inputs=%t.bundle3.o -unbundle
-// RUN: diff %t.o %t.res.o
+// RUN: diff %t.bundle3.o %t.res.o
 // RUN: diff %t.tgt1 %t.res.tgt1
 // RUN: diff %t.tgt2 %t.res.tgt2
 // RUN: clang-offload-bundler -type=o -targets=openmp-powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu,host-%itanium_abi_triple,openmp-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -outputs=%t.res.tgt1,%t.res.o,%t.res.tgt2 -inputs=%t.bundle3.o -unbundle
-// RUN: diff %t.o %t.res.o
+// RUN: diff %t.bundle3.o %t.res.o
 // RUN: diff %t.tgt1 %t.res.tgt1
 // RUN: diff %t.tgt2 %t.res.tgt2
 // RUN: clang-offload-bundler -type=o -targets=openmp-powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -outputs=%t.res.tgt1 -inputs=%t.bundle3.o -unbundle
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